Scum On Top Of Fermenter...

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i have been noticing the most recent batch, on the top of my krausen, there is a lot of brown scummy stuff. it has been on the top of all my beers that i have brewed so far, but not in this sort of amount, it is covering the whole top of the fermenting beer. it is about the same colour as peanut butter, or a particular shade of baby poo. im pretty sure its safe (hasnt affected the brews in the past), but just wondering if anybody has had similar happen. i'm using the generic brand US Ale yeast from Craftbrewer. the karusen is lasting a lot longer this time, probably coz i am able to control my fermenting temp better this time. keeping it at around 18 the whole time :D


Sounds mysteriously like yeast to me!
All perfectly normal Lobsta. :)

just hop debris & other matter that gets lifted out by the krausen.

cheers ross
gday ,
I have noticed that it often accumulates in one area rather than over the whole of the krausen, i was wondering if it could have something to do with temp outside fermenter being hotter or cooler???

attached a piccie of a krausen, taken at montieth brewery greymouth NZ, they use open fermenter 20.000 liters and look what do we see around the edge?????

and yes it has no effect on my beers
cheers amita


Does it look a bit like that?

If so, it's just normal. Hot break, hop residue and bits of this and that. That pic is from one of my foirst ever AG's. I've made a few changes since then to lessen the amount of crapola into the fermenter
i have been noticing the most recent batch, on the top of my krausen, there is a lot of brown scummy stuff. it has been on the top of all my beers that i have brewed so far, but not in this sort of amount, it is covering the whole top of the fermenting beer. it is about the same colour as peanut butter, or a particular shade of baby poo. im pretty sure its safe (hasnt affected the brews in the past), but just wondering if anybody has had similar happen. i'm using the generic brand US Ale yeast from Craftbrewer. the karusen is lasting a lot longer this time, probably coz i am able to control my fermenting temp better this time. keeping it at around 18 the whole time :D



QUOTE"A head of foamy krausen will form on top of the beer. The foam consists of yeast and wort proteins and is a light creamy color, with islands of green-brown gunk that collect and tend to adhere to the sides of the fermentor. The gunk is composed of extraneous wort protein, hop resins, and dead yeast. These compounds are very bitter and if stirred back into the wort, would result in harsh aftertastes. Fortunately these compounds are relatively insoluble and are typically removed by adhering to the sides of the fermentor as the krausen subsides. Harsh aftertastes are rarely, if ever, a problem.END QUOTE"

taken from HERE

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