Sandgroper's 2008 Case Swap - Consumption

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The Bludgeon Brewery
Reaction score
Consumption notes posted here.

This post edited to make the thread neater.



RECIPE THREAD HERE Please add yours if you haven't already
1 Guest Lurker, ESB, let the yeast settle then drink soon, dont drink it too cold, DRINK IT SOON, the TT yeast has woken up, it wont explode, but it will be overgassed for a bitter (thats some excuse GL)
Randyrob--Opens with a 'very' relieving hiss. Pours with about 2 fingers worth of head and is a nice copper colour, presents well.
Has a light spicy aroma with a hint of bready malt. Body is medium to light with a medium carbonation, It has everything
you would expect from a good bitter, slight hop flavour, good yeast character and a bit of caramel as it warms up nothing
over the top the balance was perfect for my taste, the bitterness just pops its head out of the malt profile.
Would make a great session beer!
kook-Pours copper in colour with a large, fluffy beige head. Carbonation is high, probably quite a bit overcarbonated for style. Great caramel aroma, with some biscuity notes and faint herbal hops. Earthy hops in the start with some nice maltly flavours to back it up. Light spice in the finish. Very moreish, much more complex than it's low ABV. Very drinkable session bitter. I would have loved another bottle. Great stuff Simon.
Asher - TT yeast still asleep in mine. Beer poured with only a slightly larger head. Still plenty of small sparkles and not so many bigger bubbles that stack symmetrically in a typical overcarbonated beer. Not much hop aroma. Nice medium malt levels that suit the colour. Finish is spicy and relatively dry. That's my kind of body for an ESB.... making it super drinkable.
Malty Cultural - Perfectly balanced for my taste and I enjoyed the medium-dry finish. There was a spicy flavour which I normally associate with belgian beers, but I'm not expert enough to attribute this to the hops or yeast. Very enjoyable, very drinkable.
sinkas:- what a great start, lovley toffee rich maltiness despite its modest ABV, a credit to the dogs that brewed it.
TonyM; By the time I got to this bottle there was only half a glass left. The others said "good" but I got me a glass full of agglomerated yeast/gurp balls up to 3mm in dia that looked like curdled milk and refused to settle. My stomach roiled at the sight. Perhaps it was the last bottle out of the container as I'm sure GL is better than that.
WW; Malty, caramel undertones on the nose. Good carbonation, dark copper in colour. Tasting wise the malt comes through well with a full mouthfeel and slightly bitter aftertaste. I also noted what Tony is referring to above re 'balls' though didn't worry me enough to not drink it. Good quaffable beer.
Simo- Large fluffy head, high carb, nice copper colour. Didn't find it as malty as others have suggested though I did have it straight after Mika's. Much hoppier than the other. Spicy?
Barfridge + Millsy(just visiting) - Thought it more of a best bitter style, herbaceous almost vegetably aroma, strange tangy mouthfeel/flavour. Drinkable but not your best effort captain sensible.
Vlad -Just enjoying this one now that it has warmed up a bit and the head has settled, oh the irony of the Cap'n banging on about over carbed beers! If its this good in the bottle, I would love to taste it from the hand pump. Recipe please.
Doogiechap - Carbonation was on the upper side of things but my preference is towards that so I was happy :) Spicy is what came to me as well, but the malt wasn't at all lacking. A lovely drop, thanks Simon :)
RM - I enjoy over carbed bitters. Pretty basic caramel/toffee ness. Mine was sweeter rather than bitter - nice spice almost vanilla finish. Very enjoyable - big hand for the Big Dog.
Recharge - Another very enjoyable beer. Thanks.
Mika - Drank it a while ago, was good, thought it should have been more bitter, but then maybe I'm misinterpreting the style

2 Doogiechap, DVD, watch now, Verboden Vrucht, drink mid 2009
GL Quite clear, nice reddish mahogany colour, lowish to OK carb, poor head retention at the moment. Aroma is Belgian fruity esters with some banana. Rich malty, then fruity in the middle, getting plums, candy, sultanas, caramel, with a clean finish with some alcohol warmth. Not getting the oak right now but once the malt and esters have smoothed out will probably be different. A very nice and well made beer, maybe a little underattenuated now, but if you had the patience to wait until...say...mid 2009 I think you would be rewarded.
RM Looked special in the glass - bronze, clear - spectacular. Carbonation isnt a factor I guess in this type of beer but there was some carbonation - very very fine bubbles that dissappeared quite quickly. I admit not to being familiar with this style. Complex brown sugar / molasses and raisin flavours - fruitcake and candied peel at the end. The mouthfeel is slick and long - definite heat from the ABV. Sorry to provide too much info but I belched a full 10 mintes after finishing my glass and the overriding taste was apricot jam. This is an aperitif - like a glass of Tokay - hugely interesting but not something you could neck. The last bottle bites the dust - the case is altered - complete. Well done Doug - you have earnt your ride next year - again. Thanks again Sandgropers - till December - adieu.
Mika - Tasted this right after a bottle of forbidden fruit. Colour is just about bang on. Alcohol warmth is alot more noticeable in this version though, don't know whether that would tame with age. I got a caramelly experience from this beer with a full body and nearing cloyingly sweet finish. Don't know whether it's the finishing gravity or the malts that dominate the finish, but either way I'd like it just a tad drier. I got a more rasiny taste from the commercial version, so perhaps some darker crystal at a guess ? I'd drunk quite a few beers before attacking this one, so the subtleties of the yeast flavour were lost on me. While not a great clone, certainly a nice belgian in it's own right and a welcome addition to the case.
sinkas - after nearly a year of aging, this one was still far too sweet for me, nice flavours, but needed to drop a few more point to be drinkable in any quantity
3 kukulkan, Belgian Specialty (Christmas Saison/Bier de Garde), STORE IN FRIDGE. Beware of very high carbonation. Ready to drink ASAP.
Brendanos--Opens (in the sink) with a boistrous hiss, but thankfully without the follow through. Pours a large frothy head which stayed long enough to throw some pleasant spicy yeast character my way (but not long enough to stain my moustache) and tops a murky maple-syrup coloured beverage. Aroma is of sweet, bready malt, and a pleasant floral/spicy yeast character which, after 6 hours in hospital, I can best only describe as "bier de garde-ey". Carbonation is lively in the mouth which opens the flavour gates to sweet biscuity malt flavours which are balanced by a moderate bitterness that could similarly be a peppery yeast character. Finish is a little sweet but balanced, with more of the pleasant french-ness, and a slight, pleasant tartness. To me this is a pretty darn fine drinkin BDG, but we wouldn't expect any less from the master of wacky wallonian wonders.
If the other 21 are this good, it'll be a great Christmas, thanks Kook!
Malty Cultural -- Not a gusher. Phew! Lovely rum'n'raisin aroma wafted up from an enormous head. The powerful malt flavour was sweet but not cloying and there was plenty spicy yeast character balanced by something which was closer to tartness than typical hop bitterness. It left me with a dry, bicsuity aftertaste which was unusual but pleasant. Enjoyable and very Christmassy. Say "hi" to Nole for me.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Taking life into my hands and opened with a borrowed cigarette lighter No gushing. Beer presented with a cupcake head & roasted date aroma. Initially I was introduced to a maltyness excess in melanoidins. I was expecting more Saison yeasty flavours from previous reviews but got a more subdued, English 'roast like' bodied beer that hid the Alcohol probably too well. I set it aside and got stuck into some dinner Upon my return and after a temperature rise, like a jack-in-a-box, the music started playing and an ripper of a beer jumped out at me 'Nice trip' from the well traveled Kook
GL Nice carb level, very malty, but balanced with esters and stuff. I liked it, especially a bit warmer.
TonyM--Well, I have bits of kangaroo and glass all over the laundry this morning, all stuck to everything with what smells like quite a nice beer. If anybody else has not opened their Beer de Nole yet, I suggest they store it in a thick walled steel container and send it quickly to the Middle East where it will be put to good use. If anybody wonders what I'm doing today, I'm the bloke on the mop washing the floors while waiting for the washing machine to finish every towel stored in the laundry
GL Not having a good run are you Tony? Have fridged my second one.
RM - I had no problems with this. 3rd beer of the tasting session - was well lubed. Lovely lime marmalade nose - not overly limey but sweet, obvious spicey, vanilla pods and raisin tones. Changed when warmer - quite a bit of heat there. Candied Peel at the end. I would have to say this is the most complex beer of the bunch so far - SWMBO agreed - tasty.
Mika - This lsted all of about 5 mins after I'd be stripping wallpaper all day. A fairly complex beer, but all I remember is strong Champagne armoa's on opening that seemed to persist.
Doogiechap - As advised strong carbonation which was perhaps a bit too bitey for me but thats my own fault for not letting it sit a bit longer :) Some nice biscuity notes with a complexity that I regret not taking more note of. I would have liked another shot at this one letting it warm up a bit more. Thanks Kook !
4 Mika, suspiciously commercial looking ESB, drink several months ago when it was still in the UK
GL - No real oxidation, lovely colour, much more bright than mine, bit of caramel malt balanced by good bitterness, still a great beer. Doesnt have the fresh hop flavour that mine does though.
kook - I haven't taken any notes (sorry). But I must say this: It is a shadow of it's real self on cask. Very drinkable, but really lacks the hop flavour, aroma, body and simple moreish drinkability of a "true" Fullers ESB.
Randyrob - very bright beer, nice malt backbone & bitterness not alot of hop flavour to speak off also i didnt realise it was nearly 6%!
Recharge - Nice beer - love to try it on tap. Thanks Mika
Simo- MALT! ... I'm not a big fan of the english ales but I actually enjoyed this, cheers Mika.
Doogiechap - Onya Mika for stepping up to the mark and subbing a decent commercial drop in place of your slow fermenting batches. I'm pretty naieve when it comes to what a true ESB should taste like but I thoroughly enjoyed this thanks bloke !

