Strange Road Markings, Aliens Among Us?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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For some time now I notice that on major roads and highways every 500 metres or so there is a pattern of 'grooves' on the road surface - obviously cut in and then backfilled with liquid bitumen but you can easily make them out.


They look very similar to the 'pressure pads' as you come up to traffic lights but are nowhere near intersections or lights. On my way back from Bris this afternoon there they were, and I checked them on the odometer as 500m spot on. I've started to see them all over the place. Are they there to count traffic flow? If so where are they connected to and where? Do they mark the lids of pits full of spikes? Have they been put there by aliens to follow our migration patterns for when they use us as a food source?

I'm intrigued. Forget crop circles and the Nazca designs this has got my attention.

Are there any civil engineers on the forum who can advise?
Considering that the ones you are referring to at the traffic lights are not "pressure pads" but actually magnitic induction loops, then you are right that these are probably the same thing and could be part of some sort of traffic monitoring system. If they are at regular intervals then with some high school physics calculations it would not be hard for the boffins to work out if you are speeding or not! :ph34r:
Look like Ice Alerts.

Probably sold the Government a fleet of Gritters and Snow Blowers too. :lol: Well we will keep them could come in handy during the next ice age.

Usually Traffic Counters are temporary and consist of a white box at the side of the road and two rubber tubes about a foot apart accross the carriageway.

The traffic light road sensors up here are designed to turn the lights red when you get to within 50 metres of them. :(
they are a pain in the ass! they barely register motorbikes and you sit at lights for ages!

maybe its the brewing gods making mash pash markings all over the roads to get into peoples heads that they should be brewing. look hard and you can see a mash paddle of sorts
I'm banking that they may be testing strips to see if installing a fixed speed camera is a decent source of income.........

Either that or they are linked to the main hub of traffic control so they can see if there are any issues causing gridlock...
The engineers at work tell me they are induction loops and have a hundred and one uses except for getting bikes through lights.

Generally they are being used for traffic flow purposes and/or speed sensing. I drive on the F6 between Sydney and Wollongong regularly and when you hit the loops over the speed limit the next variable message board tells you to slow down. Most of the cameras hereabouts are using loops.



Did you actually get out of the car and draw an illustration then when you got home draw it up on the computer to show us?

easy solution, wear one of these, then they can't see you.


(note...thanks to Muckey for modelling. :lol: )
Back in the sixties, the biggest income source for our police was the amphometer. It consisted of two rubber tubes streched accross the road at a precice distance and connected to a timer. That device was replaced by radar, but fifteen or twenty years ago, the local cops dug one out of the basement and set it up. Because everyone had forgotten about them, they made their wages for a year. If these loops are precicely 1/2 Km apart, I would suggest they will be used for filling the coffers. If they were simply car counters, they wouldn't need two loops.

Did you actually get out of the car and draw an illustration then when you got home draw it up on the computer to show us?


I drew it in Paint but the image is burned into my brain the bastards :blink:

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Whether it's aliens, or our friendly politicians and their enforcement agencies, we're stuffed either way.

We'll find out eventually!
We'll either be eaten or enslaved by the aliens, or our friendly governments will once again do their best to empty our wallets in the name of keeping us safe.
they are a pain in the ass! they barely register motorbikes and you sit at lights for ages!

Get a strong magnet and glue it to the underside of your bike.
Mate of mine who rides rain hail or shine did this after seeing it on some show or website or something and now swears by it.
I think he said to use "rare earth magnets" apparently it generates enough magnetism to trick the loop into thinking there is a larger vehicle there?
Get a strong magnet and glue it to the underside of your bike.
Mate of mine who rides rain hail or shine did this after seeing it on some show or website or something and now swears by it.
I think he said to use "rare earth magnets" apparently it generates enough magnetism to trick the loop into thinking there is a larger vehicle there?

Get a strong magnet and glue it to the underside of your bike.
Mate of mine who rides rain hail or shine did this after seeing it on some show or website or something and now swears by it.
I think he said to use "rare earth magnets" apparently it generates enough magnetism to trick the loop into thinking there is a larger vehicle there?
i dont really like the idea of gluing anything to a $10k bike. but yeah i have had a similar thought before.
Being a strong magnet - why should it require glue?
*slaps forhead*. derrhhh on my behalf. of course it should stick to the bike bc its a magnet. not realling thinking straight today. see this mornings post about being hungover.

I blame komodo for suggesting it be glued....of course then again not all bikes have metal exposed (ie fairings). but mines mostly nakes so its all cool,
LOL I'll wear that. I have no idea - I'll ask him next time i see him. Have to be honest never thought about it LOL
*slaps forhead*. derrhhh on my behalf. of course it should stick to the bike bc its a magnet. not realling thinking straight today. see this mornings post about being hungover.

I blame komodo for suggesting it be glued....of course then again not all bikes have metal exposed (ie fairings). but mines mostly nakes so its all cool,

See my first thought was that if your bike has enough exposed steel to stick a magnet, you need to spend more on a lighter faster one.

I know there is no low slung steel on my bike and it is just a 17 yo jap pocket rocket. All aluminium and magnesium alloy.