Strange Beer - Mixed Brews

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Bentleigh Brau Haus
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Ferntree Gully - Melbourne
I had ran out of beer (sad i know) anyway with new ventmatics on the way what was a brewer to do - ohhh no

so i was cleaning up and found some bottles of beers i had stored away from recent brewes (eg 22Lt in a fermenter, and only 20Lt keg)

so i threw into a keg

2x2Lt APA
1x2Lt Ashers GT lager
2x2Lt ESB

it has turned out relly good haha

strong bitterness, balanced by the strong malt. bit of cascade but not over the top like in a APA

what a ripper :chug: :party: :super:
People mix wines so why not mix beer?

I was thinking of making a "Distorter" in the future. It's a cross between a stout and a porter. Should make for an interesting project!
Distorter sounds interesting Ryantor.....what goes in it???
ryanator said:
People mix wines so why not mix beer?
Mixing beers has a long history, and Gales make a beautiful winter ale by mixing a small amount of the strongest tasting batches of Prize Old Ale with a weaker beer.
Early this year I mixed 25L of IPA with 25L of Choc Porter, it turned out great. We decided to enter it in the AIBA and it picked up a silver! The guys that drink it reckon its not the same if you get it mixed at the tap so we always kept a keg of it on the line.
I regularly mix brews out of different taps into the same glass - A great way of experimenting without having to brew every time - just got inspired to make a LC Rogers clone, after mixing a couple of beers last night...
Wassa said:
Distorter sounds interesting Ryantor.....what goes in it???

Hey Wassa,

I havn't planned it too much, but I was thinking of maybe putting in a Coopers Stout kit, a Cascade Chocolate Mahogany Porter kit, some extra malt, and some extra hops. Make it up to 23 litres so it isn't too rich.

This is probably the worst idea in the world. I just like the name of it.

Stout + Porter = DISTORTER! :D

I might get around to it over the christmas holidays. If it tastes shocking I'll just give it to my brother. He drinks anything!

Ross said:
I regularly mix brews out of different taps into the same glass - A great way of experimenting without having to brew every time - just got inspired to make a LC Rogers clone, after mixing a couple of beers last night...
It can also be a good way of making something more exciting out of something drinkable but a bit boring. I've got some bottles of Coopers Pale Ale that need drinking up - a dash of Mammoth (6% ABV Strong Dark Mild based on Nethergate Old Growler) turns a Coopers Pale into something really interesting.
I've blended beers often, especially Brit bitters, ESB's and IPA's to vary bitterness and sweetness. It gives a surprisingly wide range of flavours.
I've also chucked together two bad brews - a too sweet wheat and a too roasty dark - and it produced a beer which was drinkable and way better than its components.
The whole was certainly greater than the sum of its parts.
Bilph said:
I've also chucked together two bad brews - a too sweet wheat and a too roasty dark - and it produced a beer which was drinkable and way better than its components.

I've done that in past when I have multiple beers that were over the top in one component or another. Fortunately I haven't had to do it in a while.

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