5 clay, Pale Rider, drink now
GL Dark amber colour, well carbed, good head retention, not bright but not murky. Quite malty, but with enough refreshing bitterness to cut through, and a clean citrusy hop flavour. Kind of an AIPA I guess, and a good one. The 6.8% alcohol is well hidden, and it goes down well. Nice label too, but after washing teh bottle, if you put it on your kitchen floor, it will bleed some ink.
kook - Hazy deep amber in colour. Lively carbonation, huge off white head. Aroma is very spicy, both from hop character and clove-like notes. Some fresh cut grass in the background. Pungent earthy and pine like hop flavour, very bitter in the finish. Enough malt to balance it out, and as Simon noted the alcohol is very well hidden. Dry bitter lingering finish. Personally, I would prefer a little more body, though this might reduce the drinkability a little.
Malty Cultural - Like being punched in the face with a grapefruit, but in a good way.........I actually enjoyed this more than some of the Big Yanks on offer on the swap day because this one felt more drinkable and better attenuated. The malt and hops are both huge but the ABV is very well hidden.
DB: Bronze colour, a touch overcarbed and had to pour carefully. Cloudy, not murky. Good head retention. Tasted big on alcohol, big fat malt flavour up front, intense hops from beginning to end, finishing heavy, resinous and very bitter.
Simo- hmmm, got a wild one here. Poured a glass of foam, tipped it out and started again, got half a glass this time and sucked the head off to top it up. When done with that little argument I set the rest of the bottle in the sink to volcano for a while and settle down. Strong pine and citrus nose. Dark copper/bronze colour. Kinda sweet? Resinous like DB mentions, a kinda oily feel in the mouth and a lingering bitterness. There was quite a lot of what looked like pellet flakes floating around lava-lamp style with the strong carb, guess I got one of the last ones.
Barfridge + Millsy(just visiting) - Ahh like this one, great bitterness, aromatic, reminiscent of Matilda bay's Alpha Ale. Pine cone aroma with a sweet toffee malt backbone. Luverly Jubbly.
Recharge - Mine poured very a murky amber colour Nice aroma. Initial bitterness was a bit harsh but mellowed as the glass warmed up, well balance malt and hops with a little alcohol warming. Enjoyed it Thanks.
RM - Well carbed/bit murky - could smell the hop burst straight away. Simcoe/Centennial/Chinook would be my guess as I got Grapefruit/marmalade in spades. When cold had a sharp bitterness and not much else but as it warmed up the malt backbone showed up. Whilst I really enjoyed this i think a smidge less bitterness would improve the balance. Nice Flavours though.
Mika - Damn ! Hops and alcohol, more than enough of both, but somehow they seemed to balance each other ? Beautifully crafted beer, but not sure I could drink more than one or two.
6 Goat, Marzen, drink now
kook - Pours amber with beautiful ruby highlights. Clear, with a medium size creamy beige head. Aroma of bready malts, with some mild toffee apples. Flavour is quite clean, good strong malt backbone with faint grape and caramel notes. Mouthfeel is very smooth, creamy and moreish. Extremely drinkable, balanced towards the sweet side, but I finished the bottle off very quickly and was thirsting another! Nice stuff Lincoln, a great way for me to start the case.
GL- Yeah, what Kook said. Less caramel malt than other Marzens I have tried, and as a result a lovely drinkable beer.
Malty Cultural - I enjoyed this one and found it intriguing. The caramel which Kook mentioned was quite strong for me but easily countered by the bitterness. It seemed simultaneously bitter and sweet in a marmalade kind of way, but without any actual marmalade flavours (if that makes sense). It felt bigger in the mouth than the gravities on the label would suggest - I thought I would whack this one down, but I found myself savouring each sip.
sinkas: Not much experiance in this field,the beer smelt great but was it the crystal that gave me reflux? sure it was well made but must have sat poorly on the smoked duck dinner.
TonyM: Got dudded here too. About the same amount of gas as a fly's fart. Do your caps up Linc.
Randyrob - pours with a hello how's your mother dark copper colour, smells of sweet caramel with similar taste but snaps of clean and not cloying at all. a nice clean malty lager. also my fav label of the bunch. a superb beer, went down great with a curry thanks mate!
DB Smell of banana bread on twisting the lid. Burnished bronze to dark date colours, a clear and bright beer. Soft creamy head, off-white that became semi-solid raft by the end of the beer, well sustained by ample carbonation. Burnt caramel bitterness, some sweet maltness, subtle Munich melanoidin maltiness rounding out a very nice beer. Finishes dry and soft and very drinkable, though perhaps not as crisp as it might have finished. Fantastic beer.
Vlad - This was the standard for the style, absolutetly fabulous, clean, balanced, and without waffling a bloody good beer.
Doogiechap - My first Marzden and thoroughly enjoyed it :) A lovely big round malt profile with some lovely dark caramel notes. mmmmmmmmmmm.
Recharge - Loved it. My first Marzen too and will look for other examples of this beer or i might just try your recipe. Thanks.
Mika - In the same boat as Tony, fly fart on opening and without the carb it just seemed cloying and perhaps a little muddy in the taste as well. Would have been interesting to try a properly carbed version.
7 Asher, GT lager, cold condition 2 weeks then drink
RM - Perfectly Carbed, Little Hazy but bright. Interesting aroma - similar to Jasmine rice. Delicate, sweet herbal notes - excellent length from which to extract the myriad of flavours. Bitterness perfect. Top drawer Asher - setting the bar high as always.
kook - Pours clear yellow with a slight haze (presumably due to the GT). High carbonation keeps the tight white head there. Clean, lagery malt aroma. Flavour is very clean and balanced. Some light malt, herbal GT and just the right amount of bitterness. I wish that commercial brewers would produce lagers of this quality, with just enough malt and hop flavour to let you know its real, but the balance and refreshing drinkability that we have become accustomed to. Top stuff.
GL Light on body and malt, but enough there to make it taste like beer. As a green tea drinker I get it immediately in the aroma, in the mid flavour, and in the aftertaste. Delicately balanced and delicious, perfect level of bitterness for a summer evening. Had it been bottled with a tea bag in each, would have been even better.
Malty Cultural - The green tea aroma was there because I went looking for it, but otherwise I wouldn't have picked it. Overall it was delicate but flavoursome and I really enjoyed it. To me it had a soft Corona-like cleanliness but with a Euro-pils maltiness. Despite the brand reference, I mean that as a compliment.
Randyrob - unfortunately had to share this with a mate, poured with a decent head that stays for the entire glass and yellow in colour, a quick taste reminds me of a song that used to be on the radio the chorus something like "so fresh and so clean"
it was all over to quickly, had a nice bitterness (presumably emphasized by the tannins in the tea???) i think this would go down a treat with a grilled fish and chips sitting on the freo foreshore if only it was available commercially......
Recharge - Sorry this went down like a Solo after a hard morning mixing concrete. I can say only that i enjoyed it and whilst i was looking for green tea didn't pick it. Very clean and refresshing lager Thanks Asher.
Tony M...Thank you Asher, for posting your recipe, now the whole world can construct this wonderful drop for themselves.
Mika - Still haven't tried my own version yet...I think ? An early version I tried had the green tea flavour in spades and was quite refreshing. A slightly older version had just faded to a quite bland mega lager taste.
8 Randyrob, Bier De Garde, highly carbed, ready now
Tony M--Deliberately constructed with a rock solid head that sat 30mm above the glass causing much exasperation for the thirsty drinkers waiting patiently for an indeterminate time for it to subside. Eventually we decided to just stick our noses in and snort it and were rewarded with a great beer. Probably a silly one for the first drink of Christmas as it had a days supply of alchohol in half a bottle and it was only 10.30am. It has set a high standard.
kook- Pours a slightly hazy bronze colour with a huge fluffy white head. Great retention and high carbonation. Nose of pepper, allspice and clove. Some tropical fruits as it warms. Flavour is a delicate balance of malt, spice and fruit. Perfect medium bodied mouthfeel, with a decent dry finish. Extremely drinkable, refreshing and morish. A great Bire De Nol.
GL Estery and spicy and balanced. Quite nice.
Malty Cultural - Spicy aroma with a pleasant french funk. Bready malt flavour with fruit and spice. Good, refreshing mouthfeel and carbonation. Flavoursome and refreshing.
DB Slightly cloudy and very well-carbed with a loose and fluffy head piled up high on top. Honey-like colours. Served very well chilled but still prominent spicy yeast aromas and alcohol well hidden. Complex spicy flavours come out as it warms, but the beer still finishes very dry and a little tart, surprisingly refreshing. You can taste the alcohol as you exhale and it packs quite a punch. This is a very enjoyable beer.
Mika - Didn't get the alcohol punch, lots of carb, quite a nice beer, but thought it would have been more sour ? Maybe twas a little young still ?

9 Recharge, Brown Ale, drink now
kook- Pours hazy brown with a short to medium tan head. Mild malty, caramel-like aroma. Thin, dry mouthfeel. Initial big malty flavour, with some bandaid phenols and a slight metallic tinge in the finish. Suspect an infection here. My bottle had the base blown out/expanded. Possibly previously used on a bad batch, and being plastic harboured the bugs? Flavours were subtle too, which would indicate it hasn't taken fully hold yet.
GL Poured bright, nice dark amber colour with reddish highlights, reasonable head. Thin mouthfeel, malty but dry malty, no bandaids, no metallic that I can taste, does have a very slight liquorice aftertaste, overall a smooth thin malty clean ale and enjoyable. Nice to see Smashed Santa making a reappearance on the label.
Malty Cultural - I overchilled this one and it poured a very murky brown due to chill haze. As it warmed it cleared well to an attractive copper-brown. My bottle was in good shape, unlike Kook's, and I didn't detect any bandaids. Aroma and flavour of brown bread and subtle caramel. It was forty degrees today so the light body and dry finish didn't bother me at all.
Doogiechap - Mine was a bit hazy with a nice fresh aroma. Nice upfront malt but not at all cloying with a nice balance of bitterness but not to much hop flavor. A much appreciated ale on a 40 day.
Tony M... I liked this.It had a full maltiness but had a good bittering balance from dark grain that ensured there was no cloying sweetness remaining on the palate. A good looking beer, didn't notice any murk, though the head faded towards the end. We cant always be perfect.
10 Ausdb, Bid Day Alt, drink now
GL Reasonable carbonation, nice dark mahogany colour, malty aroma, thin head but hanging in there. Smooth malty with a significant but smooth bitterness. Very drinkable.
RM - I love this style - toffee malty chewyness - I get plenty of vanilla pod flavours - the bitter and the sweet meet well. Would have liked a smidge more carbonation but in all a pleasant pint. Cheers Darren.
kook- Pours deep brown with beautiful ruby highlights. Short tan head, quite low in carbonation, perhaps a little too low. Freshly crunched malteser aroma, of light chocolate and malt. Some faint fruity notes behind. Flavour starts very malty, with some light toffee notes and faint coffee there too. Very well balanced and extremely drinkable. Loved the label too, very well presented. Great stuff Darryn.
Goat - Nice work Darryn. mild carbonation, deep colour with a malty nose sweet nose. Great complex malt taste - a very good beer.
Vlad ( and his brother)- First one out of the box, setting the bar quite high for the rest of us. We drank this with the Hauptstylenguide at hand and can only say that it came in on every aspect, except maybe head retention which can be attributed to the tightarse CPBF. The Mojo is back and is wearing its Sunday best brewing trousers.
Malty Cultural - If you travel to Malt City in Maltland, located on planet Malt, the locals are unlikely to have encountered a beer as malty as this. I've never tasted a 'real' Alt, but this ticked all the boxes. Kook's decription hits the nail on the head. I could easily have this on hand as my winter "table beer". It also gets my vote for best label.
Doogiechap - Caramel was what came to my mind with the prominent malt profile. Carbonation was on the lower side but not excessively low and it gave that 'smoothness' that I really enjoyed. A stunning beer that was slowly savored :) Thanks Darryn ! PS. 10 out of 10 for the name/ label.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Nice color (see below for aroma). Flavor wise I enjoyed the balanced roasty, toasty maltiness and lingering biscuity dryness. I got a slight back of throat harshness on the second glass of this tasty beer that isn't uncommon in dryer examples using a bit of darker malt. Residual Alkalinity? Brendanos? Nice drop non the less. One issue I had was with the aroma. The malt was overtaken by some sort of Band-aid Phenolic aroma my even have been Medicinal. Anyone else get this? I think the blood is still flowing where it is needed though. Nice drop and keep it up Darryn
Barfridge + Millsy(just visiting) - Aromas of Rye Bread, toasty characteristics hint's of mocha and toasted coconut. Clear cola colour with a small but persistent tan head. Softish mouthfeel, If it were a wine I'd describe it as mineral. Summarily not too bad, a winter beer for the carribean?
Recharge - Very good effort and wish i had a case of this. I like big malty beers and this definately didn't disappoint. Thanks.
WW - Nice work. Probably would have benefited from another few weeks conditioning. Very large head and some bite from the malt and hops not quite having enough time together but certainly a drinkable beer.
DB Cleaning out my cellar to accomodate 50L of bottles today and discovered this crushed between a crate and the wall and broken. sad.gif Damn and blast.
Mika - MALT, I'm really not sure how you made a beer this malty, and I'm not sure it's something I'd be that concerned about replicating. Just way out of balance, to my mind needs something (bitterness for a start) to balance it out and make it more drinkable. I got thru about 3/4 of a glass and got over it. Enjoyed it up till then though.
11 Sinkas, Oyster Stout, drink now
WARNING: READ THE LABLE< THIS THING IS VERY HIGHLY CARBED< ONE FALSE MOVE AND YOUR NATUZZI COUCH IT TOAST; CONTAINS SHELLFISH maybe allergenic if you have had allergic reaction to oysters/mussels/abalone/bearded clams before.
Malty Cultural - My, but this is a big beer. I deliberately opened this with four other beer drinkers because I knew that this would be no quaffer. Once I explained what an oyster stout was, I was suddenly drinking alone. I know the beer which this is based on and have to say that this comes pretty darn close. This version has a touch more tartness and a slightly sharper briny character than the original. It's enjoyable now and I would be interested to hear how it ages.
Goat - I was pretty well primed when I had this one, and remember nothing after it... Big Beer poured a slightly murky black with very keen carbonation - had a mild gusher and had to run to the kitchen to limit mess. Flavours much more reminiscent of a a big belgian ale rather than a stout, I couldn't pick a dominant roasted backbone to the malt. A smooth tasking and balanced big beer, slightly sweet.
GL - Dark black colour, pretty much opaque. Vigorous hiss on opening but fits in 2 glasses nicely. Creamy well retained tan head. Aroma a little vinous and plummy. Malt driven. Dark malt character is more smooth chocolate and crisp charcoal black malt than roasted, there is little roasted character. Has some plummy and cherry Belgian style esters that kick in in the middle. Overall a delicious beer, kind of like eating a dark Belgian chocolate with a cherry centre. The carbonic bites goes well, and the alocohol is very well hidden. I taste hints of shellfish grown in shallow waters with a north drifting oxygen rich current. Just kidding, I dont get any briney fishy flavours, and to be honest am pretty happy about that, I prefer my Belgian chocolates with fruit in the middle rather than oysters..
RM - Was looking forward to this one - I read the disclaimer but decided to continue. No gusher but pouring was a challenge - mondo big bubbled head. Maybe Overcarbed - which would explain the carbonic bite? No dramas though. Instant salty, briney flavours abound which complement the obvious chocolate/roasted malt backbone that holds it all up. It took me a full 30 minutes to savour this monster - I completely agree with GL - there is little or no heat from the ABV. Very Very enjoyable beer - thanks Case. Even Mrs Mellie (who describes Stouts as runny marmite) enjoyed this.
DB Novel idea for the Christmas case, Case but, unlike the Bongwater Black, this one actually contains its eponym: I think I smelled mollusc when I opened this beer. It's harder to detect when you just sniff the beer (oyster has a comparatively subtle scent), but I still reckon it's there amongst all the other huger aromas of sweet malt, alcohol and general big-beer aromas. Despite opening this bottle twice in the 24 hours before drinking it, I still had a mild gusher when finally cracking it. Hopefully the big carbonation will mean there is still some carb left in a few months' time despite being in PET. Someone should review this beer after about three months. The beer is black with prune-coloured edges, the head is enormous, billowing and persistent. Your mouth is filled with big gravity slickness and perhaps also with hardness due to dissolved salt. It tastes salty too, which I have some trouble getting used to, but it's huge enough so you get away with it: brandied fruit, sweet malt, warm alcohol, burnt barley bitterness. I drank the first glass on Sunday watching the cricket and eating bluebone and rice. It would be better matched with a viscous gravy beef casserole, roast beef or boerworst sausages. The second night it was my after dinner sipper and I appreciated it much more. Another ambitious and successful monster from the enigmatic brewer who refuses typecasting. My only real criticism: it should have been bottled in glass so someone could taste it in a year or three.
kook - Pours black with a rambunctious light brown head. Nose of chocolate, dark fruit and spice. Very balanced flavour profile. Great chocolate, light roast coffee, maltesers and christmas pudding. Perfect medium-full body, the higher carbonation helps too to increase the drinkability. Very deceptive beer, hard to tell it's 8%. I personally didn't get any fishy flavours, but do detect a slight saltiness in the finish. Nice stuff Case!
Recharge - Well I didn't see any oysters or other shellfish clinging to my bottle. Couldn't taste them either. Very nice big black beer which my brother in law also enjoyed and wished he had some to take home. Excellent job Thanks.
Mika - It's big, it's stoutish and I don't get any 'fishy' flavours. A nice beer, but not something I'd be rushing out to brew myself.
Doogiechap - Perhaps the pint of Strong Dark Belgian first was remiss of me but I digress :) The crack of the lid gave the 'shellfish' aroma but I haven't been able to detect it otherwise, perhaps a touch of brine but the power of suggestion is not insignificant :) The roast is nicely balanced with the malty/ chocoatety element with a refreshing bitterness. The carbonation wasn't an issue on the pour but 4 volumes does leave an impression :) A nice white pillowy head that shows no sign of abatement makes for an appealing drop both visually and consumptively. Thanks for sharing the adventure Case :)

