I love the wobbly thing

Its just fun. Saves the hassle of dismounting and mounitng again if you read the light soon enough. IF you drive an automatic car and complain about cyclists doing the wobbly thing, you effin hypocrite... I hate all you automatic drivers that think its their right to drive start stop through my commute, go get stuffed.
But then again, I ride a fixie. I ride up to the light and skid to a stop on the LINE. fyi, can't do the wobbly thing if skid stopped (locked rear wheel with pedal power), almost neccesiates a dismount cause of change in momentum.
The lycra brigade is annoying tho.... they always ride clipless shoes and hate getting out of them. Ol fashioned clip riders don't mind properly dismounting so much, but its so damn hard to find decent shoes that can be ridden with SS clips and have a stiff enough sole to give the power transmission equivalent of clipless pedal/shoe combos....
I think what car drivers actually hate is seeing the same cyclist draw up at every signal in dense city traffic when they are stuck in the traffic, and most likely, the cyclist gets out of the traffic quicker. Yes, I love breathing your stinkin exhaust at every signal too, maybe you could let someone else draw up at the head of the column so I can have some variety
One thing I notice with lycra clad crowd is the lack of signalling... wtf they thing they are!!!! I swear I've nearly run a few down on my pushie because they didn't signal they were gonna turn. I've never worn lycra (well, I lie.. my wetsuit is lycra

), but I'm told its comfortable... sometimes I consider it.... But then...
PS: I suppose can't get booked for riding drunk either if you do it across everybody's front lawns