Spray Dried Hopped Malt

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Has anyone used spray dried hopped malt ? I got some from the LHBS . It's not a bag of malt with a separate pack of hops , you cant see the hops at all. It's apparently imported from Muntons & @ $7.95 for 500g it's expensive.

Anyway I bought one & added it to a coopers heritage lager with 500g of light liq malt, 100g corn syrup & 10g hallertau hops.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who's used it. Is it worth the money ? what difference does it make ? etc
completely uninformed opinion here, but I'd be guessing not worth the money. I'd assume that any hops in spray dried malt would lose all their flavour and aroma (but as i said before, ive no experience with the stuff). I reckon you'd be better off tracking down some isohop extract and cheap malt extract if it's just extra bitterness you're after
Providing you dont boil it you should get the most out of it.
As for the worth of it. If the beer tastes good and you are happy....
When I started, I bought those enhancers from brew shop from Craft brewer or something like that.
It improves the body and head of the kit. There are better ways though.
Check the grain and grapes web site .
You can slowly build up your recipes from there.
Have fun as my local HBS guys says.
I've generally found that in homebrewing you get what you pay for. In this case you're paying a little extra because it's imported from England, but be assured Munton's products are of th ebest quality. Whatever the marketing spiel or hte HBS guy says, you're not really going to get a lot of hop character from this product. I think the real, and quite logical reason for the hop addition is that dried malt by itself as a substitute for dextrose adds body and sweetness to a brew, changing the character of the kit in often quite noticeable ways. So the addition of hops balances this sweetness out. Oh, and Munton's dried malt is the best in the world too.
IMO/my understanding of the 'hop sprayed malt' was exactly as it sounds. it malt sprayed with hops (or hop essence?). The idea being that you either dont need to use hops or that if a particluar receipe called for small amounts of certain hops then it could be prepared by the way of spraying the malt with that particular hops. Obviously if you are ading hops to your recipes then its probably a bit redundant.

and yes muntons is generaly regarded as one of the best. So its probably a decent product depending on what your brewing.

EG A czech Pils - may call for a cann of goo and hop srayed malt and thats its. the idea being that it should produce a very light clean pils with a hint of hops. (and no this is not the place to enter into any arguments over wheather you can truely brew a pils with K&K!!)

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