12 Vlad The Pale Aler, Transylvanian Pale Ale, drink now
kook- Pours golden with a slight haze. Light carbonation, short but thick creamy head. Pleasant fruit salad aroma, pineapple, pears and mashed bananas. Soft, full mouthfeel. Flavour is initially a delicate balance of bready malt and fruit salad. The more you get into it, some grassy, herbal hops and light citrus notes come through too. Perfect bitterness, and just dry enough to keep you wanting more. Another great session beer from a top class brewer!
GL Nicely balanced drinkable beer, not a lot of carbonation, nice mix of smooth malt, esters and the right amount of bitterness.
RM - Lightly carbed - velvety smoothness with muted tropical fruit flavours - nothing really overpowering here - malt and bitterness in harmony with pleasant fruitiness. Very easy to drink - in a word 'subtle' - I completely agree with Kook - a well made session ale.
Malty Cultural - Agree with the previous reviews. Balanced, restrained and extremely drinkable.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Pours easily into a goblet. Low foam.. Aroma of egg white pavlova. Am greeted by an initial sweetness that matches this aroma. The hobs are subdued, but perfect to offset the fruitiness when left to linger on the pallet. Some alcohol warmth to finish makes this ales more of a journey than a trip. Top drop
Randyrob - Beautiful golden colour, low co2, haven't had many home crafted lagers to compare but this one is the goods, a slight bit of fruitiness but i mostly get the malt flavours coming thru light caramel, just enough bitterness to clean the palate as it warms i can feel a bit of warming alcohol come thru.
DB: Another beauty. No notes taken at the time, but English and wholesome. Reminiscent of sitting fireside in the village pub somewhere near Liddypoool?
Simo- Small head. Low carb. Golden. Bready. Fruity. Bitter. Nice.
Recharge - Sorry i drank this a while ago and whilst i have no details to offer i do remember it being a very nice beer. Thanks
Mika - Not sure what kinda of beer style this was meant to be and didn't take a lot of notes when I drank it, do recall it being very Fruit Salad-ish in both aroma and taste, not reall a fan to be honest.

13 barfridge, Belgian, give it a couple of weeks
DB It's got very little head, in fitting with a large alcohol beer. Plenty of fizz, but no head, slightly lighter than coca-cola brown and fairly clear. It smells more like a generic strong ale; admittedly my nose is blocked today, but I can't really pick up any spicy phenolic Belgian smells. It smells kind of sweet and alcoholic. Mouthfeel starts medium-bodied but dries right out at the end. Fat sweet alcoholic start and dry tart alcoholic finish. Couldn't think of alcoholic tart joke to fit in here. Beer was very enjoyable.
GL I think that is the set. Good carb but low head. Malty, fruity, Belgiany, dark, at the front end tastes like it could be underattenuated but then dries out in the finish, a very nice Christmasy beer.
RM - Quite Muddy to look at - not much head to speak of but enough bubbles to make the mouthfeel quite spritzig. The phenolics are subdued but they are present. Interesting flavours - sort of like fruitcake. I enjoyed this beer.
WW - Superb. I am not usually a fan of dark beers but this is the best beer of the case so far. Alcohol well hidden and a persistent, creamy head coupled with fantastic mouthfeel and malt flavour and body make this a great beer. 15-02-09.
MC - Reminded me of chocolate covered raisins, but in an appropriately beery way. What was I thinking drinking it by myself after a day of gardening? I was in my happy place by the bottom of the bottle. Enjoyable to drink and I can imagine cooking something hearty with this as well.
kook - Beautiful ruby brown colour, though unfortunately the fluffy tan head didn't last long. Enticing aroma of raisins, plums and cocoa. Flavours are great, nice fruitcake, raisin, maltesers and allspice. Actually quite dry, but with a nice malt sweetness there. Smooth mouthfeel too. Very nice beer!
14 brendanos, Sassy burgundy, just bottled with no priming, read the label
GL Well someone had to do it, and I dont like manky infected beer, so I guess it was me. The merest pfst on opening. Saw a couple of bubbles, lower carb than a UK bitter, but not flat. Colour somewhere between dark amber and mahogany. Aroma is all Nelson Sauvin, grapes big time. Smooth complex malty with nothing standing out, not toasty, not roasty, not biscuity, not chocolately, well maybe a bit, but mostly just malty. Clean assertive citrusy smooth bitterness, not quite over the top, has a lingering finish. Nothing hot, could easily be a 4% beer, but its not. Very nice beer, for me a little more carb would be good, but not at the expense of infection products, very happy with drinking it now.
Recharge - Low carb here but really suited the beer.A definate grapefruit aroma which was also distinct in the upfront flavour. Malty but kind of dry and for my taste this would make an excellent session beer if it could be trusted smile.gif . I too am glad i drank it now. Thanks.
MC - Consumed 28/05/09 and Brendan's beloved pathogens are starting to take hold. Poured a clear garnet with a an impressively creamy head - akin to a nitrogen draught head. Carbonation was very low, but the head retention was good. I'm a novice with funky beers (honestly, who's ever tasted a horse blanket?), but there were some flavours in here which I have only encountered before in Orval. The funkiness paired well with the big, fruity hop flavours and I thoroughly enjoyed this unique and complex offering.
sinkas - bloody lovely, never thought a IIPA and brett would be a great combination, but this hit all the right spots,
15 Roger Mellie, pilsner, drink feb 09 - around mid Jan CC for 2 weeks
GL Low to mod carb, bit murky, stonefruity aroma. Quite malty up front, almost caramel, peachy fruity in the middle, reasonably bitter at the end. Very drinkable, but I think if you take Rogers advice and give it a bt longer it will come together into a much better smoother beer. Good thing I have two more.
Recharge - Poured with a reasonable head. Kinda straw colour with a slight orange tinge,not clear but not murky either. Decidedly malty with just enough bitterness to back it up. Al in all an enjoyable beer. Thanks.
WW - Nice Roger. Nice and malty well balanced with some bitterness. Mine only had about 5 hours in the fridge and it was quite enjoyable (14-02-09). Expect if following Roger's advice it would improve again.
Doogiechap - Poured with a nice head which lasted reasonably well,clear but not bright. I got honey on the aroma and the first taste starting with a suprising malty note but was quickly met with a pleasing stonefruit hopiness up front with a lovely lingering bitterness at the back of the tongue. Nicely balanced with appropriate carbonation. Noice Roger :)
MC - Poured with a tight head, fine bubbles and a slight haze. Floral/fruity aroma. Sweet caramel malt at first but the bitterness arrives in time to balance everything out. It felt bigger in the mouth than the FG would suggest. This was my first taste of this variety of hop and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks RM.
16 Malty Cultural, Amber Ale, drink now
kook - Pours a copper colour with a short, fluffy beige head. Instant aroma upon opening of floral hops. Opens up to more grassy notes, and some faint citrus peel. Medium bodied, soft feel. Great juicyfruit like flavour, piney hops and an almost herbal finish. Dry, but with a lingering hop flavour. Very drinkable. My third home crafted beer from the case and I've not had a good beer yet. They've all been great beers!
Randyrob - Pours with a small head which diminishes very quickly, light American hop flavour on the nose followed by some caramel, medium body with a lingering bitterness.
GL - As above, a very well crafted, drinkable beer, balanced slightly to the hops, excellent quaffing material
sinkas- I have always thought of amber ales as pretty dreer, after this one, I am a changed aficionado. definite stone fruitiness and tang, a real pleasure to slurp on down.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Low carbonation. The American hops jump right up at ya initially followed bt a nicely crafted burnt toffee note. I'd personally like to see the bitterness upped a little (some more carbonic acid may also do the trick) to make me want to go back for the next on a little quicker. Otherwise another top drop.
RM - Low carb, almost non existent head. Apricots and Marmaladey flavours. Persistent Malt flavour throughout. Nice beer - not too bitter - mine finished a little sweet - I wonder if the FG was a little high? Had a sort of syrupy mouth feel. Otherwise very enjoyable.
DB: Bright and clear golden amber colour. Low to moderate carbonation. Big amarillo aroma, sort of thick and creamy. Flavour a perfect balance of caramel malt and citrusy US hops. Despite a fullish mouthfeel, absolutely eminently drinkable. Beautifully balanced exquisitely hopped. I hope Mr Cultural got to keep some of these bottles and didn't give them all away. I notice I drank this a little later than others and it may have dried out a little. I couldn't fault this beer.
Doogiechap - Thoroughly enjoyed this drop, perhaps the 'subliminal' suggestion of the label gave the stonefruit aroma and flavours but percieved or not they were enjoyed ! Nicely balanced, crisp and pretty darn bright. Thanks for sharing your efforts MC :)

