Shipping Hops Into Canada Then Flying To Oz

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I might live to regret asking this but does anyone know what the rules, taxes and duties are on shipping hops from the US to Canada and then flying back to OZ. I know i can bring hop pellets into Oz i have done that before no worries. Its more around getting the hops to Canada from the US and then taking them out of Canada. The reason i ask is am going to Montreal on work and would love to bring a few kilos back to Oz of the new seasons crop. Also i want to be sure it is all legit as i will have stop overs in the US on the way back and with the recent plane issues i dont want any unrequested cavity searches.

I have emailed the supplier and asked the same question (they havent responded yet) but want to get other advice. Also i have spent about an hour on google looking but have not found anything other than hearsay. It will depend on my bag limit as to how much i bring back but would consider bringing extra back if there is room. Would prefer to do this for Melbounrne brewers as it would give me the chance to meet some.
Couple of options, ring customs and ask, they're in the phone book the other is just get them shipped straight back from the states to Melbourne so you don't have to worry carting them around with you in Canadia
Couple of options, ring customs and ask, they're in the phone book the other is just get them shipped straight back from the states to Melbourne so you don't have to worry carting them around with you in Canadia

I could ring Canadain customs. I dont want to ship direct to OZ as it is relatively expensive.
I'm Canadian. No issues. Ask the hotel where you'll be staying in Montreal if it's possible to have an item shipped directly to them in advance of your arrival (explain the situation). If they don't like the idea, repeat with a work contact in Montreal. Canadian customs may open one or two bags but that's all they'll do.

As far as getting the hops out of Canada, US customs are rather prickish regarding items coming into the US (even if they originally came from the states) and will be even more so now that a moron tried to down a plane xmas day. Checked baggage is your best option. I'd recommend arranging for them to be shipped direct to where you'll be staying/passing through while you're in the US. Again, if this is an issue with the hotel, throw a message up on some US forums (even the BJCP forums) explaining that you need someone in a particular city to serve as a dropoff point for your hop shipment. I'm sure that a homebrewer down there will step up for you.

I'd recommend the US dropoff option personally.
Newguy has right idea if u want to brung them back with u. But seriously just import them straight from US to aus. The freight isn't too bad and u get them 'the supplier' to deal with customs etc. Cause ur going to have to leave hops with customs for a few days when u come back to aus so ull then pay for postage again unless ur going to puck it up from customs
A friend had one of his relatives bring over 2kilos from NZ for me a few months back and just took them in his check in luggage. I didnt ask if he declared them or not. They printed out the customs rules showing you can bring in pelleted hops to Australia. So i am not worried about the OZ side of things. Its the US side and getting them to my office in Canada.

I know the shipping isnt a great amount, roughly $80US for 10pounds but if i am allowed to bring them back then i would rather keep cash myself. My baggage allowance is quite high so could bring some back for others, i am happy too do this as members on this site have helped my brewing experience greatly. The prices to me seem really good, the hops are from

I do take your point about just shipping them directly and if i cant get an answer that says it will be hassle free or close too i will just give it a miss. I already have a very healthy supply i just enjoy getting cheap hops.

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