Six Beers In Ten Seconds

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He could have been the anchor man in our faculties boat race team.
One hell of an open throat expert there.

Boat there's a term I haven't heard in a while... I'm obviously moving in the wrong circles!

I used to sit comfortably in the four 'seat'. Always more of a gulper than an open gullet!
How satisfying would the burp be after that monumental effort?
Boat there's a term I haven't heard in a while... I'm obviously moving in the wrong circles!

I used to sit comfortably in the four 'seat'. Always more of a gulper than an open gullet!

I was hoping someone would actually know. Thought it might have been a kiwi thing as I haven't heard of it here in Oz although I'm well out of the tertiary education environment.
Being in the Engineering Faculty it was the big event at the Engineering BBQ's. Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic engineers going toe to toe. I was number three. We had a great starter/finisher and an awesome anchor man. We always nailed it on the return leg.


BTW I was in the Electronic Engineers.
Boat races are a huge part of the Uni culture Doc... Newcastle Uni has a yearly 'Autonomy Day' for example that is almost completely based around the boat race which traditionally (being more 'staff' than 'student' these days I'm not 100% certain it is still the case) finishes with a schooner of Port :eek: Watching a drunk engineer down 425mls of Port after 4 schooners of black in record time is a sight to behold. Last one to chunder wins :beerbang: We are of course much more refined in the History department :rolleyes: :lol:

Holy crap! A schooner of port!!!

Our races used to be a single lap of eight drinkers. Pretty soft compared to most. I was in the Agricultural Science Faculty(!), so there was no shortage of boots and beers...

I observed more boat races than I competed in, as I worked for more than 5 years at a pub that was about 50 metres from Melbourne Uni campus....messy is the key word!
Never had boat races when I was at Uni. Not to worry, I usually drank for free most nights by having one on one sculling races where the stake was the next round. My record for a schooner of black was 1.29 secs. The best was betting people who drank mixers and watching the awe on their face when I slammed the glass down empty before theirs had even reached their lips :D

I never treat homebrew with such disrespect, tho.
Boat races are a huge part of the Uni culture Doc... Newcastle Uni has a yearly 'Autonomy Day' for example that is almost completely based around the boat race which traditionally (being more 'staff' than 'student' these days I'm not 100% certain it is still the case) finishes with a schooner of Port :eek: Watching a drunk engineer down 425mls of Port after 4 schooners of black in record time is a sight to behold. Last one to chunder wins :beerbang: We are of course much more refined in the History department


Single Malt Scotch instead of Port ? :p
I have vague memories of the finals having depth chargers in the beers for the boat race. Don't recall the spirit. After three rounds to make the final it all gets vague and messy :beerbang:

Mate, being able to afford a schooner of single malt is impressive, let alone sculling it :lol: I dips me lid :beerbang:

Mate, being able to afford a schooner of single malt is impressive, let alone sculling it :lol: I dips me lid :beerbang:

I was suggesting that is what the History dept did instead of Port. What else do you keep in those filing cabinets ? :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Bit slow on the uptake tonight Doc - ya got me! :lol: If only we had single malt in the filing cabinets... Those were the days <_<

When I was a lad.....

Ballarat Uni (BCAE back then) had the platinum barrels. 11 guys (or gals) 11 gallons (50lt), there were time penalties for spewing so the "team spew" was popular to minimise overall penalties. Memories of standing in the crowd watching the spew filled bread bags fly in the air are still vivid, never was good enough at skulling to participate.

The record stood at around 30 minutes back then.

Cheers, Andrew.
Ahh good times. About a year ago some mates came down and the 4 of us polished off the good part of 24L of beer in 4 hours.

I might actually have a pic of the left over cups we saved. leme look.....

Yes I do:

Final count was about 25L

27 scooners
44 midi's

Not bad for four guys in 4 hours
Wow. Impressive. The drinking as well, but more so the beer art work. :D
When I was in the ARMY (Nasho) back in the early '70s, we did boat races, and another drinking game called "Kings".
Pack of cards was dealt out, first to get a king decided what the drink would be, second what proportion it would be(size of glass & ratio), third had a sip, and last king would have to skull.
Ever tried to skull a pint of beer & milk, curdly little suckers they are.
I haven't been in a sculling race since my sister's best friend who was at Uni at the time beat me 3 times in a row at my 21st birthday party :( Very demoralising for an apprentice greenkeeper....

She did make it up to me later in the night though :rolleyes: :ph34r:
Uni Students, the leaders of tomorrow up to this stuff!

Then where did the saying "God gave us strong drink so the Irish wouldn't control the world" come from?
Airforce do it as well, but mainly against the Kiwi's, but there was other times as well. Also my fellow armourers had a wall challenge in Butterworth Malaysia. There was a knee high wall out side the boatie (Defence recreation club which looks over the water to Penang) and some of my fellow armours deemed they could fill the wall with side by side cans in a day. They did it and each had to drink 27 beers. I wasn't a beer drinker then so I didn't help.