17 Mesa, Brown beer, drink now
GL Very low carbonation, consequently little head, quite murky. Light body slightly toasty and chocolate ale. Not sure if it is deliberate, but there is an acidic bite in this bottle, makes it like a sour brown ale, not acetic, more like early stage lactic or Brett to me, but I am not very good at picking those flavours, enjoyed it as a slightly sour brown ale.
kook - Opened with a faint pfft. Little to no carbonation or head. Murky brown in colour. Oily, slick mouthfeel. Aroma of sour cherries and tropical fruits (pineapple). Flavour is acidic, with some cider apple flavours there. A bit of chocolate like malt flavour behind. If this was an intentional sour beer, possibly try a variety of cultures to add complexity. If it was unintentional, probably best to check your sanitation process as it doesn't sound like this was a one-off bottle.
Malty Cultural - Low carbonation and even with a rough pour, I couldn't get a head to form. Chocolate/coffee aroma started promisingly, but was soon joined by something sour. Acidic/sour flavour tended to mask the chocolate flavour. If this is infected, it's a shame because all the other flavours would make a really nice beer.
GL Second bottle. Still low gas, still oddly turbid in a slick oily sort of way. It hasnt gotten much worse but it has developed enough that I would definitely call it a lactic rather than acetic sourness. Still quite drinkable, but I would be drinking this sooner rather than later.
Doogiechap - Low carb with a light hiss from perhaps a cap not fitted tightly enough ? I got the tang too which was a shame as I love a good brown ale :)
18 Tony M, Quaffing Ale, Kegged 25/10/08--You're right about the Galaxy.
GL - Light malt profile, light colour, not bright but also not that hazy, well balanced bitterness, nice fruity hop flavour in the finish, thinnish head, a very nice quaffing ale indeed.
Goat - nice golden straw colour, not a lot of carbonation. Dry bready notes drinks very easily. slight hint of vegetableness on the aftertaste. A good quaffer and at 96% alcohol free, could drink it all day !
Asher - Clean, Crisp Summer ale. A good example of how to use Galaxy? in moderation Crispy, dry and with a sturdy enough flavour and Aroma to satisfy in a 4 percenta. Probably not kosher,,, but I enjoyed this one super chilled from ann esky on a warm afternoon. A nice starting beer.
Malty Cultural - Crisp, bready malt with well balanced bitterness and just a touch of fruit. I passed this one around the table and everyone remarked on the hint of passionfruit so I'm going to second Asher's guess of Galaxy. The beer's name is it's own review. Very easy to drink.
sinkas: Nice simple quaffer, lots of noble hop background a real quencher.
RM - Big Fluffy Head - extreme carbonation - mine must have had a double shot. Citrus fruit nose, lemons mainly in mine - I also got piney flavours. It could well be because i shook a couple of my beers up but I had a metallic twang on the aftertaste which detracted only slightly - this was a pleasant beer.
Mika - I got an almost fruit salad style aroma on opening the bottle, though it disappears quickly. Good carb, light straw colour with a slight haze. The malt is present but the finish is towards the bitter and balances the beer out well. It really earns it's title. Like RM I got a background flavour that I wasn't particularly fond of, seemed to become more present as the beer warmed up. Have tasted it in another of Tony's beers so could be down to the bittering hop he uses or just the Mercer house flavour. Either way, a good way to start the case.
kook - Pours straw in colour, slight haze with a fluffy white head. Yeasty, bready aroma with a little bit of fruit too. Flavour is quite clean, with light grape-like notes and some grassy hops. Very quaffable.
Recharge - Slightly hazy straw colour.Nice clean tasting ale with a gentle hop profile and and well balanced bitterness. Thanks Tony
DB: Really really good. No notes taken at the time, but this is the beer for which was invented the term "cleansing ale". Clean and flavoursome. Just wanted a never-ending glass. Nothing out of place.
Simo- Lageresque light straw colour, good carb. Tangy lemon on the nose with some fruit salad, clean and crisp with a slight bready/biscuity finish. Effing awesome. Like Asher I had this from the esky super chilled.
I could drink this all day year. Never ending glass indeed. Outstanding Tony.
RandyRob Simo is right i did jibber something about tony's beer and then the post got deleted somehow.
Not to worry Tony doesn't need me to blow smoke up his arse ke knows he brews a great beer
WW - Large, loose head prevented most of the aroma but I got the galaxy right away. A little too bitter for my tastes but nonetheless a good beer.

19 deebee's latest kayenkay, Black & Gold Ale, drinking okay now as at 3 January 2009.
kook- Pours amber with a bit of a haze, nice big fluffy white head though, and good retention. Aroma of tinned fruit and of all things, roasted nuts? Flavour is a balance of malt, fruit and bitterness. Nice subtle malt character, tropical fruit notes and a firm but balanced bitterness. Very drinkable, and quite morish Cheers Dave.
GL Some haze, good carb, thin but well retained and creamy head. Aroma a bit of toasty malt and some citrusy hops. Smooth malty, restrained fruity ale, finishes with a combination of firm bitterness, and dry crisp toasty malt. Very drinkable, very nice, a minor quibble, for me would be even better with a little less dry bitterness in the finish. Loved the label concept, although when out to impress my chums I tend to buy "Beer by David" from a boutique store in Claremont.
Recharge - Definately no supermarket beer here. Poured a slightly hazy amber with a decent size head. Nice malty ale with a good amount of bitterness. Another enjoyable beer. Thanks.
Malty Cultural - Hazy amber with a good shaving-cream head and the best lacing of the case so far. Good malt flavour with what I think of as an english toasty charater and a fruitiness that I couldn't quite pin down - not quite tropical, not quite citrus. Lingering bitterness came through strongly at the end but wasn't OTT. A tasty easy drinker.
Mika - Excellent beer, great balance, lovely malt background (touch of munich ?), nice level of carbonation, went down a treat. My pick for beer of the case this year. Well done DB.

20 Mikeb, Kolsch, give it a week
Goat - Pours with good carbonation, slightly hazy with a straw colour. Light smooth taste slightly sweet with hints of fruitiness. No malt taste that I detected, but a hint of hops in the after-taste. Really enjoyed this one.
kook - Sorry Mike my palate is shot, so I don't have much to say about your beer. Looks nice though! Slight haze, otherwise yellow-gold in colour with a short, tight white head. Good retention. Bready aroma with some light grass clippings. Dry, bitter finish. Very refreshing.
Randyrob - Slightly Hazy almost muddy light golden colour, a thin head that dissipates quickly could have just been a bad pour on my part hey it was new years eave, aroma of honey with a slight bit of spice, taste is clean with a dry finish with a tiny bit of grapefruit upfront followed by honey nice work mike
a very tasty beer!
sinkas - I have avoided kolsche's for a while after it seemed everyone and thier dead dog was making them. Thisnone was far more interesting than my memory of others, a surprising amount of frutiness and yewastiness, in the niose with a weighty yet lively spicy palate. The cascade in the brew was a good idea too.
DB: The beer I have enjoyed the most so far. Just so gorgeous and full yet still crisp and light: excellent balance. Fragrant, grassy, fresh, floral, fruit salad, balanced, uplifting, a bloody good beer.
Malty Cultural - I drank this after I came inside hot and stinking after a day of painting and it was perfect. I deliberately poured roughly for a thick head and it lasted most of the glass and left good lacing. Very refreshing and I loved the soft fruitiness. There was a definite vinous character to the fruitiness but I couldn't say whether this was was the NS hops or the characteristic Kolsch flavour. Who cares?! There's no point over analysing a delicious beer.
RM - Bit muddy, good carb. Very grassy hop aroma, lovely mouthfeel and a slightly winey/bready aftertaste with grassy/floral notes. Top class.
Recharge - Poured a slightly hazy with a small amount of head. Was a nice tasting beer but i found the flavour a little muddled (for want of a better desciption) i can only put this down to yeast character of which my experiance is very limited. Enjoyed it Thanks.
WW - Mike - nice work. A little murky would be my only complaint but otherwise doesn't detract from what is a very drinkable beer. Wish I had a few more.
Doogiechap - 6 Months in the fridge has been a good friend to this drop :) Poured beautifully clear with a persistent head, hop aroma was subdued but I got citrus. The balance was towards bitterness but not beyond the style. Again citrus was prominent in the hop flavor dept too which made for a very refreshing drop. Thanks Mike for a lovely contribution !
21 Simo, Hefe wiezen, ready now -- Sorry WW.
GL This is well gassed now. I dont do wheats so I forget, is the banana clove one or the other one? Anyway, I got mostly bubble gum and I quite liked it.
kook - Mine could have done with a little more gas - but it's probably my fault for fridging it too early. Pours golden with a short white head. A little cloudy, better once I stirred up the yeast. Aroma of bubblegum and pears. Flavour is similar, bubblegum and tinned pears. Some nice malt behind it too. Refreshing, though it could be a tad drier. Perfectly fine to relax after a busy day though.
WW - Flat with some odd flavours going on here. Bottle did not appear to be sealed properly. Myself and assistant taster did not get past second mouthful. Smelling dregs in bottle strongly hinted at infection of some kind.
Randyrob - Copper coloured, medium carb, thin head that dissipated quickly, has a tasty aroma with a fair bit going on, all the usual suspects & has a decent wack of malt for a wheat beer
Malty Cultural - Aroma of sweet bread dough and cooked pears. Flavour of pears and toffee followed by spice. Quite chewy for a hefe, but that's probably based on my personal preference for bone dry weizens.

22 Witwonder , Ungassed generic lager, ready now
Some minor bottling issues resulted in this being a little flat. Good to see my inability to make a label did not affect identification of my beer...
RM -- Very Low Carb - probably could do with some more time (24/12). A bit hazy, but intriguing orange colour. I swear that I smelt Feijoas on the nose and the palate confirmed this - a slightly minty/linemint undertone. Not a lot of flavour part from that - finished quite sweet. I suspect the FG was quite high.
Asher - Dull Carbonation, Some funky fruit flavours from yeast. But otherwise a good attempt at a plain beer. I'm assuming that's what you were aiming for on closer inspection of the label
DB Not sure when it was bottled, maybe needs more time: undercarbed and still sweet, maybe priming sugars. Slightly funky unbalanced aroma with hops, sweet malt and something sharp and carbonic. Sweet, english malt flavours finishing sharp.
GL, Ditto, low carb, cloudy, nice enough malt but with fruity esters and apricot in particular. Still a very drinkable beer, but too fruity for a lager. Was this a dried lager yeast? I remember when I used to do lagers with one of the SAF dry yeasts and no temp control I used to get the same fruity profile and the apricot especially.
kook- Pours golden with a slight haze. Low carbonation, though nice initial head fading to small. Aroma of fruit and rubber. Honey-sweet flavour with some fruit behind. Otherwise quite clean in malt flavour. I also suspect higher fermentation temperatures with this beer, though it was still quite quaffable.
sinkas - Mine was quite well carbed and slightly hazy. I actually thought it tasted like a kristal weizen, and quite a nice one at that.
Malty Cultural - Poured clear gold with good carbonation and head. There was a slightly odd aroma which I couldn't quite pick. Band-aids? Flavour was of tropical fruit with a slight metalic taste, kind of like tinned pineapple juice. While it didn't fit the mold of a clean lager, I enjoyed it as a quaffable pale ale.



