Sandgroper Christmas Case 2010

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The 2010 Sandgroper Christmas Case is organised by me. It is not an AHB sponsored event and it is not organised by consensus. It is a private social gathering at my private house. It has previously been organise it each year by Guest Lurker because he wanted the opportunity to taste what other brewers in WA are making. I am holding the event this year for a change, but for the same reasons. It is not a competition. The idea is that you brew the best beer you can with your current skills and equipment and share them with your fellow brewers. Your fellow brewers make an effort to give you some feedback. There is no bias or discrimination over brewing methods, all grain and kit beers have equal merit, as do curtains and heat exchangers. It is not a time to try something completely untested, and it is not the best place for the first beer you have ever brewed, you want to be sure that you contribute something that your fellow brewers will enjoy and appreciate. This result will be a Christmas Case of beer far superior to anything you can order from a commercial outlet.

The rules are:

1) Let n be the number of participants. Let B be the number of beers you contribute.
2) Maximum value of n is currently 25. I reserve the right to change this.
3) B=n. No you dont get a bottle of yours back. We have an extra bottle for stuffups, you would be surprised what a confusing business case sorting is, and it saves me registering a false name to get an extra crate for myself.
4) If we dont get many signups we might make it B=2n. If we get too many signups, we will look at running two swaps in parallel.
5)ALL BEERS TO BE IN PET 750 ml BOTTLES. If you had been there while Tony M washed every piece of linen in his laundry, and when I was digging shards of glass out of my walls, you would completely understand the need for this rule. If you have a really special beer already in glass that you badly want to enter, and you can prove to me that carbonation levels are acceptable, a dispensation may be possible.
6) All beers MUST be labelled. (It looks better in the swap photos!).
7) We make beer, not long discussion threads. We dont care what you are going to make, how you are going to make it, or what snack you might bring. Because I am getting soft in my old age, a certain amount of chatter about the swap will be allowed this year, but blow up animals will be ruthlessly moderated.
8) Think hard before entering. Once you commit, there is NO BACKING OUT. On more than one year, participants ended up buying commercial beer to meet their case obligations. We didnt argue, and we didnt let them off! They got a good deal, gave away commercial beer, received hand crafted beers in return.
9) The case swap will happeno the last weekend of November at my place in Bicton. You either get the beers there before, or arrive on the day. We make a day of it, people bring snacks, and I provide a more substantial meal for those who stick around. People bring beers in addition to their swap ones for general tasting and discussion. I should have a beer engine set up, unless we find that I have only left 2 pints in the bitter keg. We do the swap early and so you have the option to go away with a case of finely crafted beers for Christmas drinking at any time. If you cant make the swap, your case will be available for pickup from my place any time after the event.
10) Post your participation in this thread, by quoting the previous post and adding your name. No proxy entries, post under your own nick or miss out.
11) I really hope the stalwarts of WA homebrewing participate, including our former much celebrated xmas case host.
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
9) ausdb
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
9) ausdb
10) Vlad

I would like to use champagne bottles on the grounds that some of the beers from last year that would have benefited from aging a bit, now taste like ***** due to the pet bottle not being very good for any thing more than a few months.
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
9) ausdb
10) Vlad
11) jyo
12) Doogiechap
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
9) ausdb
10) Vlad
11) jyo
12) Doogiechap
13) kook
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
9) ausdb
10) Vlad
11) jyo
12) Doogiechap
13) kook
1) brendanos
2) Malty Cultural
3) NME
4) sinkas
5) CDJ
6) Goat
7) O'Henry
8) clay
9) ausdb
10) Vlad
11) jyo
12) Doogiechap
13) kook
14) GL
15) Asher
Hey Case do you reckon you could keep the tasting thread nicely trimmed/slim as per ancient traditions? Last year's thread nearly made me quit the internet for good (sorry Simon, I know you were probably doing something important for that half of the year)
congratulations brendan, you just volunteered to moderate the tasting thread.

Has anyoen heard from Ant (the guy with all the good beer, moved back from Rednexas) he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth...
Has a date been set for this? I'll need to slot something into the Junctyard berwshedule

Cant find the 'other thread'

Its currently the 27th nov, but at least 2 people have asked that it be later, that at least gives you a ball park

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