Should I Toast Flaked Oats?

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I am planning to brew an oatmeal stout and have seen recipes using flaked oats they have toasted in the oven.

What would be the effect on beer aroma/flavour/mouth feel etc. from using toasted flaked oats. And are there any benefits?
i'd suggest a toasty flavour
maybe like a dark oat flavour

if you want a toasted, darker colour and dry oaty flavour, give it a go. it sounds bloody nice for a dark beer.
My memory lapses at the moment, but I heard somewhere something about using Quick Oats, ordinary oats haven't been converted in the correct way and you'd need to do a seperate mash or something like that. Do a search on the site.
Mind you I think I read it in a book or heard it on a brewing network podcast :unsure:
Quick oats, toasted gave an american brown ale a real lactose profile, so I'd go with ordinary rolled oats
An ingredient in Fuller's Red Fox...

Here's the brief description. Couldn't find anything... umm "Fuller" :lol:

Fuller's Red Fox is a ruby coloured seasonal ale introduced in 1999, and flavoured with toasted oats. It is available as a seasonal cask conditioned ale.

Warren -
yeah sure, why not? I just toasted a bunch of oats and put them into an irish red, mosher mentions it in radical brewing, toast thme til they smell like cookies... tasted what i put down and i could detect a hint of nice little roastiness int here that owuldt have been there otherwise.

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