RECIPE THREAD HERE Please add yours if you haven't already
1 Guest Lurker, ESB, let the yeast settle then drink soon, dont drink it too cold, DRINK IT SOON, the TT yeast has woken up, it wont explode, but it will be overgassed for a bitter (thats some excuse GL)
Randyrob--Opens with a 'very' relieving hiss. Pours with about 2 fingers worth of head and is a nice copper colour, presents well.
Has a light spicy aroma with a hint of bready malt. Body is medium to light with a medium carbonation, It has everything
you would expect from a good bitter, slight hop flavour, good yeast character and a bit of caramel as it warms up nothing
over the top the balance was perfect for my taste, the bitterness just pops its head out of the malt profile.
Would make a great session beer!
kook-Pours copper in colour with a large, fluffy beige head. Carbonation is high, probably quite a bit overcarbonated for style. Great caramel aroma, with some biscuity notes and faint herbal hops. Earthy hops in the start with some nice maltly flavours to back it up. Light spice in the finish. Very moreish, much more complex than it's low ABV. Very drinkable session bitter. I would have loved another bottle. Great stuff Simon.
Asher - TT yeast still asleep in mine. Beer poured with only a slightly larger head. Still plenty of small sparkles and not so many bigger bubbles that stack symmetrically in a typical overcarbonated beer. Not much hop aroma. Nice medium malt levels that suit the colour. Finish is spicy and relatively dry. That's my kind of body for an ESB.... making it super drinkable.
Malty Cultural - Perfectly balanced for my taste and I enjoyed the medium-dry finish. There was a spicy flavour which I normally associate with belgian beers, but I'm not expert enough to attribute this to the hops or yeast. Very enjoyable, very drinkable.
sinkas:- what a great start, lovley toffee rich maltiness despite its modest ABV, a credit to the dogs that brewed it.
TonyM; By the time I got to this bottle there was only half a glass left. The others said "good" but I got me a glass full of agglomerated yeast/gurp balls up to 3mm in dia that looked like curdled milk and refused to settle. My stomach roiled at the sight. Perhaps it was the last bottle out of the container as I'm sure GL is better than that.
WW; Malty, caramel undertones on the nose. Good carbonation, dark copper in colour. Tasting wise the malt comes through well with a full mouthfeel and slightly bitter aftertaste. I also noted what Tony is referring to above re 'balls' though didn't worry me enough to not drink it. Good quaffable beer.
Simo- Large fluffy head, high carb, nice copper colour. Didn't find it as malty as others have suggested though I did have it straight after Mika's. Much hoppier than the other. Spicy?
Barfridge + Millsy(just visiting) - Thought it more of a best bitter style, herbaceous almost vegetably aroma, strange tangy mouthfeel/flavour. Drinkable but not your best effort captain sensible.
Vlad -Just enjoying this one now that it has warmed up a bit and the head has settled, oh the irony of the Cap'n banging on about over carbed beers! If its this good in the bottle, I would love to taste it from the hand pump. Recipe please.
Doogiechap - Carbonation was on the upper side of things but my preference is towards that so I was happy :) Spicy is what came to me as well, but the malt wasn't at all lacking. A lovely drop, thanks Simon :)
RM - I enjoy over carbed bitters. Pretty basic caramel/toffee ness. Mine was sweeter rather than bitter - nice spice almost vanilla finish. Very enjoyable - big hand for the Big Dog.
Recharge - Another very enjoyable beer. Thanks.
Mika - Drank it a while ago, was good, thought it should have been more bitter, but then maybe I'm misinterpreting the style

2 Doogiechap, DVD, watch now, Verboden Vrucht, drink mid 2009
GL Quite clear, nice reddish mahogany colour, lowish to OK carb, poor head retention at the moment. Aroma is Belgian fruity esters with some banana. Rich malty, then fruity in the middle, getting plums, candy, sultanas, caramel, with a clean finish with some alcohol warmth. Not getting the oak right now but once the malt and esters have smoothed out will probably be different. A very nice and well made beer, maybe a little underattenuated now, but if you had the patience to wait until...say...mid 2009 I think you would be rewarded.
RM Looked special in the glass - bronze, clear - spectacular. Carbonation isnt a factor I guess in this type of beer but there was some carbonation - very very fine bubbles that dissappeared quite quickly. I admit not to being familiar with this style. Complex brown sugar / molasses and raisin flavours - fruitcake and candied peel at the end. The mouthfeel is slick and long - definite heat from the ABV. Sorry to provide too much info but I belched a full 10 mintes after finishing my glass and the overriding taste was apricot jam. This is an aperitif - like a glass of Tokay - hugely interesting but not something you could neck. The last bottle bites the dust - the case is altered - complete. Well done Doug - you have earnt your ride next year - again. Thanks again Sandgropers - till December - adieu.
Mika - Tasted this right after a bottle of forbidden fruit. Colour is just about bang on. Alcohol warmth is alot more noticeable in this version though, don't know whether that would tame with age. I got a caramelly experience from this beer with a full body and nearing cloyingly sweet finish. Don't know whether it's the finishing gravity or the malts that dominate the finish, but either way I'd like it just a tad drier. I got a more rasiny taste from the commercial version, so perhaps some darker crystal at a guess ? I'd drunk quite a few beers before attacking this one, so the subtleties of the yeast flavour were lost on me. While not a great clone, certainly a nice belgian in it's own right and a welcome addition to the case.
sinkas - after nearly a year of aging, this one was still far too sweet for me, nice flavours, but needed to drop a few more point to be drinkable in any quantity
MC - One year on and I have finally finished the case. Rum and raisin on the nose and palate with a nice sour cherry taste just before swallowing. It was a touch sweet, but this was shared between three and served as dessert so it was a good fit.
3 kukulkan, Belgian Specialty (Christmas Saison/Bier de Garde), STORE IN FRIDGE. Beware of very high carbonation. Ready to drink ASAP.
Brendanos--Opens (in the sink) with a boistrous hiss, but thankfully without the follow through. Pours a large frothy head which stayed long enough to throw some pleasant spicy yeast character my way (but not long enough to stain my moustache) and tops a murky maple-syrup coloured beverage. Aroma is of sweet, bready malt, and a pleasant floral/spicy yeast character which, after 6 hours in hospital, I can best only describe as "bier de garde-ey". Carbonation is lively in the mouth which opens the flavour gates to sweet biscuity malt flavours which are balanced by a moderate bitterness that could similarly be a peppery yeast character. Finish is a little sweet but balanced, with more of the pleasant french-ness, and a slight, pleasant tartness. To me this is a pretty darn fine drinkin BDG, but we wouldn't expect any less from the master of wacky wallonian wonders.
If the other 21 are this good, it'll be a great Christmas, thanks Kook!
Malty Cultural -- Not a gusher. Phew! Lovely rum'n'raisin aroma wafted up from an enormous head. The powerful malt flavour was sweet but not cloying and there was plenty spicy yeast character balanced by something which was closer to tartness than typical hop bitterness. It left me with a dry, bicsuity aftertaste which was unusual but pleasant. Enjoyable and very Christmassy. Say "hi" to Nole for me.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Taking life into my hands and opened with a borrowed cigarette lighter No gushing. Beer presented with a cupcake head & roasted date aroma. Initially I was introduced to a maltyness excess in melanoidins. I was expecting more Saison yeasty flavours from previous reviews but got a more subdued, English 'roast like' bodied beer that hid the Alcohol probably too well. I set it aside and got stuck into some dinner Upon my return and after a temperature rise, like a jack-in-a-box, the music started playing and an ripper of a beer jumped out at me 'Nice trip' from the well traveled Kook
GL Nice carb level, very malty, but balanced with esters and stuff. I liked it, especially a bit warmer.
TonyM--Well, I have bits of kangaroo and glass all over the laundry this morning, all stuck to everything with what smells like quite a nice beer. If anybody else has not opened their Beer de Nole yet, I suggest they store it in a thick walled steel container and send it quickly to the Middle East where it will be put to good use. If anybody wonders what I'm doing today, I'm the bloke on the mop washing the floors while waiting for the washing machine to finish every towel stored in the laundry
GL Not having a good run are you Tony? Have fridged my second one.
RM - I had no problems with this. 3rd beer of the tasting session - was well lubed. Lovely lime marmalade nose - not overly limey but sweet, obvious spicey, vanilla pods and raisin tones. Changed when warmer - quite a bit of heat there. Candied Peel at the end. I would have to say this is the most complex beer of the bunch so far - SWMBO agreed - tasty.
Mika - This lsted all of about 5 mins after I'd be stripping wallpaper all day. A fairly complex beer, but all I remember is strong Champagne armoa's on opening that seemed to persist.
Doogiechap - As advised strong carbonation which was perhaps a bit too bitey for me but thats my own fault for not letting it sit a bit longer :) Some nice biscuity notes with a complexity that I regret not taking more note of. I would have liked another shot at this one letting it warm up a bit more. Thanks Kook !
4 Mika, suspiciously commercial looking ESB, drink several months ago when it was still in the UK
GL - No real oxidation, lovely colour, much more bright than mine, bit of caramel malt balanced by good bitterness, still a great beer. Doesnt have the fresh hop flavour that mine does though.
kook - I haven't taken any notes (sorry). But I must say this: It is a shadow of it's real self on cask. Very drinkable, but really lacks the hop flavour, aroma, body and simple moreish drinkability of a "true" Fullers ESB.
Randyrob - very bright beer, nice malt backbone & bitterness not alot of hop flavour to speak off also i didnt realise it was nearly 6%!
Recharge - Nice beer - love to try it on tap. Thanks Mika
Simo- MALT! ... I'm not a big fan of the english ales but I actually enjoyed this, cheers Mika.
Doogiechap - Onya Mika for stepping up to the mark and subbing a decent commercial drop in place of your slow fermenting batches. I'm pretty naieve when it comes to what a true ESB should taste like but I thoroughly enjoyed this thanks bloke !

