Should I Get A Mill?

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I've heard of people using blenders and food processors (and the resultant anger from swmbo when it scratches everything to buggery :lol: ) or coffee grinders. No idea about the quality of the crush, but worth a try for partials I suppose.

I have to second what Ross says. I have a modified Marga and I'm very happy with it. It's made to mill flour, so just cracking the malt is a piece of cake for it. Sure, there are tradeoffs... but for the price, it's hard to complain.
I'll echo the thoughts of others such as Thirsty, Hutch... make a few other purchases before the mill.

You're in Melbourne so get on the phone to G+G and start up a grain book for your first AGs! Pretty good value, and you can brew any recipe without having to purchase and store all those different specialty grains. All you have to do is plan at least 1 day ahead (or longer if being delivered by post). I have now done about 30 AGs this way and there's still a few other purchases I intend to make before the grain mill.

I'd definitely be getting a decent pot and burner first thing (as well as a decent thermometer for mashing). I still use my one 60L pot as both kettle and HLT. After a couple of AG brews I purchased a few extra fittings to improve brewday (improve mashtun + put tap into pot). My next major purchase was a cheap fridge off ebay ($50) and a fridgemate temp controller ($40) for fermentation control - wow, this makes a big difference.

I don't have a refractometer. I don't have a separate HLT. I don't have kegs. I will probably purchase these 3 things before a grain mill...

cheers, Andrei
I've heard of people using blenders and food processors (and the resultant anger from swmbo when it scratches everything to buggery :lol: ) or coffee grinders. No idea about the quality of the crush, but worth a try for partials I suppose.

I melted our expensive stab mixer when I got bored waiting for my first batch of hot process soap to reach trace. It's no good for cooking now, but just fine for soap making and other stuff.

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