Recirculating eBiab users help please.

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Hi Gents.

I've tried BIAB but I found it troublesome I've come to the belief that the very fine voil my bag is made of (2 layers) was simply too fine. I had the bag clog even with stirring so I thought Id ask those who know.

How course/fine is your bag? I'm especially interested in bags used successfully for recirculating systems.

Holes about 1mm, 1/2mm, 1/4mm or smaller?

Many Thanks. Aamcle
If you found biab troublesome then adding recirc to it is just making it more so.Having tried it myself I don't think it's worth the bother. When you start recirc with biab it's no longer biab, you're just replacing a metal false bottom with a material one, and there is a reason people use the metal variety. I can see where you are coming from, having been down the path myself. I went from biab to recirc biab to single vessel brewmaster type to my current set up, a 3V rims double batch system.
biab is simple and the easiest system for single temp infusions. If you want to start temp mashing then you may be better off going to a single vessel system. The downward flow of recirc biab is problematic and needs to be watched for flow problems as the bag can block and get stuck to the side of the pot.
If you still want to go down this path try a coarser crush ( @ 1.2-1.4mm) and a more open weave bag, start slow with the recirc and increase flow after 5-10 minutes.
Thanks for the reply Seamad.

From what you have said I take it that metal false bottoms are less prone to blocking, is that what you meant?

I built Counter Top Brutus20 that uses a braided SS hose cover in the mash tun and so far that has drained well. But there is a lot of dead volume even considering that its set up for 23liter batches, I think I need to be making 10 - 12 litre batches so I have been looking around for smaller options.

I'm coming around to the idea that I should just get a smaller Mash Tun fit a proper bottom drain and use a false bottom.

ATB. aamcle
I found I used voile and it blocked had to stab new bag with a BBQ fork to get it to drain which was slow, then I started using baby muslin which was briliant a little to course though so a bit of crap got through, then just got a big grain bag from LHBS and never looked back, by the time you sew something up go out and get the material it works out about the same cost to just buy a decent grain bag which works a treat
I have a recirculating eBIAB system. I found that the swiss voile had too fine a weave and would get clogged. I now use a BIAB bag that I bought from G&G, which has a much more open weave. I have had no problems using it even with 60% wheat.
Yep, get rid of the voille & fork out the massive sum of $10 for a grain bag (most suppliers sell 'em)

I also think the problem may be that you are using two layers. Or did I misinterpret that?
Two layers and its fine voil, too much it seams.

Have you used the grain bag with recirculation?

Atb. Aamcle
I recirc but on gas and use grain bag no issues what so ever just works no faffing around, it's the way to go in my opinion
I use a Grain and Grape BIAB bag and I also recirculate. I mainly use recirc to help keep the temperature uniform through the pot, but it also helps when ramping up during step mashes. I have a bazooka thing on the outlet tap which stops the bag from being sucked through. Works a treat.
Cosmic Bertie said:
I use a Grain and Grape BIAB bag and I also recirculate. I mainly use recirc to help keep the temperature uniform through the pot, but it also helps when ramping up during step mashes. I have a bazooka thing on the outlet tap which stops the bag from being sucked through. Works a treat.
Craftbrewer bag though. Works well.
aamcle said:
Two layers and its fine voil, too much it seams.

Have you used the grain bag with recirculation?

Atb. Aamcle
Yep, there's the problem. 2 layers of fine voile. I use a grain bag & recirculating system with no dramas. One layer will work but I still reckon the bags are better. They have a drawstring too, so no faffing about trying to tie knots n ****
Pre made bags are daft price in the UK so I'll go look for some new fabric.

Thanks...... Aamcld
I'm still trying to clear a FV so I can try my Brau clone but in the mean time I have been measuring that SS mesh I have available. I used a ruler and a glass so its a bit of an estimate.

For a recirculating system I have the choice between :-

20 holes per cm (50 per inch) the openings should be about 300 to 400 microns.


3 holes per cm (7.5 per inch) openings about 2830 microns.

What would you recommend?

Atb. Aamcle
hugcra said:
I recirc but on gas and use grain bag no issues what so ever just works no faffing around, it's the way to go in my opinion

Cosmic Bertie said:
I use a Grain and Grape BIAB bag and I also recirculate. I mainly use recirc to help keep the temperature uniform through the pot, but it also helps when ramping up during step mashes. I have a bazooka thing on the outlet tap which stops the bag from being sucked through. Works a treat.

For the smaller rig I'm now using a pot with the base replaced with a mesh FB so far its worked well.


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