5 clay, Pale Rider, drink now
GL Dark amber colour, well carbed, good head retention, not bright but not murky. Quite malty, but with enough refreshing bitterness to cut through, and a clean citrusy hop flavour. Kind of an AIPA I guess, and a good one. The 6.8% alcohol is well hidden, and it goes down well. Nice label too, but after washing teh bottle, if you put it on your kitchen floor, it will bleed some ink.
kook - Hazy deep amber in colour. Lively carbonation, huge off white head. Aroma is very spicy, both from hop character and clove-like notes. Some fresh cut grass in the background. Pungent earthy and pine like hop flavour, very bitter in the finish. Enough malt to balance it out, and as Simon noted the alcohol is very well hidden. Dry bitter lingering finish. Personally, I would prefer a little more body, though this might reduce the drinkability a little.
Malty Cultural - Like being punched in the face with a grapefruit, but in a good way.........I actually enjoyed this more than some of the Big Yanks on offer on the swap day because this one felt more drinkable and better attenuated. The malt and hops are both huge but the ABV is very well hidden.
DB: Bronze colour, a touch overcarbed and had to pour carefully. Cloudy, not murky. Good head retention. Tasted big on alcohol, big fat malt flavour up front, intense hops from beginning to end, finishing heavy, resinous and very bitter.
Simo- hmmm, got a wild one here. Poured a glass of foam, tipped it out and started again, got half a glass this time and sucked the head off to top it up. When done with that little argument I set the rest of the bottle in the sink to volcano for a while and settle down. Strong pine and citrus nose. Dark copper/bronze colour. Kinda sweet? Resinous like DB mentions, a kinda oily feel in the mouth and a lingering bitterness. There was quite a lot of what looked like pellet flakes floating around lava-lamp style with the strong carb, guess I got one of the last ones.
Barfridge + Millsy(just visiting) - Ahh like this one, great bitterness, aromatic, reminiscent of Matilda bay's Alpha Ale. Pine cone aroma with a sweet toffee malt backbone. Luverly Jubbly.
Recharge - Mine poured very a murky amber colour Nice aroma. Initial bitterness was a bit harsh but mellowed as the glass warmed up, well balance malt and hops with a little alcohol warming. Enjoyed it Thanks.
RM - Well carbed/bit murky - could smell the hop burst straight away. Simcoe/Centennial/Chinook would be my guess as I got Grapefruit/marmalade in spades. When cold had a sharp bitterness and not much else but as it warmed up the malt backbone showed up. Whilst I really enjoyed this i think a smidge less bitterness would improve the balance. Nice Flavours though.
Mika - Damn ! Hops and alcohol, more than enough of both, but somehow they seemed to balance each other ? Beautifully crafted beer, but not sure I could drink more than one or two.
6 Goat, Marzen, drink now
kook - Pours amber with beautiful ruby highlights. Clear, with a medium size creamy beige head. Aroma of bready malts, with some mild toffee apples. Flavour is quite clean, good strong malt backbone with faint grape and caramel notes. Mouthfeel is very smooth, creamy and moreish. Extremely drinkable, balanced towards the sweet side, but I finished the bottle off very quickly and was thirsting another! Nice stuff Lincoln, a great way for me to start the case.
GL- Yeah, what Kook said. Less caramel malt than other Marzens I have tried, and as a result a lovely drinkable beer.
Malty Cultural - I enjoyed this one and found it intriguing. The caramel which Kook mentioned was quite strong for me but easily countered by the bitterness. It seemed simultaneously bitter and sweet in a marmalade kind of way, but without any actual marmalade flavours (if that makes sense). It felt bigger in the mouth than the gravities on the label would suggest - I thought I would whack this one down, but I found myself savouring each sip.
sinkas: Not much experiance in this field,the beer smelt great but was it the crystal that gave me reflux? sure it was well made but must have sat poorly on the smoked duck dinner.
TonyM: Got dudded here too. About the same amount of gas as a fly's fart. Do your caps up Linc.
Randyrob - pours with a hello how's your mother dark copper colour, smells of sweet caramel with similar taste but snaps of clean and not cloying at all. a nice clean malty lager. also my fav label of the bunch. a superb beer, went down great with a curry thanks mate!
DB Smell of banana bread on twisting the lid. Burnished bronze to dark date colours, a clear and bright beer. Soft creamy head, off-white that became semi-solid raft by the end of the beer, well sustained by ample carbonation. Burnt caramel bitterness, some sweet maltness, subtle Munich melanoidin maltiness rounding out a very nice beer. Finishes dry and soft and very drinkable, though perhaps not as crisp as it might have finished. Fantastic beer.
Vlad - This was the standard for the style, absolutetly fabulous, clean, balanced, and without waffling a bloody good beer.
Doogiechap - My first Marzden and thoroughly enjoyed it :) A lovely big round malt profile with some lovely dark caramel notes. mmmmmmmmmmm.
Recharge - Loved it. My first Marzen too and will look for other examples of this beer or i might just try your recipe. Thanks.
Mika - In the same boat as Tony, fly fart on opening and without the carb it just seemed cloying and perhaps a little muddy in the taste as well. Would have been interesting to try a properly carbed version.
7 Asher, GT lager, cold condition 2 weeks then drink
RM - Perfectly Carbed, Little Hazy but bright. Interesting aroma - similar to Jasmine rice. Delicate, sweet herbal notes - excellent length from which to extract the myriad of flavours. Bitterness perfect. Top drawer Asher - setting the bar high as always.
kook - Pours clear yellow with a slight haze (presumably due to the GT). High carbonation keeps the tight white head there. Clean, lagery malt aroma. Flavour is very clean and balanced. Some light malt, herbal GT and just the right amount of bitterness. I wish that commercial brewers would produce lagers of this quality, with just enough malt and hop flavour to let you know its real, but the balance and refreshing drinkability that we have become accustomed to. Top stuff.
GL Light on body and malt, but enough there to make it taste like beer. As a green tea drinker I get it immediately in the aroma, in the mid flavour, and in the aftertaste. Delicately balanced and delicious, perfect level of bitterness for a summer evening. Had it been bottled with a tea bag in each, would have been even better.
Malty Cultural - The green tea aroma was there because I went looking for it, but otherwise I wouldn't have picked it. Overall it was delicate but flavoursome and I really enjoyed it. To me it had a soft Corona-like cleanliness but with a Euro-pils maltiness. Despite the brand reference, I mean that as a compliment.
Randyrob - unfortunately had to share this with a mate, poured with a decent head that stays for the entire glass and yellow in colour, a quick taste reminds me of a song that used to be on the radio the chorus something like "so fresh and so clean"
it was all over to quickly, had a nice bitterness (presumably emphasized by the tannins in the tea???) i think this would go down a treat with a grilled fish and chips sitting on the freo foreshore if only it was available commercially......
Recharge - Sorry this went down like a Solo after a hard morning mixing concrete. I can say only that i enjoyed it and whilst i was looking for green tea didn't pick it. Very clean and refresshing lager Thanks Asher.
Tony M...Thank you Asher, for posting your recipe, now the whole world can construct this wonderful drop for themselves.
Mika - Still haven't tried my own version yet...I think ? An early version I tried had the green tea flavour in spades and was quite refreshing. A slightly older version had just faded to a quite bland mega lager taste.
8 Randyrob, Bier De Garde, highly carbed, ready now
Tony M--Deliberately constructed with a rock solid head that sat 30mm above the glass causing much exasperation for the thirsty drinkers waiting patiently for an indeterminate time for it to subside. Eventually we decided to just stick our noses in and snort it and were rewarded with a great beer. Probably a silly one for the first drink of Christmas as it had a days supply of alchohol in half a bottle and it was only 10.30am. It has set a high standard.
kook- Pours a slightly hazy bronze colour with a huge fluffy white head. Great retention and high carbonation. Nose of pepper, allspice and clove. Some tropical fruits as it warms. Flavour is a delicate balance of malt, spice and fruit. Perfect medium bodied mouthfeel, with a decent dry finish. Extremely drinkable, refreshing and morish. A great Bire De Nol.
GL Estery and spicy and balanced. Quite nice.
Malty Cultural - Spicy aroma with a pleasant french funk. Bready malt flavour with fruit and spice. Good, refreshing mouthfeel and carbonation. Flavoursome and refreshing.
DB Slightly cloudy and very well-carbed with a loose and fluffy head piled up high on top. Honey-like colours. Served very well chilled but still prominent spicy yeast aromas and alcohol well hidden. Complex spicy flavours come out as it warms, but the beer still finishes very dry and a little tart, surprisingly refreshing. You can taste the alcohol as you exhale and it packs quite a punch. This is a very enjoyable beer.
Mika - Didn't get the alcohol punch, lots of carb, quite a nice beer, but thought it would have been more sour ? Maybe twas a little young still ?

9 Recharge, Brown Ale, drink now
kook- Pours hazy brown with a short to medium tan head. Mild malty, caramel-like aroma. Thin, dry mouthfeel. Initial big malty flavour, with some bandaid phenols and a slight metallic tinge in the finish. Suspect an infection here. My bottle had the base blown out/expanded. Possibly previously used on a bad batch, and being plastic harboured the bugs? Flavours were subtle too, which would indicate it hasn't taken fully hold yet.
GL Poured bright, nice dark amber colour with reddish highlights, reasonable head. Thin mouthfeel, malty but dry malty, no bandaids, no metallic that I can taste, does have a very slight liquorice aftertaste, overall a smooth thin malty clean ale and enjoyable. Nice to see Smashed Santa making a reappearance on the label.
Malty Cultural - I overchilled this one and it poured a very murky brown due to chill haze. As it warmed it cleared well to an attractive copper-brown. My bottle was in good shape, unlike Kook's, and I didn't detect any bandaids. Aroma and flavour of brown bread and subtle caramel. It was forty degrees today so the light body and dry finish didn't bother me at all.
Doogiechap - Mine was a bit hazy with a nice fresh aroma. Nice upfront malt but not at all cloying with a nice balance of bitterness but not to much hop flavor. A much appreciated ale on a 40 day.
Tony M... I liked this.It had a full maltiness but had a good bittering balance from dark grain that ensured there was no cloying sweetness remaining on the palate. A good looking beer, didn't notice any murk, though the head faded towards the end. We cant always be perfect.
10 Ausdb, Bid Day Alt, drink now
GL Reasonable carbonation, nice dark mahogany colour, malty aroma, thin head but hanging in there. Smooth malty with a significant but smooth bitterness. Very drinkable.
RM - I love this style - toffee malty chewyness - I get plenty of vanilla pod flavours - the bitter and the sweet meet well. Would have liked a smidge more carbonation but in all a pleasant pint. Cheers Darren.
kook- Pours deep brown with beautiful ruby highlights. Short tan head, quite low in carbonation, perhaps a little too low. Freshly crunched malteser aroma, of light chocolate and malt. Some faint fruity notes behind. Flavour starts very malty, with some light toffee notes and faint coffee there too. Very well balanced and extremely drinkable. Loved the label too, very well presented. Great stuff Darryn.
Goat - Nice work Darryn. mild carbonation, deep colour with a malty nose sweet nose. Great complex malt taste - a very good beer.
Vlad ( and his brother)- First one out of the box, setting the bar quite high for the rest of us. We drank this with the Hauptstylenguide at hand and can only say that it came in on every aspect, except maybe head retention which can be attributed to the tightarse CPBF. The Mojo is back and is wearing its Sunday best brewing trousers.
Malty Cultural - If you travel to Malt City in Maltland, located on planet Malt, the locals are unlikely to have encountered a beer as malty as this. I've never tasted a 'real' Alt, but this ticked all the boxes. Kook's decription hits the nail on the head. I could easily have this on hand as my winter "table beer". It also gets my vote for best label.
Doogiechap - Caramel was what came to my mind with the prominent malt profile. Carbonation was on the lower side but not excessively low and it gave that 'smoothness' that I really enjoyed. A stunning beer that was slowly savored :) Thanks Darryn ! PS. 10 out of 10 for the name/ label.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Nice color (see below for aroma). Flavor wise I enjoyed the balanced roasty, toasty maltiness and lingering biscuity dryness. I got a slight back of throat harshness on the second glass of this tasty beer that isn't uncommon in dryer examples using a bit of darker malt. Residual Alkalinity? Brendanos? Nice drop non the less. One issue I had was with the aroma. The malt was overtaken by some sort of Band-aid Phenolic aroma my even have been Medicinal. Anyone else get this? I think the blood is still flowing where it is needed though. Nice drop and keep it up Darryn
Barfridge + Millsy(just visiting) - Aromas of Rye Bread, toasty characteristics hint's of mocha and toasted coconut. Clear cola colour with a small but persistent tan head. Softish mouthfeel, If it were a wine I'd describe it as mineral. Summarily not too bad, a winter beer for the carribean?
Recharge - Very good effort and wish i had a case of this. I like big malty beers and this definately didn't disappoint. Thanks.
WW - Nice work. Probably would have benefited from another few weeks conditioning. Very large head and some bite from the malt and hops not quite having enough time together but certainly a drinkable beer.
DB Cleaning out my cellar to accomodate 50L of bottles today and discovered this crushed between a crate and the wall and broken. sad.gif Damn and blast.
Mika - MALT, I'm really not sure how you made a beer this malty, and I'm not sure it's something I'd be that concerned about replicating. Just way out of balance, to my mind needs something (bitterness for a start) to balance it out and make it more drinkable. I got thru about 3/4 of a glass and got over it. Enjoyed it up till then though.
11 Sinkas, Oyster Stout, drink now
WARNING: READ THE LABLE< THIS THING IS VERY HIGHLY CARBED< ONE FALSE MOVE AND YOUR NATUZZI COUCH IT TOAST; CONTAINS SHELLFISH maybe allergenic if you have had allergic reaction to oysters/mussels/abalone/bearded clams before.
Malty Cultural - My, but this is a big beer. I deliberately opened this with four other beer drinkers because I knew that this would be no quaffer. Once I explained what an oyster stout was, I was suddenly drinking alone. I know the beer which this is based on and have to say that this comes pretty darn close. This version has a touch more tartness and a slightly sharper briny character than the original. It's enjoyable now and I would be interested to hear how it ages.
Goat - I was pretty well primed when I had this one, and remember nothing after it... Big Beer poured a slightly murky black with very keen carbonation - had a mild gusher and had to run to the kitchen to limit mess. Flavours much more reminiscent of a a big belgian ale rather than a stout, I couldn't pick a dominant roasted backbone to the malt. A smooth tasking and balanced big beer, slightly sweet.
GL - Dark black colour, pretty much opaque. Vigorous hiss on opening but fits in 2 glasses nicely. Creamy well retained tan head. Aroma a little vinous and plummy. Malt driven. Dark malt character is more smooth chocolate and crisp charcoal black malt than roasted, there is little roasted character. Has some plummy and cherry Belgian style esters that kick in in the middle. Overall a delicious beer, kind of like eating a dark Belgian chocolate with a cherry centre. The carbonic bites goes well, and the alocohol is very well hidden. I taste hints of shellfish grown in shallow waters with a north drifting oxygen rich current. Just kidding, I dont get any briney fishy flavours, and to be honest am pretty happy about that, I prefer my Belgian chocolates with fruit in the middle rather than oysters..
RM - Was looking forward to this one - I read the disclaimer but decided to continue. No gusher but pouring was a challenge - mondo big bubbled head. Maybe Overcarbed - which would explain the carbonic bite? No dramas though. Instant salty, briney flavours abound which complement the obvious chocolate/roasted malt backbone that holds it all up. It took me a full 30 minutes to savour this monster - I completely agree with GL - there is little or no heat from the ABV. Very Very enjoyable beer - thanks Case. Even Mrs Mellie (who describes Stouts as runny marmite) enjoyed this.
DB Novel idea for the Christmas case, Case but, unlike the Bongwater Black, this one actually contains its eponym: I think I smelled mollusc when I opened this beer. It's harder to detect when you just sniff the beer (oyster has a comparatively subtle scent), but I still reckon it's there amongst all the other huger aromas of sweet malt, alcohol and general big-beer aromas. Despite opening this bottle twice in the 24 hours before drinking it, I still had a mild gusher when finally cracking it. Hopefully the big carbonation will mean there is still some carb left in a few months' time despite being in PET. Someone should review this beer after about three months. The beer is black with prune-coloured edges, the head is enormous, billowing and persistent. Your mouth is filled with big gravity slickness and perhaps also with hardness due to dissolved salt. It tastes salty too, which I have some trouble getting used to, but it's huge enough so you get away with it: brandied fruit, sweet malt, warm alcohol, burnt barley bitterness. I drank the first glass on Sunday watching the cricket and eating bluebone and rice. It would be better matched with a viscous gravy beef casserole, roast beef or boerworst sausages. The second night it was my after dinner sipper and I appreciated it much more. Another ambitious and successful monster from the enigmatic brewer who refuses typecasting. My only real criticism: it should have been bottled in glass so someone could taste it in a year or three.
kook - Pours black with a rambunctious light brown head. Nose of chocolate, dark fruit and spice. Very balanced flavour profile. Great chocolate, light roast coffee, maltesers and christmas pudding. Perfect medium-full body, the higher carbonation helps too to increase the drinkability. Very deceptive beer, hard to tell it's 8%. I personally didn't get any fishy flavours, but do detect a slight saltiness in the finish. Nice stuff Case!
Recharge - Well I didn't see any oysters or other shellfish clinging to my bottle. Couldn't taste them either. Very nice big black beer which my brother in law also enjoyed and wished he had some to take home. Excellent job Thanks.
Mika - It's big, it's stoutish and I don't get any 'fishy' flavours. A nice beer, but not something I'd be rushing out to brew myself.
Doogiechap - Perhaps the pint of Strong Dark Belgian first was remiss of me but I digress :) The crack of the lid gave the 'shellfish' aroma but I haven't been able to detect it otherwise, perhaps a touch of brine but the power of suggestion is not insignificant :) The roast is nicely balanced with the malty/ chocoatety element with a refreshing bitterness. The carbonation wasn't an issue on the pour but 4 volumes does leave an impression :) A nice white pillowy head that shows no sign of abatement makes for an appealing drop both visually and consumptively. Thanks for sharing the adventure Case :)

