Show Me You Counter Pressure Bottle Fillers

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Zwickel the "Golden Fingers Homebrew Inventor".
I think someone needs to do a saftey inspection on this unit. PLease package it up carefully and send it to AndyD, C/O....

Seriously - that's amazing... there's got to be a poduct in that! Love your work Zwickel

thank you very much mates for the compliments, but Ive forgotten something.....

I have to work again on it.
I t would be great to have a second chamber next of it with a second pneumatic cylinder to cap the bottles.

Im gonna do tests to find out how much pressure is needed to cap a bottle and then build a second chamber just for capping the bottles. B)

okey-dokey, Im in the cellar for a while.... :icon_cheers:
The machine will not satisfy you until you have fitted a three way indexing head so that you (Or your designated slave) only have to attend the bottle load/unload station, so back into the workshop!
Great work as usual Zwickel,

I t would be great to have a second chamber next of it with a second pneumatic cylinder to cap the bottles.

I can't remember how many psi i was running on my pneumatic capper i think around 60psi .
I'll do some measuring for you.

I can't remember how many psi i was running on my pneumatic capper i think around 60psi .
I'll do some measuring for you.
View attachment 19169


I knew it.......someone has been faster.... ;)

classic Jonathon, great idea, seriously Ill work on a similar construction.

@Tony M, Im thinking of a bigger chamber where two pneumatic cylinders are placed next eachother, so one only need to slide the bottle from filler to capper, whereas the capper gets operated by a foot switch.

I see, I have to give away that brandnew baby and build a new one..... :beer:

just finished and already obsolete :blink:
Screwy, Im using an air pressure regulator. My intension is, if I fill the bottles under the CO2 pressure of around 100KPa, so Id need only about 120 to 150 KPa air pressure to hold the head down closely.

Thats almost the same as to fill the bottles manually, you have to use only a little bit more pressure to hold the head down, than there is pressure is inside the bottle.

I have tested the bottles already until a pressure of 500KPa, have no worries about it.


I have a commercial CP filler I bought ex the States. I am going to start using it soon, as my kegs are getting full.

What temp do you fill your bottles at? Do you chill the beer, and also chill the bottles before filling? I am concerned that if I have beer at 5degC, and the bottles are at room temp (say 20degC), that I will get foaming and loss of CO2 from the beer. Am I being paranoid?

I have a commercial CP filler I bought ex the States. I am going to start using it soon, as my kegs are getting full.

What temp do you fill your bottles at? Do you chill the beer, and also chill the bottles before filling? I am concerned that if I have beer at 5degC, and the bottles are at room temp (say 20degC), that I will get foaming and loss of CO2 from the beer. Am I being paranoid?

Hi Barry,
Im storing my beers at around zero and when Im going to fill bottles, doing it straigt from the converted freezer, means around zero degree.
No, I do not cool the bottles prior to filling, therefor Im rising a little bit the CO2 pressure to compensate gas release.

In another words, the beer is stored at zero and under a CO2 pressure of around 0.6 to 0.8bar equal to 60 to 80KPa.

Whilst using the bottlefiller, I set the CO2 pressure to a value 20KPa higher than the beer is stored at, that avoids gassing in the tubes and compensates a slight temp rise in the bottles.

So far this has worked very well in the past.

Cheers :icon_cheers:
thank you very much mates for the compliments, but Ive forgotten something.....

I have to work again on it.
I t would be great to have a second chamber next of it with a second pneumatic cylinder to cap the bottles.

No problem Zwickel...

We'll forgive you, but only if you send me the original unit :)

I see, I have to give away that brandnew baby and build a new one..... :beer:
just finished and already obsolete :blink:

Hey Zwikel , nice work. Do you want to sell the prototype?


sorry mates, I cant give it away, thats a bad capper integrated...Id lose my reputation ;)

seriously, Im thinking of a new design, just a combined filler and capper. Two pneumatic cylinders side by side in one common case, fill and close...fill and close...fill and close...I almost can hear the pneumatic pounding will follow me into my dreams... :lol:
Zwickel you are a dead set genius, with this and your computerised brew setup. I think you have missed your true calling in life you should be an industrial process engineer!

Lets all raise a glass in Honour of Zwickel our resident genius :beer:
Next thing Zwickel will have a brewery that cracks the grain, mashes in, drains, boils, does additions, chills, ferments, more additions, cleans bottles / kegs, primes, fills bottles and kegs, matures, places in fridge / on tap and finally just by thinking about it pours a beer with a perfect head. .... and just for good measure feeds the kids and pets aswell.

mmm dreams much for "home brew"
no, no, I wouldnt like to have a completely automated brewery, otherwise I had to release my "Brauhelfer" (brewing assistant), I wouldnt like.

I prefer to sit down and watch all the manual work gets done:


look at the nice shoes she is wearing ;)
Zwickel, I'm concerned about the lack of proper safety attire there.....those don't look like steel toed shoes. :p
no, no, I wouldnt like to have a completely automated brewery, otherwise I had to release my "Brauhelfer" (brewing assistant), I wouldnt like.

I prefer to sit down and watch all the manual work gets done:


look at the nice shoes she is wearing ;)
