Strange Sample.

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2 weeks ago I put on a ESB Czech Pilsner Kit, with 500gm of dextrose.

In the wort there were Hop pellets, Never seen this before in a kit, nonetheless in it went.
Brewed 10-15C for 2 weeks, Just took my first sample for hydrometer readings, Its come from about 55 to 10.

The issue it, the samples were exceptionally thick, and still there was a large amount of particulate hop leaves everywhere in the sample.

didnt look at all pleasant and I was planning on bottling tomorrow and storing for about 6-8 weeks.

Any advice on what I should do here ? still moderately new to all of this
I never strain my wort when adding to the fermenter so the hops always go in. During (mainly after) fermentation they settle to the bottom and some settles into the tap. I usually leave ales for 3 weeks before bottling so it gets extra time to settle and clear. Before bottling I run off a sample to clear the tap. After that very little hops come through the tap. I learnt to clear the tap after the first time when my bottler got clogged with hops.
If you have temp control, drop it right down to around 0 degrees.

When i dry hop i usually just chuck the hops straight into the fermenter- i sometimes have more than an inch of hop debris floating around. Drop the temp for a few days to a week and everything drops out and makes a nice compact layer at the bottom of fermenter.
If you have temp control, drop it right down to around 0 degrees.

When i dry hop i usually just chuck the hops straight into the fermenter- i sometimes have more than an inch of hop debris floating around. Drop the temp for a few days to a week and everything drops out and makes a nice compact layer at the bottom of fermenter.

+1 - crash chill like Stef says... works a treat and hides a multitude of sins :D