12 Vlad The Pale Aler, Transylvanian Pale Ale, drink now
kook- Pours golden with a slight haze. Light carbonation, short but thick creamy head. Pleasant fruit salad aroma, pineapple, pears and mashed bananas. Soft, full mouthfeel. Flavour is initially a delicate balance of bready malt and fruit salad. The more you get into it, some grassy, herbal hops and light citrus notes come through too. Perfect bitterness, and just dry enough to keep you wanting more. Another great session beer from a top class brewer!
GL Nicely balanced drinkable beer, not a lot of carbonation, nice mix of smooth malt, esters and the right amount of bitterness.
RM - Lightly carbed - velvety smoothness with muted tropical fruit flavours - nothing really overpowering here - malt and bitterness in harmony with pleasant fruitiness. Very easy to drink - in a word 'subtle' - I completely agree with Kook - a well made session ale.
Malty Cultural - Agree with the previous reviews. Balanced, restrained and extremely drinkable.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Pours easily into a goblet. Low foam.. Aroma of egg white pavlova. Am greeted by an initial sweetness that matches this aroma. The hobs are subdued, but perfect to offset the fruitiness when left to linger on the pallet. Some alcohol warmth to finish makes this ales more of a journey than a trip. Top drop
Randyrob - Beautiful golden colour, low co2, haven't had many home crafted lagers to compare but this one is the goods, a slight bit of fruitiness but i mostly get the malt flavours coming thru light caramel, just enough bitterness to clean the palate as it warms i can feel a bit of warming alcohol come thru.
DB: Another beauty. No notes taken at the time, but English and wholesome. Reminiscent of sitting fireside in the village pub somewhere near Liddypoool?
Simo- Small head. Low carb. Golden. Bready. Fruity. Bitter. Nice.
Recharge - Sorry i drank this a while ago and whilst i have no details to offer i do remember it being a very nice beer. Thanks
Mika - Not sure what kinda of beer style this was meant to be and didn't take a lot of notes when I drank it, do recall it being very Fruit Salad-ish in both aroma and taste, not reall a fan to be honest.

13 barfridge, Belgian, give it a couple of weeks
DB It's got very little head, in fitting with a large alcohol beer. Plenty of fizz, but no head, slightly lighter than coca-cola brown and fairly clear. It smells more like a generic strong ale; admittedly my nose is blocked today, but I can't really pick up any spicy phenolic Belgian smells. It smells kind of sweet and alcoholic. Mouthfeel starts medium-bodied but dries right out at the end. Fat sweet alcoholic start and dry tart alcoholic finish. Couldn't think of alcoholic tart joke to fit in here. Beer was very enjoyable.
GL I think that is the set. Good carb but low head. Malty, fruity, Belgiany, dark, at the front end tastes like it could be underattenuated but then dries out in the finish, a very nice Christmasy beer.
RM - Quite Muddy to look at - not much head to speak of but enough bubbles to make the mouthfeel quite spritzig. The phenolics are subdued but they are present. Interesting flavours - sort of like fruitcake. I enjoyed this beer.
WW - Superb. I am not usually a fan of dark beers but this is the best beer of the case so far. Alcohol well hidden and a persistent, creamy head coupled with fantastic mouthfeel and malt flavour and body make this a great beer. 15-02-09.
MC - Reminded me of chocolate covered raisins, but in an appropriately beery way. What was I thinking drinking it by myself after a day of gardening? I was in my happy place by the bottom of the bottle. Enjoyable to drink and I can imagine cooking something hearty with this as well.
kook - Beautiful ruby brown colour, though unfortunately the fluffy tan head didn't last long. Enticing aroma of raisins, plums and cocoa. Flavours are great, nice fruitcake, raisin, maltesers and allspice. Actually quite dry, but with a nice malt sweetness there. Smooth mouthfeel too. Very nice beer!
14 brendanos, Sassy burgundy, just bottled with no priming, read the label
GL Well someone had to do it, and I dont like manky infected beer, so I guess it was me. The merest pfst on opening. Saw a couple of bubbles, lower carb than a UK bitter, but not flat. Colour somewhere between dark amber and mahogany. Aroma is all Nelson Sauvin, grapes big time. Smooth complex malty with nothing standing out, not toasty, not roasty, not biscuity, not chocolately, well maybe a bit, but mostly just malty. Clean assertive citrusy smooth bitterness, not quite over the top, has a lingering finish. Nothing hot, could easily be a 4% beer, but its not. Very nice beer, for me a little more carb would be good, but not at the expense of infection products, very happy with drinking it now.
Recharge - Low carb here but really suited the beer.A definate grapefruit aroma which was also distinct in the upfront flavour. Malty but kind of dry and for my taste this would make an excellent session beer if it could be trusted smile.gif . I too am glad i drank it now. Thanks.
MC - Consumed 28/05/09 and Brendan's beloved pathogens are starting to take hold. Poured a clear garnet with a an impressively creamy head - akin to a nitrogen draught head. Carbonation was very low, but the head retention was good. I'm a novice with funky beers (honestly, who's ever tasted a horse blanket?), but there were some flavours in here which I have only encountered before in Orval. The funkiness paired well with the big, fruity hop flavours and I thoroughly enjoyed this unique and complex offering.
sinkas - bloody lovely, never thought a IIPA and brett would be a great combination, but this hit all the right spots,
kook - Tasted Christmas day 2009 - Hazy amber with a short but persistent white head. Aroma of grapefruit, lychee, orange juice, barnyard, wet dog and sweat (all in a good way!). Medium bodied, very dry in the finish, but still sticky. Insanely hoppy considering the age. Great stonefruit flavour, loads of blue cheese and light hazelnut. Very moreish, totally sessionable and a brilliant beer!
15 Roger Mellie, pilsner, drink feb 09 - around mid Jan CC for 2 weeks
GL Low to mod carb, bit murky, stonefruity aroma. Quite malty up front, almost caramel, peachy fruity in the middle, reasonably bitter at the end. Very drinkable, but I think if you take Rogers advice and give it a bt longer it will come together into a much better smoother beer. Good thing I have two more.
Recharge - Poured with a reasonable head. Kinda straw colour with a slight orange tinge,not clear but not murky either. Decidedly malty with just enough bitterness to back it up. Al in all an enjoyable beer. Thanks.
WW - Nice Roger. Nice and malty well balanced with some bitterness. Mine only had about 5 hours in the fridge and it was quite enjoyable (14-02-09). Expect if following Roger's advice it would improve again.
Doogiechap - Poured with a nice head which lasted reasonably well,clear but not bright. I got honey on the aroma and the first taste starting with a suprising malty note but was quickly met with a pleasing stonefruit hopiness up front with a lovely lingering bitterness at the back of the tongue. Nicely balanced with appropriate carbonation. Noice Roger :)
MC - Poured with a tight head, fine bubbles and a slight haze. Floral/fruity aroma. Sweet caramel malt at first but the bitterness arrives in time to balance everything out. It felt bigger in the mouth than the FG would suggest. This was my first taste of this variety of hop and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks RM.
16 Malty Cultural, Amber Ale, drink now
kook - Pours a copper colour with a short, fluffy beige head. Instant aroma upon opening of floral hops. Opens up to more grassy notes, and some faint citrus peel. Medium bodied, soft feel. Great juicyfruit like flavour, piney hops and an almost herbal finish. Dry, but with a lingering hop flavour. Very drinkable. My third home crafted beer from the case and I've not had a good beer yet. They've all been great beers!
Randyrob - Pours with a small head which diminishes very quickly, light American hop flavour on the nose followed by some caramel, medium body with a lingering bitterness.
GL - As above, a very well crafted, drinkable beer, balanced slightly to the hops, excellent quaffing material
sinkas- I have always thought of amber ales as pretty dreer, after this one, I am a changed aficionado. definite stone fruitiness and tang, a real pleasure to slurp on down.
Asher (NYE 2008/2009) Low carbonation. The American hops jump right up at ya initially followed bt a nicely crafted burnt toffee note. I'd personally like to see the bitterness upped a little (some more carbonic acid may also do the trick) to make me want to go back for the next on a little quicker. Otherwise another top drop.
RM - Low carb, almost non existent head. Apricots and Marmaladey flavours. Persistent Malt flavour throughout. Nice beer - not too bitter - mine finished a little sweet - I wonder if the FG was a little high? Had a sort of syrupy mouth feel. Otherwise very enjoyable.
DB: Bright and clear golden amber colour. Low to moderate carbonation. Big amarillo aroma, sort of thick and creamy. Flavour a perfect balance of caramel malt and citrusy US hops. Despite a fullish mouthfeel, absolutely eminently drinkable. Beautifully balanced exquisitely hopped. I hope Mr Cultural got to keep some of these bottles and didn't give them all away. I notice I drank this a little later than others and it may have dried out a little. I couldn't fault this beer.
Doogiechap - Thoroughly enjoyed this drop, perhaps the 'subliminal' suggestion of the label gave the stonefruit aroma and flavours but percieved or not they were enjoyed ! Nicely balanced, crisp and pretty darn bright. Thanks for sharing your efforts MC :)

