State Of Origin Decider

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whos going to win

  • maroons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • blues

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
come on Queensland, do it for old man Lockey and Petro!!

It's the only time of year I feel like a Qeenlander living in mexico!!
Haven't watched a rugby league game since Wests played their last home game at Lidcombe. I was invited along by a then workmate who is an ex Wests 1st grader.
Saw a few AFL games live because I got free tickets, having worked for 23 years for the Swans' major sponsor.
I don't watch football now of any sort, and won't for the rest of my life.
Football is the most boring of activities I can think of to waste my time on.
afl players look like ballerinas? hows that karmicheal hunt doing now hes in a real mans sport? :ph34r:

well its kind of like the guy who use to cart packs of cement up a hill all day and now he has an office job.
I'll be using the sentence above with all the grammatical errors as an example of the intelligence of league fans. :ph34r:

Talk it up when the AFL state of origin is on(Vic v SA) they still do that??

A- League needs to do a Vic v NSW SOO; and not Tards v FC..FC will always kick arse whether they win or lose the game Tards will still be Tards :icon_offtopic:
+1. As was Falou. Flamesuit ON....and without trying to sound racist, IMHO were imported to increase the number of polynesians to play AFL.
It's not racist. It's exactly what they wanted. That and inroads into Western Sydney and Sydney in general.
Hunt was partially a marketing exercise, and given the number of stories in the media and the press the Suns are getting so far it has worked wonders.
Add to the fact that Hunt was an Australian schoolboy representative at the sport and that a number of pundits rate him above players imported from other codes at the same stage of their development and the whole thing looks like a clever move so far to me...
Jury is out on Falou but time will tell.
Afl player's are bunch of fairies,the play in stadium with a roof of there head..i will be watching beer as at work
I take offense to that comment... How very dare you..
Go Pies
Afl player's are bunch of fairies,
i like when someone throws a punch at them and they turn around looking for an umpire to tell on them.
no time for that in rugby, by the time you find the ump youll be swallowin teeth.

Can someone tell me which retard decided...." I Must throw the ball BACKWARDS, In order to go FORWARDS......" :p

i bet alot of afl supporters have trouble with that one. :lol:
The last AFL/NRL argument was won in the boxing ring :ph34r:

At the end of the day both sports have great skill and hard men!

I'd like to think that a true sports fan could watch either the state of origin or an afl grand final and admire the spectacle of both.

I hope to see lots of origin beers in the "What's in the Glass" thread tonight :)
Do I:,
1. continue cleaning the house, prior to wife getting home tomorrow - thus being in the good books, or
2. stop cleaning and pitch yeast in a beire de mars and filter/keg an ESB, or
3. say "Stuff it, I can do all that tomorrow" and have a few ales to warm up for the game.

(Guess which one is most likely)

PS: Can we have Roy and HG's game call back? Streets better than the broardcasters lame-arsed effort.
Can someone tell me which retard decided...." I Must throw the ball BACKWARDS, In order to go FORWARDS......"

I've heard every died-in-the-wool AFL make this "argument" (such as it is).

They're called rules. How can any sport function without them?

Kind of like me saying "which retard decided that punching a ball was a better option than throwing it?" or "which retard decided to give a point for missing the goals?".

Obviously these sort of rules are there to enable the skills indigenous to the sport to be displayed. Otherwise they'd just run around doing nothing in particular.

Well, except for the point for missing, that's just rewarding mediocrity.

Meh - different sport, different skill set.

Same would happen if an AFL player came to RL/RU (or baseball, or anything else, really that they hadn't played from their junior days).

You can't teach a 25 year old bloke a new sport. That's why the battles are for the Juniors. K is purely a marketing tool, nothing else.


Afl is going to be touch football very soon...may aswell start handing out the position bibs...Glorified netball...!
games about to start and the ahb community have maroons at 68.75%
and 68.75% at afl ballerinas .
im off to watch game. :icon_cheers:
I reckon that the game would be much more interesting if the field had landmines buried in it
lol to true stu and bulls with there nuts tied up so they really pissed off.