Steam Clean

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Would steam sanitize a carboy?

Thoroughly washing with PBW first, of course.

Just got one of those cheap steamer mops with detachable steamer. Heaps of steam.

Anyone here used this type of sanitizing?
I'm keen to see an answer for this- have one of those things sitting in the laundry. Never used it, but the thought did come to mind a while ago....
Yes, it would work, as long as you direct the steam long enough and evenly to each part of the surface. I would make sure that you get the steam outlet into the carboy so you really can reach each part.

Personally, i still would prefer a no rinse sanitiser for ease of use, rather than dicking around with the mop.

Different story if you have one of these baby bottle steam sterilisers, they work perfectly for all small parts like taps and whatever else. Also, some ferementers (the bunnings ones for example) fits perfectly upside down onto one of these, so you can steam sterilise it from the inside.

Thinking about it, you could also fit your steam mop outlet into the carboy and turn it upside down, might be a better solution.

Needless to say that everything needs to be spotless clean before you attempt any kind of sanitation.

I use steam to sterilize everything EXCEPT glass. When I tried it on glass, it appeared as though hot spots occurred and the glass fractured! Waste of a carboy. I also tried it with beer bottles, same result, champagne bottles.....explosive result!

Stick with starsan on glass.
Industry standard for steam sterilising to destroy all beer spoilage organisms is 1 minute @ 135C.

As the temp lowers, the time increases:
2.5mins @ 130C
6.5mins @ 125C
2.5 hours @ 110C
20 hours @ 100C

Check the specks on the equipment to see maximum steam temps.

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