Refractometer correction charts you can actually read?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score
Can anyone point me in the direction of a decent sized refrac correction chart that I could print out as an A4 and pin up in the brewery?

The only ones I can find are so small they won't even scale up without becoming too fuzzy.

My SS brewbucket sits at the bottom of a kegmate and by sliding it to the door I can sneak a few ml out of the tap for a refrac check, but taking a full hydrometer sample is a pain in the arse.

This is mainly for lager brewing where we are talking a couple of weeks in primary, and I want to hit the correct attenuation % before transferring to lagering tanks.
G'day Bribie,

what about pulling down the excel spreadsheet and just cloning out the formula to build your own chart? More work I know, but you could scale it how you want?

When you hit the print button select "print to fit" and it should resize for you. I have A3 at home and laminator happy to knock out a couple if in or around Melbourne or heading to the up comming swap.
Thanks guys, that Brewadelaide one is just what I've been looking for.
Bribie G said:
This is mainly for lager brewing where we are talking a couple of weeks in primary, and I want to hit the correct attenuation % before transferring to lagering tanks.
Now you have that O2 kit prepared for your world to be turned on its head.

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