I've never heard of having to re-calibrate a refractometer every 30 mins, are you sure the instructions aren't just in 'engrish' and that instruction is an error in translation?
If I had to recalibrate mine regularly during the brewday I would proably bin it!
Here are a couple of the tips I would probably give;
* make a point of cleaning the lense/tip with a clean damp tissue/cloth after every sample, this will keep your refract' in good condition, and mean that your sample is neither diluted by water nor contaminated with residual sugars from the last sample. It also means you won't come back to find it congealed with sugar & stuck to the foam in the bottom of it's case at your
next brewday...
* when you take your sample, if using a pipette - make sure you 'rinse' it in your main wort, to make sure that there is not liquid/sugars inside to throw your reading out - ie: don't comtaminate your sample before it even gets to the refractometer.
* don't take sample after sample in quick succession, even with an ATC model,
unless you cool your wort first because repeated samples of hot wort
will heat up the lense, and
will make your readings inaccurate. (From memory, the warmer mine gets, the lower the readings get, that would be something to do with the extra heat on the lense would cause the sample particles to expand/spread out more on the lense, and therefore less refraction would take place as the light passes through the sample=lower reading.)
These are the things I do, and I get good consistent readings. Of course there are the 'user related' discrepancies, but they are nothing to do with my instruments..... :lol: