Strong Belgian Ale Fermentation Stopped!

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After a swirl last night it's still around the 22-23 mark. I have transferred into the secondary to get it off the trub.

I will probably just leave it for a week or two then chill for a week then keg to carbonate then bottle.

Pre-boil OG was about 66 and then the OG into the fermenter was about 60-61.

It tastes amazing. VERY full bodied and pretty high in alcohol. Can't wait for it to be bottle and carbonated! YUMM!

Boiling should increase the OG, not drop it down.

I really wouldn't be expecting it to get any lower and I wouldn't worry about efficiency being bad - there's not really any conversion going on when you soak 7 kg cara-pils. The only conversion in that bill will be from the 200g of munich - the rest is really just a long steep.
Ah crap. Sorry I meant 60-61 pre boil then 66 into the fermenter.

I added a tsp of amylaze powder to the fermenter. Would that affect what came out of the carapils?
Ok now I feel like a real idiot.
I was brewing two recipes that were pretty similar and I got both recipes VERY confused. I was basing this recipe on this one:

I changed out some of the hops and (this is where I think I screwed up) I added about 200gm table sugar into the fermenter - and haven't yet added the remaining 800gm.

I hope I haven't wasted everyone's time.

I will add the 800gm sugar into the secondary fermenter tonight and bump the temp up to 22C and see how she goes over the next few days.

Apologies :wacko:
No harm done. I was listening to one of those Jamil podcasts the other day about belgian strongs ... and halfway through they were kinda daring each other to make a 100% spec malt beer.

You might have beaten them to it.

I'd be really interested to hear what it's like.