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So can anyone recommend where to buy one?
I would just use a volumetric flask and scales.
The size of the flask should be matched to your scales accuracy but a 1L Class A vol flask isn't expensive and if you have scales that work to 0.1g, well we are talking fairly precise (+/- 0.0001 SG) and you could read the output directly in SG if you can set the scales to Kg mode.
No need to go as far as using a pycnometer bottle, unless you had 3 or more (0.001g) decimal place scales but you could if you need that sort of precision.
How much extra is the Magic? That's one of the most unintentionally funny ads I've seen. Looks interesting. What's the upper measurement limit?
Mardoo said:
How much extra is the Magic? That's one of the most unintentionally funny ads I've seen. Looks interesting. What's the upper measurement limit?
I think the Magic is free with the chi.

I also believe it measures from:

Sum Yuk or 0°


Wai *** Yum or 9.9°
Tex N Oz said:
Chinese soup noodle refractometer... They must be takin the piss lol

Mardoo said:
How much extra is the Magic? That's one of the most unintentionally funny ads I've seen. Looks interesting. What's the upper measurement limit?
It says 53% brix, so if you look at the ebay link you posted... that goes to 1.180 SG or 40% brix... so quite a bit higher :D (Aren't i usefull! :p )

If you want to even more silly, mine goes to 85% brix and i got it from Pacific sensor tech in Rowville... Who are the agents for Milwaukee meters.... I didnt think i paid that much for it though at least I hope I didnt :O

Better hide this post from the boss... :wacko:
Well there's the model SK-201R which is just for noodle soup and there's a SK-202R for ramen soup.
These Chinese are on their damned game when it comes to their soup!!!

YOU NO ADD WHOLE PACKET!! YOU **** UP SOUP!!!! as he whips out the "correct, yet stylish" soup refractometer and adds just the right amount of salty flavour packet to his 2 minute noodles....
Tex N Oz said:
YOU NO ADD WHOLE PACKET!! YOU **** UP SOUP!!!! as he whips out the "correct, yet stylish" soup refractometer and adds just the right amount of salty flavour packet to his 2 minute noodles....
Masterchef China right there
I inherited this refractometer. It's American Optical Company, Cat . 10423. No instructions. It appears a bit dirty inside. Any tips on how to care for it? If I try to open it to clean it, am I likely to throw out the calibration and make it useless? So far the four or five measurements I have taken with it agree with the hydrometer, so it works.

It is worth the effort considering all the hydrometers I've broken. When I broke the last one I finally bought a refractometer and have been kicking myself ever since for not buying it sooner. I don't have a hydrometer anymore and I don't want one either. I'm happy with my refractometer, and it's a simple matter of plugging the OG and current (finished) brix reading into this online worksheet to come up with the FG. Easy.

old post but after my 5th hydrometre in 20 brews have brought one anyone done worse than me lol
I only broke two before SWMBO bought me a refractometer for my birthday... she loves me apparently.
I think it's more important to get an accurate refractometer than worry about having a SG chart.

Had a cheap one and wasn't too impressed with the optics or the clarity of the chart/line.

Here's my Atago N-1E and I love it.

Real glass prism and certified calibration. Crystal clear optics.

View attachment 83262

View attachment 83263

If you want crystal clear optics then you might consider the LED ones like this:

The price is similar and the LED definitely helps if you dont have perfect illumination. These also have a glass prism.
If you want crystal clear optics then you might consider the LED ones like this:

... These also have a glass prism.
Actually I think the glass prism is a better selling point than the LED.
I bought a cheap evilbay one which I assume had a plastic/polymer prism and
disliked it so much it got sent to the dumpster.
Current ones I've seen bought from brew shops seem much better.
The LED would be nice if you're brewing in low light for some reason.