"Sharp" tasting beer, but only in some bottles?

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Fairly new to brewing and this last batch seems really inconsistent. Some of the bottles taste smooth and really awesome but some of the other bottles don't taste nearly as good. They have an almost sharp flavour. Ideas? Is it a sanitation thing or something else?

Three vessel all grain brewing, fermented for two weeks with 05, racked into a second fermenter with sugar in it just prior to bottling.
Any dry hopping Strobe?

When I was dry hopping before I had a fridge for cold crashing, I used to find that little bits of hops would make it into some of the bottles. I always found those particular bottles to taste like ****.

Other than that, the only suggestion would be infections in the bottle.

Are the ****** ones gushers as well? What is your sanitising/cleaning regime for the bottles, from the moment the beer is poured out of them?

When you're starting out there will always be bits of your process that need touching up. Learning what they are is a beneficial experience. But years down the track you will still be learning, so keep soldiering on!
Are the crap ones gushing? Measure the gravity of both a good one and a crap one, could be an infection. If the crap ones are lower FG then put 'em all in the fridge and drink them soon!
Nah no gushing. No dry hopping either. Used a bottle brush to clean them all in hot water out of the tap (potentially not enough though) then sanitised with star san for 2-10 minutes prior to bottling. Didn't fear the foam either, heh.

Some of the bottles are quite old so I wouldn't be surprised if it was as simple as me not cleaning them quite enough..
I made a bo plis and I had the same problem, I had guessed it was Acetaldehyde, although why there would be more in some bottles than others i have no idea. I put it down to acetaldehyde due to descriptions I have read about the taste and the fact that it appears to be improving with age, although i do still strike the odd bottle thats still very sharp tasting.

If I had to guess why the differences between bottles it may be that they some how have been exposed to slightly different temps? Maybe those on the edges warmed up from lagering temps quicker?
Just looking at my bottles I notice that they were all filled to a different level, some with quite a lot of head space some with none. Given the yeast will consume this oxegen when eating the priming sugur is it possible this is the reason? Not sure if your bottles are filled to a consistent level or not?
lmccrone said:
Just looking at my bottles I notice that they were all filled to a different level, some with quite a lot of head space some with none. Given the yeast will consume this oxegen when eating the priming sugur is it possible this is the reason? Not sure if your bottles are filled to a consistent level or not?
You could be on to something there . I had a similar problem too much head space and all I got was off flavour .
Was only about 4 bottles out of around 30ish. Was the first time I've used some of the bottles so I'm going to assume it's hygiene related