Rogue Yeast, In More Ways Than One...

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That wild yeast gets everywhere...
Press Release:

(Newport, OR) Columbus may have discovered America but Brewmaster, John Maier, has discovered a new wild yeast that was developed from his old growth beard.

In cooperation with White Labs, samples were collected from Rogue Ales hopyard and sent to White Labs for culture and testing. Sadly, all three samples proved incapable of producing a yeast suitable for brewing.

As a joke, nine beard follicles were carefully cut from the beard of Rogue brewmaster, John Maier. The follicles were placed in a petri dish and sent in for testing.

To the shock of the experts at White Labs, the beard samples had produced a yeast strain that was perfect for use in brewing. Additional testing was conducted and confirmed that the yeast strain was not Rogues yeast. White Labs Chris White said, we were shocked and thrilled with this remarkable discovery.

John has been growing his beard continuously since 1978 and he has claimed that he will never cut it off. When told of the discovery, John said simply, It was in front of me the whole time and it only took two centuries and five decades to grow.

The beard yeast is currently being used in test brews to determine the perfect style and yeast combination. The beard beer, New Crustacean, will be released in early 2013.

Rogue Ales and Spirits is dedicated to saving the terroir of Oregon hops, barley and rye, by growing our own, one acre at a time.
okay, not April Fool's Day (unless you are allowed such foolery following the soltice). I know BC would never lie :rolleyes:

I've had a beard since 1978 also - thought there were things living in there - assumed small rodents - maybe I too am harvesting a yeast strain!!

When it comes into production, all us bearded men will be there at the front of the buying queue!
So I have been wasting my time freezing yeast.
How novel- a brewer actually has Saccharomyces spp. present somewhere on his body. Oh my, that's a surprise and completely unexpected. :rolleyes:
Not a Rogue's strain: Is there any chance said brewer has come into contact with beer other than theirs, particularly around the mouth area?
It might have occured to them to check for that before they started promoting, don't you think?

Either way, a novel idea. Speaks to the brewer in me. Very much interested in a New Crustacean too.
yeast you say - maybe it's from what he's been eating...anyone remember Toi Sennhauser?
I wonder what yeast they could culture from Ron Jeremy's moustache.
Start bathing in your wort before adding to the fermentation vessel.....

It sounds horrible
While dipping your head into your fresh wort might be a thing of the future i prefer to gainthe wild ferment properties something of the following rather than just late wet dogging the wort.

Kind've puts the oyster stout to shame...
I just registered the patent for pubic hair culture, so you guys don't even think about stealing the idea.

A Firkin of Mirkin.
Im looking to Lecterfan for my next yeast sample

...ooh err Vicar!

At the moment mine would likely produce a mutation of wy1007 or wy1469 given the number of times I've had to lean into the fermentation freezer to clean up top cropping yeast explosions recently...well that and possibly remnants of every meal I've had to use a spoon to eat in the last few days....


Adventures of the beard...
I'm currently working at a new "yoghurt factory" (they call it a dairy but no cows get their teats mechanically sucked). Have had to go to old yoghurt factory to check out motors and **** and have been made to wear sanitary overcoat, hairnet, and sometimes, beardnet. As a dude who's nudging 34 yet still takes 3 weeks to grow 5mm of patchy, and for some reason rang, face growth I accepted it as a massive boost to my machismo. Next time i'll pitch beardnet into fermenter.

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