RecipeDB - Screwys JSAA Clone

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Inspectors Pocket Brewery
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Screwys JSAA Clone

Ale - American Amber Ale
All Grain
* * * * - 1 Votes

Brewer's Notes

Sugar is used by JS to achieve assist their low attenuating Tooheys yeast. 90 min boil. Mash @ 67°C for 75 min, add the sugar to the kettle with 15 min to go. Any good liquid English yeast can be used but S-04 is fine if given an additional week after fermentation ceases to reduce acaldehyde.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
3 kg JWM Traditional Ale Malt
0.75 kg Weyermann Munich I
0.25 kg TF Dark Crystal
0.15 kg TF Crystal
0.3 kg Cane Sugar


Time Grams Variety Form AA
30 g Williamette (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 20mins)
10 g Super Alpha (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 60mins)


11 g DCL Yeast S-04 - SafAle English Ale
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.048 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.013 (calc)
  • Bitterness 25.9 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 4.54%
  • Colour 26 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 4 days
Put some aside for me, I want to try it. I'll just rock up to your house on Sunday okay?
Put some aside for me, I want to try it. I'll just rock up to your house on Sunday okay?

Have to drink something else, last batch dissapeared quick. Since you're coming bring some of yours :lol:

Sorry but, why the 90min boil when the first add of hops is 60min?
and is cane sugar just house hold sugar?
ahh kk cool, just checking, its done before the hop additions?
Sorry but, why the 90min boil when the first add of hops is 60min?
and is cane sugar just house hold sugar?

Very common biol regime add 60 min hops after 30 min. Cane Sugar = Table sugar.

Awesome, looks like one to add to the list mate!
Brewed this up and racking now. Ended up spilling about a litre. Had about 10.5L of 1.056. Tested today (day 4) and it smells average and its down to 1020.
Anyone made this yet? What should i be expecting?
Hmmm, well i guess mine is a bit screwed up ay screwy? haha. Ill just let it go for a while. The temps are fairly stable. Hopefully it comes out well and ill proberly dilute it more for next batch

Thanks for deleting your post, now i look crazy.
Hmmm, well i guess mine is a bit screwed up ay screwy? haha. Ill just let it go for a while. The temps are fairly stable. Hopefully it comes out well and ill proberly dilute it more for next batch

Thanks for deleting your post, now i look crazy.

hehe, silly bugger I commented re the JSGA recipe. Yours should be fine, maybe make up 1 litre of wort and add 1/4 pack of US-05, pitch that when actively fermenting, should get it going again and get it down, so long as you have a stable fermentation temp.

I racked it and have the US-05 at the bottom, and also some from another batch. Ill step some of that up if it looks slow.
I'm having a crack at this Amber at the moment, first go with S-04 and It seems to get out of the blocks well and dies in the arse half way through fermenting.

It came down from 1048 to 1018 in 3 or so days, then slowed up to 1014 at day 6. Now at day 8 and its still slowly bubbling.

Taste from the sample is Deelux, must be patient grasshopper...
I'm having a crack at this Amber at the moment, first go with S-04 and It seems to get out of the blocks well and dies in the arse half way through fermenting.

It came down from 1048 to 1018 in 3 or so days, then slowed up to 1014 at day 6. Now at day 8 and its still slowly bubbling.

Taste from the sample is Deelux, must be patient grasshopper...

Sugar is used to improve attenuation of the Tooheys yeast used by JS, S-04 works pretty well in leiu. Be sure to maintain fermentation around 20C for this yeast. Once at TG allow another week for it to clean up Acetaldehyde before kegging/bottling.


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