Ahem, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_hooliganismPoms have got a bad name for this type of thing all over the world, just look how they behave at the soccer. So very brave in a mob of hundreds.
Brits on holiday in Torremilinos 'lashing in the fountains and shouting at the locals has got nothing to do with the riots going on at the moment.
I doubt many of those involved have even been abroad and football fans have even come out in numbers to protect their neighbourhoods - Millwall being one.
Danny Baker's twitter (prodnose) has been pretty amusing on the riots, go back a couple of days for gems such as
Incredible. To attack Tottenham Apple Store rioters must first book appointment with trained "Loot Genius".
https://twitter.com/#!/prodnosePolice arrest 18 looters at Enfield Argos. All found waiting in foyer for their stuff from the warehouse.
I think we're seeing our first real taste of 'Big Society' over there. It'll all simmer down soon enough, school holidays at the moment init.