
Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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My parents just dropped off a present:

I've been waiting for a chance to check out the Steam Exchange, at least now I can try the beers.

Excellent packaging and blurb too. I'm impressed before I've even had a taste.

Nice work fellas! :beer:
It's a bit quiet here at work.
Mind if i drop by?
just chucked them in the fridge Sam :)
you want me to bring them around to your work? there's a lot of people sitting in cars in the parklands near your work, maybe they're sucking on a few :eek: :lol:
So tangent, what was the wash up with your tasting.

The IPA is my fave, even nicer on tap.

Was lucky enough to get a taste of the last keg of one batch and the first keg of the next batch and chat to Simon about the subtle differences.2nd one had a more toasty Munich character....YUM
definitely the IPA, still very mild but nice. i'd maybe call it a pale ale though
beers are very restrained, maybe balanced is the word i'm looking for
didn't really like the steam beer but i made a very good steam IMO and i didn't like that either, not keen on Nthn Brewer
would love a few pints of the IPA, would love a keg of it actually. good session beer.
Balanced is the word and what they are after I'm sure.

The IPA on tap is certainly easy drinkin.

I hear you on the NB,not a fan either but I love Its grandaughter challenger.
The Steam ale has ammarillo in it as well IIRC
The Southerly buster is a little too sweet from the bottle but has more character and is less cloying on tap.
Gareth likes a malty ale and is an exponent of the 68c mash temp which seems to drive all their beers.
You really need to make the trip down for a look see.
