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Ringwood, Melbourne
I have today, gone and bought myself (and the fair SWMBO) a house.. well and good.. house be damned!!

I bought a feerkin shed!! :super:

attatched to the shed... is a 3 bedroom, bungalo, 2 bathroom, underhouse area with limited headroom.. it's as ugly as a kicked in shit tin right now.. but the SHED!!

pictured below house.. and the all new (60 days)

Slaughterhouse Brewery Home...

instantly thinking hop plantations... ectetera.. :lol:

will probably need kegs soon :rolleyes:

Onya iamozziyob! Hops it is! Congrats on your new shed, brewery and the house for Mrs iamozziyob!

Keen to see how the brewery develops! :D


SWMBO will take care of the house,

Now, in the shed and start building that brewery
Fantastic stuff champ!!! Get settled then get into it!
Nothing better than a mancave to brew in fella. Congrats!
Sheds should be added to the current list of exempt pornography in the moderation guidelines! :beerbang:

"7. With the exception of polished stainless steel, copper or excessively large erlenmeyer flasks, pornography of any kind is not to be posted.";f=11&id=1

And I thought I was ballsy renting a place for its shed. Buying one takes the cake!
update on this one...pretty funy shit..

So we have moved in and I set about getting my brewery sorted.. b1.JPG b2.JPGand am was pretty happy with it.. :wub: (it's a monumental step up from what I previously had and thats a fact)

then I start to notice things.. like... the next door neighbour has about a meter of soil againsed the back wall and it's seeping moisture.. apon further investigation becomes aparent that they have filled in on my side of an existing retaining wall <_< .. so I start to think I need to have a chat... so with a few stubbies in me on a Friday night.. respectfully early.. I rock on over to meet the neighbour.. knock.. knock.. knock

"gday mate.. wonderin if ya gotta cupl a mins for a chat about this ere wall 'o' mine.. seems to me as though you have filled in ere and I have a bit of a problem"

then he goes and tells me that when he had a survey done it turns out that my shed/brewery is 250mm on his title... bugger...

so being the (reasonably) quick thinker and playing for time I ask him what his accent is and he tells me he is Belgium...

the eyes narrow and I say... "nice beers you guys make" and he replys

".. and this is why I try to make it myself"...

so it turns out that he is a home brewer as well and we get into a mighty conversation about beer and brewing and when we are going to swap some and phark me...

I think to myself.. yep.. it's gunna be OKb3.JPG
Good neighbours rock

My back one, who I share a common access with is a boilermaker/welder, and likes a beer/bourbon

He moved up here from Cambelltown ( Sydney ) and was more paranoid than a virgin in a whore house..

But he worked out that us country folk can be trusted, keep to our word, and keep an eye on things.

Feels weird when city folk talk about not knowing any one....

I think that you city folk ( please don't take offence ) need to talk to your neighbours and get involved.

Its funny here, I see a few cows on the road, ring one of the farmers, he says not my cow, but I know who owns it they ring the owner, tell them that they have their cows in his paddock, come and get them when you are ready

What comes around, goes around :)
call out to any Eastern Subburbs (Vic) Sparkies....

me old man is probably a few months off being able to be on hand with a set of multimeters and give me the solutions/advice I need...

I wish I could live in ignorance but alas I cannot.. this is the mess I need to sort out.


this appears to be my main feed to the shed with the bakelight lightswitch as a breaker :blink: ... and then there is the old school bare earth... (pictured)

(hands firmly clasped in prayer).. I see this outside the shed..

2.JPG and hope to god that isnt my earth for my shed.. sure there are a few wires possibly with a little contact... maybe...

any help appreciated.
call out to any Eastern Subburbs (Vic) Sparkies....

me old man is probably a few months off being able to be on hand with a set of multimeters and give me the solutions/advice I need...

I wish I could live in ignorance but alas I cannot.. this is the mess I need to sort out.

