Stalled Ferment

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Rob C

Well-Known Member
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The last two brews ive done with Wyeast 1469 Both times the yeast has stopped after about 5 days. The first brew was DrSmurtos TTL Clone this stopped at around 1.020. I racked this and it slowly dropped down to 1.016 when i was after a FG of around 1.013.

The 2nd Brew ive got on now is a Robust Porter. This has done the same thing I started off with a OG of 1.060 4 - 5 days later this has now seemed to stop at 1.028 when im after a Fg of around 1.018.

I have only ever had this happed with WY1469. The last couple brews with 1056 have been fine.

The only thing i can think of is lack of aeration. I NoChill and have been tipping this into the fermenter and thats it. Seems to foam up nicely so i gathered this was ok.

Any other ideas?

Racking kicked mine off a few brews ago after stalling.

You could also lift the temperature slightly as most of the fermentation has completed.

Maybe try swirling your fermenter slighty too.
jeebus, 1469 and you cant attenuate fully????

Sonmething is well wrong. Aerate, pitch healthy yeast, and 1040-1050, if you can't finish in 3 days, theres something wrong......most likely temp is too low.....,its not us05, after all.....21C is "Perrfic" with a capital "Pop Larkin".

edit sp..
The last two brews ive done with Wyeast 1469 Both times the yeast has stopped after about 5 days. The first brew was DrSmurtos TTL Clone this stopped at around 1.020. I racked this and it slowly dropped down to 1.016 when i was after a FG of around 1.013.

The 2nd Brew ive got on now is a Robust Porter. This has done the same thing I started off with a OG of 1.060 4 - 5 days later this has now seemed to stop at 1.028 when im after a Fg of around 1.018.

I have only ever had this happed with WY1469. The last couple brews with 1056 have been fine.

The only thing i can think of is lack of aeration. I NoChill and have been tipping this into the fermenter and thats it. Seems to foam up nicely so i gathered this was ok.

Any other ideas?


Also made the TTL clone. Seven days and it seems to be stuck on 1.020. Have just finished racking to secondary so we will see if that kicks it off again. Used 1318. I am taking a sample into work and shall run it through the alcoholiser, my hydrometer may be playing funny buggers.

I Pitched a 800ml starter to the TTL Clone made from a slant. And a starter around 1200ml to the porter. They kicked off pretty good with a big krausen but seem to just die so im a bit stumped so thats why im thinking my aeration is lacking. Wont have a chance to rack until tuesday ill give the fermenter a bit of a swirl so will see what happens.

Oh and these have been fermenting at around 19 - 20C maybe ill up this to 22C for a few days.

Checked this again today. Its now at 1.026 so i still need a few more points. I Will rack this tonight. If that doesnt work is there any other options?

Hi Rob, I dont see a mash temp? or did i miss it. I have had similar issues, I dont think the airating thing is as inportant as the initial recipe, mash temp and temp control of ferment. If you DID mash high, there could be your prob.
From my notes my mash was between 66.5 and 67.5C I thought that might be why so i checked to see if my thermometer was out against another one and it was fine so i thought that was ruled out unless both are out.

Hi Rob,

I think you need to pitch more yeast. If you are only pitching an 800ml starter made up from a slant I dont think you will have a high enough yeast count. I usually step up my slants to a 2l starter for a standard 19 litre ale. I would also try and add a bit more oxygen to your wort than just splashing the wort into the fermenter.

kabooby :)
Checked this again today. Its now at 1.026 so i still need a few more points. I Will rack this tonight. If that doesnt work is there any other options?



Before you rack it, lift the temp up to the mid 20's for a few days. The extra warmth should get a stalled ferment moving.
At 67.5c you maybe mashed a little on the warm side as well, but would expect you to get a few more points out of it.

cheers Ross
Thanks Kabooby and Ross Ill try raise the temp to around 24C does that sound right? Im heading away thursday morning till monday for the long weekend here in WA, Shall i leave this till i get back then rack for a week or so?

1469 is a typical pom....bitches and moans when it's cold.....a bit like me, really. :lol:
agree with ross, lift the temp up to >20C to give it a kick in the wossnames.
Thanks Kabooby and Ross Ill try raise the temp to around 24C does that sound right? Im heading away thursday morning till monday for the long weekend here in WA, Shall i leave this till i get back then rack for a week or so?


perfect :)
Awesome thanks Ross will give that a go and see how it goes.

Rob C,

I have had a problem with the first batch with this yeast, attenuate poorly, then the second 1.005, third 1.008 and fourth batch 1.007 all Ieitherused the yeastcake or took out a cupful of the yeast

like Kabooby I put the first down poor attenuation to not enough yeast in the first batch

I dont think it is a high attenuating yeast anyway and may stuggle if you have a lot of crystal in there

1) mash @65C
2) add yeast nutrient
3) shake the cube before adding to the fermenter very well
4) like Kabooby said pitch a good starter 2-3 times the normal yeast packet
5) ensure the yeast is at a lower temperature to the wort, which should be @20C, pitching yeast and then cooling the fermenter can send it too sleep .
6) better ferment at a lower temp then bring it up to 20C after a few days .
7) could take ten days

If it is definately not going to get goiing, make a starter equivalent to three packs of Nottingham yeast, get it really firing 36 hours then add to the stalled wort , yeast needs to be really firing

pumpy :)
I have also found this yeast to drop out like the WLP002 English ale yeast. It may help to give it a rouse aswell as raising the temp so you get the yeast back into suspension.

Kabooby :)
If you want to preempt your final gravity, pour a small quantity (enough to fill you hydrometer tube) of the beer once it starts fermenting into a glass & let it ferment out at current summer temps. The beer will ferment like a rocket & you should have an answer in 2 to 3 days max of the final gravity acheivable.
I just did this with a big IPA i have chugging away & all looking good - within 2 points & still dropping.

cheers ross
If you want to preempt your final gravity, pour a small quantity (enough to fill you hydrometer tube) of the beer once it starts fermenting into a glass & let it ferment out at current summer temps. The beer will ferment like a rocket & you should have an answer in 2 to 3 days max of the final gravity acheivable.
I just did this with a big IPA i have chugging away & all looking good - within 2 points & still dropping.

cheers ross
Great tip. I also have an IPA chugging away, will go and draw a sample now (still 1.044 after 3 days :( ) and leave it sit.
Thanks guys will take on board all the info provided. Next time i will make a bigger starter and aerate more and see how it goes.

hi guys. i put down a batch last night, probably should have waited till the morning but was in that frame of mind.....

anyway, i put down a 'strawberry blonde' (coopers canadian with some honey). pitched at ~24-25C then turned the fridge on to get it down to 18ish.

i had a rest.... and then woke up this morning (oops) and find the fridge still on and the temp of the wort down to ~14/15C. i read on the coopers site their yeast i think will go down to 16 (i used two ale yeasts same as that come under the cap).

any suggestions on if i should do anything other than let it come up to temp again? it's not the type of ferm. you can see what's going on inside.... i'm worried if it's stalled that it might not start up again but a bit pointless checking gravity this early in the piece.

i really should make these things in the mornings......

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