Great advise screwy... I think i may have a go at the peroxide based no rinse ones. I like the idea of peroxide breaking down to just H20+02...Any suggestions on a decent one available from LHBS?
I think i may have a stagnant infection as my last 2 brews (lager and ale) have turned out quite astringent and bitter. However, these two were the first time i steeped grain (crystal and carapils, respectively). I kept the temp in the required range definately for the lager so im thinking it may be an infection? Also, the larger had quite an alcoholic character even though primary was undertaken at approx 13deg. I used idodophor on these two brews however rinsed with tap water after as it smelt quite bad and i had conflicting info on the dosage.
When i used a 'napisan' style one and rinsed after i never had any 'infection' problems... Hence my breakdown in science. However, i am a firm believer in science and i think i was blaming the science and perhaps not the cause; my method of application may have been flawed!