17 Mesa, Brown beer, drink now
GL Very low carbonation, consequently little head, quite murky. Light body slightly toasty and chocolate ale. Not sure if it is deliberate, but there is an acidic bite in this bottle, makes it like a sour brown ale, not acetic, more like early stage lactic or Brett to me, but I am not very good at picking those flavours, enjoyed it as a slightly sour brown ale.
kook - Opened with a faint pfft. Little to no carbonation or head. Murky brown in colour. Oily, slick mouthfeel. Aroma of sour cherries and tropical fruits (pineapple). Flavour is acidic, with some cider apple flavours there. A bit of chocolate like malt flavour behind. If this was an intentional sour beer, possibly try a variety of cultures to add complexity. If it was unintentional, probably best to check your sanitation process as it doesn't sound like this was a one-off bottle.
Malty Cultural - Low carbonation and even with a rough pour, I couldn't get a head to form. Chocolate/coffee aroma started promisingly, but was soon joined by something sour. Acidic/sour flavour tended to mask the chocolate flavour. If this is infected, it's a shame because all the other flavours would make a really nice beer.
GL Second bottle. Still low gas, still oddly turbid in a slick oily sort of way. It hasnt gotten much worse but it has developed enough that I would definitely call it a lactic rather than acetic sourness. Still quite drinkable, but I would be drinking this sooner rather than later.
Doogiechap - Low carb with a light hiss from perhaps a cap not fitted tightly enough ? I got the tang too which was a shame as I love a good brown ale :)
18 Tony M, Quaffing Ale, Kegged 25/10/08--You're right about the Galaxy.
GL - Light malt profile, light colour, not bright but also not that hazy, well balanced bitterness, nice fruity hop flavour in the finish, thinnish head, a very nice quaffing ale indeed.
Goat - nice golden straw colour, not a lot of carbonation. Dry bready notes drinks very easily. slight hint of vegetableness on the aftertaste. A good quaffer and at 96% alcohol free, could drink it all day !
Asher - Clean, Crisp Summer ale. A good example of how to use Galaxy? in moderation Crispy, dry and with a sturdy enough flavour and Aroma to satisfy in a 4 percenta. Probably not kosher,,, but I enjoyed this one super chilled from ann esky on a warm afternoon. A nice starting beer.
Malty Cultural - Crisp, bready malt with well balanced bitterness and just a touch of fruit. I passed this one around the table and everyone remarked on the hint of passionfruit so I'm going to second Asher's guess of Galaxy. The beer's name is it's own review. Very easy to drink.
sinkas: Nice simple quaffer, lots of noble hop background a real quencher.
RM - Big Fluffy Head - extreme carbonation - mine must have had a double shot. Citrus fruit nose, lemons mainly in mine - I also got piney flavours. It could well be because i shook a couple of my beers up but I had a metallic twang on the aftertaste which detracted only slightly - this was a pleasant beer.
Mika - I got an almost fruit salad style aroma on opening the bottle, though it disappears quickly. Good carb, light straw colour with a slight haze. The malt is present but the finish is towards the bitter and balances the beer out well. It really earns it's title. Like RM I got a background flavour that I wasn't particularly fond of, seemed to become more present as the beer warmed up. Have tasted it in another of Tony's beers so could be down to the bittering hop he uses or just the Mercer house flavour. Either way, a good way to start the case.
kook - Pours straw in colour, slight haze with a fluffy white head. Yeasty, bready aroma with a little bit of fruit too. Flavour is quite clean, with light grape-like notes and some grassy hops. Very quaffable.
Recharge - Slightly hazy straw colour.Nice clean tasting ale with a gentle hop profile and and well balanced bitterness. Thanks Tony
DB: Really really good. No notes taken at the time, but this is the beer for which was invented the term "cleansing ale". Clean and flavoursome. Just wanted a never-ending glass. Nothing out of place.
Simo- Lageresque light straw colour, good carb. Tangy lemon on the nose with some fruit salad, clean and crisp with a slight bready/biscuity finish. Effing awesome. Like Asher I had this from the esky super chilled.
I could drink this all day year. Never ending glass indeed. Outstanding Tony.
RandyRob Simo is right i did jibber something about tony's beer and then the post got deleted somehow.
Not to worry Tony doesn't need me to blow smoke up his arse ke knows he brews a great beer
WW - Large, loose head prevented most of the aroma but I got the galaxy right away. A little too bitter for my tastes but nonetheless a good beer.

19 deebee's latest kayenkay, Black & Gold Ale, drinking okay now as at 3 January 2009.
kook- Pours amber with a bit of a haze, nice big fluffy white head though, and good retention. Aroma of tinned fruit and of all things, roasted nuts? Flavour is a balance of malt, fruit and bitterness. Nice subtle malt character, tropical fruit notes and a firm but balanced bitterness. Very drinkable, and quite morish Cheers Dave.
GL Some haze, good carb, thin but well retained and creamy head. Aroma a bit of toasty malt and some citrusy hops. Smooth malty, restrained fruity ale, finishes with a combination of firm bitterness, and dry crisp toasty malt. Very drinkable, very nice, a minor quibble, for me would be even better with a little less dry bitterness in the finish. Loved the label concept, although when out to impress my chums I tend to buy "Beer by David" from a boutique store in Claremont.
Recharge - Definately no supermarket beer here. Poured a slightly hazy amber with a decent size head. Nice malty ale with a good amount of bitterness. Another enjoyable beer. Thanks.
Malty Cultural - Hazy amber with a good shaving-cream head and the best lacing of the case so far. Good malt flavour with what I think of as an english toasty charater and a fruitiness that I couldn't quite pin down - not quite tropical, not quite citrus. Lingering bitterness came through strongly at the end but wasn't OTT. A tasty easy drinker.
Mika - Excellent beer, great balance, lovely malt background (touch of munich ?), nice level of carbonation, went down a treat. My pick for beer of the case this year. Well done DB.

20 Mikeb, Kolsch, give it a week
Goat - Pours with good carbonation, slightly hazy with a straw colour. Light smooth taste slightly sweet with hints of fruitiness. No malt taste that I detected, but a hint of hops in the after-taste. Really enjoyed this one.
kook - Sorry Mike my palate is shot, so I don't have much to say about your beer. Looks nice though! Slight haze, otherwise yellow-gold in colour with a short, tight white head. Good retention. Bready aroma with some light grass clippings. Dry, bitter finish. Very refreshing.
Randyrob - Slightly Hazy almost muddy light golden colour, a thin head that dissipates quickly could have just been a bad pour on my part hey it was new years eave, aroma of honey with a slight bit of spice, taste is clean with a dry finish with a tiny bit of grapefruit upfront followed by honey nice work mike
a very tasty beer!
sinkas - I have avoided kolsche's for a while after it seemed everyone and thier dead dog was making them. Thisnone was far more interesting than my memory of others, a surprising amount of frutiness and yewastiness, in the niose with a weighty yet lively spicy palate. The cascade in the brew was a good idea too.
DB: The beer I have enjoyed the most so far. Just so gorgeous and full yet still crisp and light: excellent balance. Fragrant, grassy, fresh, floral, fruit salad, balanced, uplifting, a bloody good beer.
Malty Cultural - I drank this after I came inside hot and stinking after a day of painting and it was perfect. I deliberately poured roughly for a thick head and it lasted most of the glass and left good lacing. Very refreshing and I loved the soft fruitiness. There was a definite vinous character to the fruitiness but I couldn't say whether this was was the NS hops or the characteristic Kolsch flavour. Who cares?! There's no point over analysing a delicious beer.
RM - Bit muddy, good carb. Very grassy hop aroma, lovely mouthfeel and a slightly winey/bready aftertaste with grassy/floral notes. Top class.
Recharge - Poured a slightly hazy with a small amount of head. Was a nice tasting beer but i found the flavour a little muddled (for want of a better desciption) i can only put this down to yeast character of which my experiance is very limited. Enjoyed it Thanks.
WW - Mike - nice work. A little murky would be my only complaint but otherwise doesn't detract from what is a very drinkable beer. Wish I had a few more.
Doogiechap - 6 Months in the fridge has been a good friend to this drop :) Poured beautifully clear with a persistent head, hop aroma was subdued but I got citrus. The balance was towards bitterness but not beyond the style. Again citrus was prominent in the hop flavor dept too which made for a very refreshing drop. Thanks Mike for a lovely contribution !
21 Simo, Hefe wiezen, ready now -- Sorry WW.
GL This is well gassed now. I dont do wheats so I forget, is the banana clove one or the other one? Anyway, I got mostly bubble gum and I quite liked it.
kook - Mine could have done with a little more gas - but it's probably my fault for fridging it too early. Pours golden with a short white head. A little cloudy, better once I stirred up the yeast. Aroma of bubblegum and pears. Flavour is similar, bubblegum and tinned pears. Some nice malt behind it too. Refreshing, though it could be a tad drier. Perfectly fine to relax after a busy day though.
WW - Flat with some odd flavours going on here. Bottle did not appear to be sealed properly. Myself and assistant taster did not get past second mouthful. Smelling dregs in bottle strongly hinted at infection of some kind.
Randyrob - Copper coloured, medium carb, thin head that dissipated quickly, has a tasty aroma with a fair bit going on, all the usual suspects & has a decent wack of malt for a wheat beer
Malty Cultural - Aroma of sweet bread dough and cooked pears. Flavour of pears and toffee followed by spice. Quite chewy for a hefe, but that's probably based on my personal preference for bone dry weizens.

22 Witwonder , Ungassed generic lager, ready now
Some minor bottling issues resulted in this being a little flat. Good to see my inability to make a label did not affect identification of my beer...
RM -- Very Low Carb - probably could do with some more time (24/12). A bit hazy, but intriguing orange colour. I swear that I smelt Feijoas on the nose and the palate confirmed this - a slightly minty/linemint undertone. Not a lot of flavour part from that - finished quite sweet. I suspect the FG was quite high.
Asher - Dull Carbonation, Some funky fruit flavours from yeast. But otherwise a good attempt at a plain beer. I'm assuming that's what you were aiming for on closer inspection of the label
DB Not sure when it was bottled, maybe needs more time: undercarbed and still sweet, maybe priming sugars. Slightly funky unbalanced aroma with hops, sweet malt and something sharp and carbonic. Sweet, english malt flavours finishing sharp.
GL, Ditto, low carb, cloudy, nice enough malt but with fruity esters and apricot in particular. Still a very drinkable beer, but too fruity for a lager. Was this a dried lager yeast? I remember when I used to do lagers with one of the SAF dry yeasts and no temp control I used to get the same fruity profile and the apricot especially.
kook- Pours golden with a slight haze. Low carbonation, though nice initial head fading to small. Aroma of fruit and rubber. Honey-sweet flavour with some fruit behind. Otherwise quite clean in malt flavour. I also suspect higher fermentation temperatures with this beer, though it was still quite quaffable.
sinkas - Mine was quite well carbed and slightly hazy. I actually thought it tasted like a kristal weizen, and quite a nice one at that.
Malty Cultural - Poured clear gold with good carbonation and head. There was a slightly odd aroma which I couldn't quite pick. Band-aids? Flavour was of tropical fruit with a slight metalic taste, kind of like tinned pineapple juice. While it didn't fit the mold of a clean lager, I enjoyed it as a quaffable pale ale.

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