Rims Flow Rate

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Gday everyone,

I'm getting together parts to make a RIMS.

Just wondering what sort of flow rates are required for this set-up?

Do people run their much pumps full tilt or reduce the flow?

From my what i have googled it seems you would want a fair amount of flow perhaps 5 L/minute or more.

I will be using a PID controller with RTD probe and a 2200 W SS element (the kind that craftbrewer sells).

Any information / experiences would be great.

Cheers :)
What size system are we talking about?

You can run the flow as fast as you want - but too fast and you risk getting a stuck mash. Generally I reduce the flow rate slightly. Run it as fast as you dare.

You'll find that the weakest link for your system will be your element - 2200W can only heat the mash at a given rate - and it doesn't matter how fast you run your flow. I've just upgraded to a 3600W element for my 70litre system - as the temp ramp rate was too slow for my liking.
Hrmm I am interested in this topic as well as the one supposed issue with RIMS is that without enough flow the element will burn the wort. Given that the element is only maintaining a temp or moving it up 5-10deg or so at a time, 2200watts should be ample for a 50lt setup.

I'll be doing max 70 Litres biab but at the moment im doing single brews biab about 36Litres.

So u agree with about 5 Litres per minute? - as Filby says i'm mainly concerned about scorching of the wort as i'll be using the RIMS to hold the temperature but might try some step mashes later on.
The linky in my sig discusses my RIMS development.

Plenty of useful info in there for you I hope.

With a PID, I don't think scorching of the wort will be an issue, and the flow of wort past the element strips the heat from the element.

Once you get the PID calibrated you will be fine.

Flow rate? I tend to have my 1.2 inch ball valve on my mash tun half open during recirc. It *might* be around 5L per min approx, but that would only be a guess for my system.

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