Shiny Brewing Hands...

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It's been a busy brew week; what with bottling two batches, cleaning/sanitizing all my gear and getting the next two brews on over the last couple of days.

So basically I've been up to my elbows in napisan and a new phosphoric acid sanitizer for a few days and I've noticed something interesting. My hands look look like they're had a good wax and polish.

Bright and shiny as though I've been oiling them but without the greasy or slick feel. Funny, huh? :huh:

Anyone else experienced this before?
Yep, I get that too. Well aware I'm supposed to wear gloves, but I'm lazy and it hasn't killed me yet. I think it basically just leaches all oils from your skin and leaves your hands really dry. May be chemically burning the skin a little too.
You've just rediscovered how to give old biddies a face

Seriously, safety first in all you do with brewing.
zappa said:
Yep, I get that too. Well aware I'm supposed to wear gloves, but I'm lazy and it hasn't killed me yet. I think it basically just leaches all oils from your skin and leaves your hands really dry. May be chemically burning the skin a little too.
Caustic will eat away (hydrolyse, iirc) the actual proteins in the skin. Dermatitis and chemical burns may result.
Les the Weizguy said:
Caustic will eat away (hydrolyse, iirc) the actual proteins in the skin. Dermatitis and chemical burns may result.
Yep, I've recently had issues with the skin on my knuckles drying out and splitting, stings like a bastard, like a paper cut, except there are 20+ of them, only thing I can put it down to is brew house cleaning/sanitising chemicals.

Pretty dumb on my behalf, I've got official looking certificates that need to be renewed every couple of years that say I'm qualified to identify and handle dangerous goods hanging above my desk at work, I really should know better.
Cheers guys,

I work full-time in a lab and am very conscientious about my safety there , you'd think I'd know better. Time to 'acquire' a few pairs on latex gloves from work for brewing me-thinks...

- Meno
just buy a box of a hundred or so from any supermarket... cheap cheap

edit: You are a scientist... and i'm telling you where to buy a box of cheap latex gloves just after you asked a question about cleaning chemicals and their reaction with skin?
I get enough strange looks now from the neighbours when brewing "what's that smell?" .... you want me to be safety conscious .....rubber gloves, white sperm suit and maybe a respirator. Honestly officer it's not what you think!! :ph34r:
I know what you mean TVI. I often have cops setting up speed traps outside my house and I keep my brew gear under the house.

It would not be unheard of for them to see me wandering up the back stairs with an couple of erlenmeye flasks tucked under my arm. Lets add some latex gloves to that picture for them now and see what happens... :p
menoetes said:
I know what you mean TVI. I often have cops setting up speed traps outside my house and I keep my brew gear under the house.

It would not be unheard of for them to see me wandering up the back stairs with an couple of erlenmeye flasks tucked under my arm. Lets add some latex gloves to that picture for them now and see what happens... :p
I've had similar thoughts, except in my neighbourhood, it is the locals seeing this that is much more concerning than the cops!
menoetes said:
I know what you mean TVI. I often have cops setting up speed traps outside my house and I keep my brew gear under the house.

It would not be unheard of for them to see me wandering up the back stairs with an couple of erlenmeye flasks tucked under my arm. Lets add some latex gloves to that picture for them now and see what happens... :p
Haha, I know that feeling, the couple across the road from my place are police officers, I'm surprised nothing has been said about the weird hours I'm awake (damn Euro football not being played at normal times) and all the kinda suspicious looking brewing activity.