View attachment 46356

this appears to be my main feed to the shed with the bakelight lightswitch as a breaker :blink: ... and then there is the old school bare earth... (pictured)

(hands firmly clasped in prayer).. I see this outside the shed..

View attachment 46357 and hope to god that isnt my earth for my shed.. sure there are a few wires possibly with a little contact... maybe...

any help appreciated.

I too just bought a shed, with a house annexe.

I also found a few interesting things there! Ok, in no particular order:

  • Old wall oven from kitchen, mounted on wall under the deck, and wired to a 10amp plug top
  • disconnected 20amp three phase and 15amp power outlets
  • Lots of odd wiring around the place.
  • Had a sparky come out to quote on upgrading the fuseboard, he came out, looked behind it and told me that the previous owner had been stealing the three phase power!
  • Neutral and earth tied together on the circuit the dude had run to the shed. Having said that though, the internal wiring inside the shed was spot on!
These were just the obvious things....

Had it all fixed now though, and very happy with the place!
then he goes and tells me that when he had a survey done it turns out that my shed/brewery is 250mm on his title... bugger...
if the fence/shed has been on his property for lone enough (ie 25yrs from memory) then its legally your land.

call out to any Eastern Subburbs (Vic) Sparkies....

as for sparkies in the eastern burbs, well ive gone through a few.

DONT USE - DT Electrical and Data Communications, - terrible job. I had to rewire his work myself. Guy was a wanker
- Laser Electrical Abbotsford. Tried to rip me off and charge for time they didnt work. used rubbish parts. terrible service.
- Snapper Electrical Services. The guy was sent my details and I sent them via email. he never got back to me and then has the nerve to arc up about not getting the work when he finally gets in
contactwith me.

OK - Darelecon were ok. a bit slow but seemed like a good bloke. wouldnt rush back but he was ok.
- Depir Electrical Services - were ok. we used them to replace our entire swithoard etc but we had to get them back to fix some of their work. They also sent differant sparkies back to the job which caused
some continuity issues. but they were ok

UNTRIED - Phazon Electrical. I had the guy come out after hours to look at wiring up the tempmate, 3600w element etc ages ago. he looked at it and wasnt sure about the whole thing. He was upfront about it and didnt charge a thing. I recon he was honest unlike DT Electrical who undertook the job and screwed it up and wouldnt accept responsibility for not getting it right.

so you might want to test another sparky yourself. bit of a hit and miss affair unfortunately. if you get a good one though, let us all know
if the fence/shed has been on his property for lone enough (ie 25yrs from memory) then its legally your land.

It's 15 years in Victoria, but you still have to prove that you've had unrestricted and undisputed access before you can get the titles changed. Usually the only people who win out of this sort of situation are the lawyers.
Thanks guys, I have 2 options,

firstly my old man is a sparkie and is a few months away from a visit, so I 'could' wait.

Secondly. Both my wife and I are in the Construction buisness, she being a Building designer(draftie), and myself a structural draftie.. so we have aceess to builders and sparkies galore... (through the company) and may go that direction yet..

I dont really think that I will go for the land and turn him into an enemy for life if I can help it.. I would like to drink some of his belgiums!! :lol:

At the end of the day, If I want to re-build the shed in a few years (which I very well may do) HE will have to pay for a retaining wall on the boundary...

actually proving unrestricted access is quite easy for me (his side is just a blank wall with no access) but as I say I dont want to start a shit fight when being friendly could work out much much better for all.

naturally if he turns out to be a prick I will stick it in and snap it off... get the land and then get half the cost of the retaining wall..

as it stands he is in a bad situation, he has filled in on the wrong side of an existing retaining wall up againsed my (single skin) wall... oh thats a no no.. at the very least what will happen is that I will dig it up (in summer) and tank the wall and do... something about where the corrugated iron is now retaining (poorly) probably just drive some stakes and sheet it off or...

something.. something.. inexpensive

:lol: Yob