Siphoning - How Do You Do It What Do You Use

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I've decided to change my fermenter set up to no tap. but have no idea how to siphon willout sticking my mouth over the end of the tube and sucking - obviously this is not the way to go for beer transfer

what gadgets do i use or need and whats the best way to use them


I use a 2.5m length 9mm OD clear beverage tubing. I'm a 'sucker' (insert infantile snigger here :lol: ). I just get a bit of 12mm OD tubing and cut it to about 50-70mm long and force it lightly over the end of the 9mm tubing.

Suck to start the siphon, when you get flow, pinch the end of the (9mm) tube shut and pull the 12mm tube off the end and then let the flow go to your collection vessel. :beerbang:

Very easy once you get the hang of it.

Warren -
The best way is to use a length of hose filled with water. You place your thumb (or a clamp of some sort) over the end you want to drain from (ie. the outlet) and lower the other end into your fermenter. Now place the outlet lower than the fermenter (well it actually only has to be lower then the surface of the beer) and remove your thumb or clamp. The liquid will flow.

There are probably a few ways to do this more sanitarily, including filling the sterilized hose with boiled water and using a clamp instead of your thumb (or you can kink the hose back on itself). The trick is to no let the water in the hose flow back into your fermenter, which just takes control of your thumb or clamp. Make sure you drain the initial water into another container to dispose of before transferring into your vessel.

Another method is to sterilise your hose well, then lower nearly the full length of hose into your full fermenter-letting the hose fill with beer (the problem here is it might disturb your sediment). You don't have to dunk the whole length of the hose, keep 6 inches of so for you to hang on to. Now block the end your hanging onto with your thumb or a clamp and pull the hose out over the side of the fermenter (don't pull it all the way out so the other end pulls out). The hose should now be full of beer, release you thumb or clamp and the liquid should flow.

I suggest practicing with a couple of buckets of water to perfect your technique before trying it with beer.

By the way, what's wrong with using the tap on your fermenter. Most brewers out there do it this way with no problems whatsoever. It is much easier and probably more sterile in the long run anyway.

You can also get special siphoning hoses that have a marble or ball in the end that you jiggle. You can buy them from auto stores. Sterilise it and away you go.

Cheers, Justin

Or do it Warrens way, which sounds very good too.

Many ways to skin a cat.

i hate cats :ph34r:
My cat is skinned using this item.


Cost about $15. Makes life that bit easier IMO. I find I get less trub this way than using the tap. :D
Well, we don't all have to be suckers like Warren now, do we? :p

An alternative to sucking (badly or hot, sloppy or not) is to immerse your siphon in water first, filling it up, closing it up so the water stays inside and then put it in your fermenter and start siphoning. The water already in the siphon will then take care of the lift.

The way I do it (when I do siphon, which is rare) is that I drop the siphon into a bowl of just boiled (still hot) water, close it (with BBQ tongs - hurts otherwise :p ) then put one end into the vessel you're emptying, take the other end out of the bowl with hot water and into the receiving vessel. Open up and it'll run nicely.

Personally I'm very fond of the tap though. Makes it even easier, I reckon.



[Edit: Sometimes I apparently write much, much too slowly.

Drinking and posting at the same time does that to me! :chug: ]
The best way is to use a length of hose filled with water. You place your thumb (or a clamp of some sort) over the end you want to drain from (ie. the outlet) and lower the other end into your fermenter. Now place the outlet lower than the fermenter (well it actually only has to be lower then the surface of the beer) and remove your thumb or clamp. The liquid will flow.

Yep, I do it that way too.

I use a Firestone keg dip tube for a racking cane and slide the hose over the a treat...even better when I get around the bending it :super:

To all sucker syphoners.
It seem all well. Being a "foodie" and working in quality don't forget to wash your and and arms with soap rinse and dry sanitary. This is more important while making beer then cooking in the kitchen. Keep any saliva in your mouth sucking. And swallow the wort rather then try to spit it out in sink our else were. any minutest amount may change the characteristic in your beer.
Just a point of view.
My above-mentioned sucking ritual has served me problem free since 2000 and about 80+ batches or so. No infections to speak of (touch wood). FWIW I'm a swallower. :ph34r:

Warren -
My above-mentioned sucking ritual has served me problem free since 2000 and about 80+ batches or so. No infections to speak of (touch wood). FWIW I'm a swallower. :ph34r:

Warren -
Warren, I knew you were! (That'll teach you to omit the infantile snigger of your own).

I have had success by placing a clean cloth over the tube and starting the suction. The beer/wort does not actually make it to the end of the tube, which I hold up to the height of the top of the vessel, but almost fills the "U" section between vessel and tube end.
Then just pinch or just lower the tube into the racking vessel/ fermentor.

No saliva and no grubby hands on any of the tube that will touch the beer.

Sethule technique :p

I never swallow on the first siphon. :lol:

BTW Another good idea is to just shove a sanitized airlock in the tubing. Use the airlock as your sucking device. (running out of sniggers here :blink: ). Then pull out (giggle, giggle) before putting it in your receiving vessel. ;)

Seth, you must have went to a good catholic school? :p

Warren -

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