Rioting Beer

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there are hundreds of CCTV cameras all over london not to mention all the police helicopters footage and what people are shooting themselves on phone cams.
There are or will be after it all calms down a bit cops watching the footage picking out faces, shoes, clothes anything to identify these ********.
I'd say there will be hundreds of arrests in a couple of weeks.
one can only hope so Bradley ... ******* animals .. they deserve to be sent in to do some hard time .. no sympathy for bottom feeders like those shown in that video ..
I think we can only look at this as a true indicator that people in this world need to obtin a licence to breed and natural selection needs to be in place for all...
Could you imagine those yobs if the government deployed the troops and vehicles used in Ireland.....They would wet themselves....

I just think they should have gone in hard and sorted them fuckers out, they are nothing but criminals and thugs

NOTE... I dont condone what the brits did in Ireland.
wtf is wrong with this world??

can not imagine that happening in Australia or any other developed nation ...

just made me think of the sht that went down in Sydney... seeing a couple of guys in a car getting attacked just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and to those attacking them probably had the 'wrong' colour skin...

we all hope they get what is coming to them, but really they wont, shouldn't be allowed to remain part of society :/
wtf is wrong with this world??

just made me think of the sht that went down in Sydney... seeing a couple of guys in a car getting attacked just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and to those attacking them probably had the 'wrong' colour skin...

we all hope they get what is coming to them, but really they wont, shouldn't be allowed to remain part of society :/

Sad thing is, the poor tax payers will end up paying for the clean up, the ptsd counselling and medicals for the bobbies, and worst still spending $25,000 pounds per idiot to keep them locked up in Her Majesty's prison system, probably 10,000 more than the welfare cheques they get each year.

I blame soccer. :ph34r:

Seriously though, the soccer hooligan culture that has spread through Europe is now pretty bloody scary.

+ 1 for the hollow points to make sure of it.

The British people have taken for themselves this motto Business carried on as usual during alterations on the map of Europe.
Churchill's message to the the Germans.

In 1940 and 1941, when German planes were making devastating nightly bombing raids on London, shopkeepers put notices on their bombed shops that said Business as Usual.

If the tribulations of world war couldn't crush the spirit of the English citizen / shopkeeper, I doubt a gang of teenage yob will.

This will pass. They'll pick up the pieces and carry on.

The parasites will retreat back to their filthy ghettos and the miserable lives of boredom and welfare, trying to plot their next move with IQ's around room temperature.
**** the lot of them. Bullies and hoons.
Desperate people loot stores for food and water, not ******* i phones, designer track suits and expensive running shoes.
It doesn't take much to peel back the thin veneer of civilisation (William Golding - Lord of the Flies)

They should have had the army in there quick smart, the police clearly lacked suffucient resources.
I liked the message from a mayor (which location, I dont remember) that I saw on the ABC this morning.
Basically: "If you are thinking of coming here to loot and riot, then don't. We don't need you here."

If I were a riled up thug, that would deter me for sure.
Now there are gangs of anti-gangs walking around. Groups of older idiots late twenty's or so looking for rioters to beat up.
Not standing in front of a shop or anything like that. They're going out looking to hurt people. hope its calmer tonight.
Yes it has been ****** here last few days but most people are good people how won't be beaten by these scumbags.
Poms have got a bad name for this type of thing all over the world, just look how they behave at the soccer. So very brave in a mob of hundreds.
Being an Australian I see it as my duty to support the under dog. Watching the footage of the riots you can clearly see that the coppers are the underdog. They had the gear to fight a running battle against organized rioters. But they found something completely different and lost control.
I am surprised to here people talking like middle east dictators. bring in the military, shoot them, bash them, hang them, cut their hands off, lock them up for life.
It is obvious there a bigger problems. The up side of the whole thing is it takes the focus of the fact that some country in the world is broke.
Class wars. Don't act surprised when the hopeless, detached, poor, underclass you created take the chance to kick you in the balls. Much more damage was done by the fat cat bankers, but people don't seem to get as riled up.

High unemployment may not have directly caused the riots, but the riots certainly had a political context

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

The world needs to realise that open market systems are an abject failure and are leading to degradation of civilisation. You need tons of low paying factory jobs in a society to keep the 'simple' occupied and drunk. Exporting every low value job off to the third world is what causes this **** in the first place.

Close down cheap imports and give people jobs and some purpose and nobody will have to see them cause they will be going to some hole to work, proceed to a pub, get smashed, go home and go rabbitty! Ideal society imho.

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