Rehydrating Dried Yeast

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Honest, I searched the forum but only returned one post, maybe not looking hard enough.
Never used to rehydrate but I had a yeast die on one brew so never again will I just blindly pitch the yeast.
Some have talked about energising the yeast with wort. Yay or Nay ?
Only time I did it, I'd read about how oxygen was necessary for the yeast survival so left the bowl open. But felt conflicted about it and have since read that most people cover with clingwrap. Either way, unless you purged with CO2 I guess there's always a chance that the yeast could be contaminated.

I'm still conflicted and not sure what to do, would appreciate hearing what other people have done..... or let me know what search word to use and I'll have another look :)


*and just realised I stuffed up the spellign on the title, how embarassing :blink: *
mika_lika said:
Honest, I searched the forum but only returned one post, maybe not looking hard enough.
Never used to rehydrate but I had a yeast die on one brew so never again will I just blindly pitch the yeast.
Some have talked about energising the yeast with wort. Yay or Nay ?
Only time I did it, I'd read about how oxygen was necessary for the yeast survival so left the bowl open. But felt conflicted about it and have since read that most people cover with clingwrap. Either way, unless you purged with CO2 I guess there's always a chance that the yeast could be contaminated.

I'm still conflicted and not sure what to do, would appreciate hearing what other people have done..... or let me know what search word to use and I'll have another look :)


*and just realised I stuffed up the spellign on the title, how embarassing :blink: *
I think you will find the recommended procedures at the manufacturers web site, at least I am pretty sure Fermentis does.
Just rehydrate using water as per instructions (rehydrate - put back the liquid). Then treat as liquid yeast, make a starter, use some DME wort about 1040 or some cooled beer wort. Use a sanitised screwtop bottle, shake **** out of it every time you pass by to oxygenate it. Watch closely, when you see bubbles up the sides of the bottle, pitch it, the lucky little buggers are actively breeding.
Thanks for the link Brauluver.
Hope I haven't started them off again :)
Still not convinced either way yet... keep the posts coming... just avoid the personal attacks :) LOL.

There's no need for a starter for a dried yeast, screwtop. It already has all the nutrients and the required cell count to ferment well without one. You may want to consider it if you're brewing a big beer, though.
And also bear in mind that Lallemond instructions apply to those yeasts only - Fermentis have there own instructions on rehydrating.

Also agree with Kai - you do not need a starter but PLEASE checkout the recommended pitching rates on the manufacturers website. An 11.5gm pack generally is well short of this recommendation for a 23ltr lager brew.

I'm still conflicted and not sure what to do, would appreciate hearing what other people have done.

Sorry Kai, just trying to answer the question posed. 1 million home brewers 1 million opinions :D
I agree to look at the manufacturers instructions.
Having said that it not an easy organism to kill. If in doubt pitch two packs. No need for a starter. Dry yeast is cheap.

A miilion answers... another thing I was afraid of :)

Mostly I'm using the yeast under the lid. Occasionally the Safale or similar. Not sure what the manufacturer recommends for that, but certainly the coopers cans never mentioned rehydration.
Only had a problem with one brew, maybe I'm being to pedantic ?

I think you are worrying too much :)

Sprinkle the yeast onto the top of 30 to 35C water (do not stir), leave for a 5 to 30 minutes and then pitch


Sprinke straight on top of your wort.


PS - anyone that wants to disagree with these instructions, please meet behind the shed in 10 minutes.

Edit - altered the time period

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