Should I Discard The 1st Bit Of The 1st Pour Of The Day?

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so my 2 keg keg king style keg fridge is up and running happily

must say beer on tap is great :beerbang:

but.... i noticed on my 1st pour last night that the beer on the 1st few sips had a slightly 'stale beer' smell.
it tasted fine and the smell went away after. but it took some enjoyment out of the beer :(
2nd pour seems fine

as the fonts' not chilled and it's getting hotter in BNE should i discard the 1st 100ml?
i give the tap a squirt of starsan after the last beer of the day but need to go get a syringe to really squirt it clean.
tap was fully dismantled and cleaned 2 weeks ago and this is the 1st keg.

dry hopping my Dr Smurto's golden ale today and i can understand why people have heaps of kegs... :icon_drunk:
I throw out the first bit. It's mostly foam anyway, and makes the whole beer taste like crap.

However I won't do it again even if my second beer from that tap is an hour later. The warm doesn't bother me at all, just the beer that sits in the tap for a day or more cause it goes stale.
If you have perlick taps I don't find the need. The beer sits behind the stopper and the lines are cold enough and hold a tiny portion of a glass anyway and under pressure.
Even with Perlicks I find it necessary, but as Mark, do it only once a day.
All i ever do is burp the foam (50ml~) then pour away. Beer never stagnates long enough in my lines to worry about. ;)
I find with normal taps I have to toss the stale first 50ml or so, it's been exposed to air the whole time. But with perlicks I don't

With the perlicks I just pour the first 50ml, wait a few seconds for the tap to chill, then pour the rest. This works better if you're pouring multiple glasses, fill the first a bit, then the rest, then top up the first. Now you have an even pour and no waste :)
I don't have perlicks, I have some second hand pub ones but the seal is right at the end of the tap. I find a slight metallic twang if i drink beer that's been sitting in the tap for a few days.
I dump the first 100, some people pour the first 100 into a different glass and drink that.

If I'm drinking out of pints and I know when the last pour was (i.e 12-18 hours ago) then I won't toss as it's still ok and there's enough "fresh" stuff so I can't tell the diff.
I dump the first 100, some people pour the first 100 into a different glass and drink that.

If I'm drinking out of pints and I know when the last pour was (i.e 12-18 hours ago) then I won't toss as it's still ok and there's enough "fresh" stuff so I can't tell the diff.

Yeah me too, and on my system a midi will have just the right head if poured right after throwing out the first bit.

However a pint is harder to get the right head on, I mean I can touch my taps forward to squirt the beer out quicker and I get great head, but I can also just not tip out the hot stuff first and I get the perfect pint. So if I know the beer hasn't been in there too long that's what I'll do.
I have a keg of starsan under the taps.

I normally don't drink (beer) during the week so once I've poured my last beer of the weekend i flush all the lines with starsan to stop the taps getting sticky.

My bar is outside and there is ~1m of line from the fridge to the taps so i find that the beer does warm up during summer reasonably quickly. Thankfully i love warm beer so that doesn't bother me.
Never thrown any, however i got extra long shanks so that they are 8-10cm exposed on the inside of the fridge, this keeps them at a relatively low temperature and the taps normally always have some condensation.
I do, but I think my pluto gun is still carrying an infection from my last brew before a 6 month Hiatus.

Anyone know the best way to clean a pluto gun?
I do, but I think my pluto gun is still carrying an infection from my last brew before a 6 month Hiatus.

Anyone know the best way to clean a pluto gun?

Can you pull them apart and soak in PBW?

If not run PBW through it as if it was beer.

PBW is much better than napisan at cleaning taps I find.
just had one :icon_drunk:

dumped the 1st 100ml or so

tasted spot on, SWMBO had one as well and said tastes like LCPA its LFPA by Argon :beer:

dry hopped my dr smurtos Golden ale today and tasted the hydro sample CITRUS type BLAST !! :icon_drool2:
I hate waste, I drink it all. This thread has got me thinking now, so will try dumping the first 100.
