Royal Commission into botched home insulation scheme.

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He sort of stabbed himself in the hand with the $75,000 paid parental scheme.
TidalPete said:
Maybe you've missed the last bit of my last post above Tony>?
But just in case you haven't good luck to you mate.

Edit ----- Please note the absence of Americanisms in this post. ;)
All good Pete, I just thought Liam's comment was a bit callous in respect to four guys going to work and not coming home.
There have been some good points made re the responsibility for the sad deaths in the workplace carrying out the work from this scheme.
Under all workplace safety laws, irrespective of harmonisation, any injury at work is a breach under the act. Section 19 (from recollection, may be wrong). This is the employer's (PCBU) responsibility.
So, in my opinion, the scheme may have been misguided, badly led, poorly implemented, whatever..... The employer is responsible for providing a safe place of work, and safe systems of work.
They didn't.

Who are the PCBU elected persons are not and are not workers. What role did unions have in ensuring training and safety . The workplace health and safety laws very poorly written and if a worker or other person has a problem what process to rectify .The whistle blower is the first to be persecuted.
The PCBU ( persons conducting business or undertaking ) are the persons or business owners who employ the workers. Unions have no direct role in safety and training and are not responsible. The unions role is advocacy for the workers. They provide advice and support. The unions can bring up issues but they have no legal standing within the legislation.

I would disagree the tha laws are poorly written. If you read the laws they plainly make the employer responsible. It may be written in legal jargon, but that doesnt mean its poorly written.
I was at the barber today and read the Telegraph, the report on the royal commission was a small column on page 11, so Sir Tony won't be happy with that. The report wasn't even particularly critical, the guy in charge of the scheme said they didn't want to rule out foil insulation because they wanted to create as many jobs as possible.

The Editorial column was all about how we can't afford the NDIS, so my guess is the budget will drop that scheme, a lot of people won't be happy if that is the case. According to the tele, gonski, NDIS and social security are all Labor's fault so it won't be Sir Tony's fault if they can't balance the budget, even though he knew all that stuff was coming when he made the balanced budget promise.
it won't but I hope it does, as clumsy as it was, he had a point about women of calibre.
Liam_snorkel said:
it won't but I hope it does, as clumsy as it was, he had a point about women of calibre.
Which is prob why only 1 is in his cabinet...

Maybe they should be at home having babies and looking after them as their husbands trott off to work at 7am

Mike Walsh....your hour of need has come
Greg.L said:
I was at the barber today and read the Telegraph, the report on the royal commission was a small column on page 11, so Sir Tony won't be happy with that. The report wasn't even particularly critical, the guy in charge of the scheme said they didn't want to rule out foil insulation because they wanted to create as many jobs as possible.

The Editorial column was all about how we can't afford the NDIS, so my guess is the budget will drop that scheme, a lot of people won't be happy if that is the case. According to the tele, gonski, NDIS and social security are all Labor's fault so it won't be Sir Tony's fault if they can't balance the budget, even though he knew all that stuff was coming when he made the balanced budget promise.
So if the get rid of the NDIS I guess they will roll back the increase in the medicare levy right?
browndog said:
So if the get rid of the NDIS I guess they will roll back the increase in the medicare levy right?
NDIS should be seperate. Medicare levy is NOT THAT BIG.

Considering that you can go to hospital and get treated for no cost, regardless of who you are is one of Australia's greatest things. Many people dont respect that untill they need to go to hospitall. And our hospital system is very very good.

Go to the USA and see the difference.

If I had the choice of paying a bit more in medicare I would take it. NO ARGUMENTS. But only in return that ALL the medicare levy was spent on public health.
True that Stu..

Medicare levy is pissweak.

He has one woman in his cabinet, who gives a rats.

Does anyone else wanna just punch Penny Wong in the mouth???
shaunous said:
True that Stu..

Medicare levy is pissweak.

He has one woman in his cabinet, who gives a rats.

Does anyone else wanna just punch Penny Wong in the mouth???
Yeah me.She always has an in your face ,I am right your not,surly ,shut up attitude, demeanour .
As opposed to 80% of other politicians (from both sides) who are never smug, arrogant or dismissive?

Abbot, Howard, Rudd, Keating, Bishop, Vanstone, Brandis? All good listeners? All willing to accept constructive criticism?

I wanna punch them all in the chops.
Howard was and is 'Tha Man'. If he could scull a beer like Bob Hawk I'd have his babies...
shaunous said:
Howard was and is 'Tha Man'. If he could scull a beer like Bob Hawk I'd have his babies...
What do you consider his greatest achievement whilst holding public office?