Re-Hydrate v Not..

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Ducatiboy stu said:
I have re-hydrated for bread......but never seen any refference to glucose...thats sort of going against what a vocal few have said here already...

I've never seen the glucose reference before either.

eh ? you boys are kidding me

who likes to bake ?

proof yer yeast with a simple food, glucose.

now I raise the point because logic follows that if wort is toxic because of its complexity and water is not because of its simplicity, then why would not the most basic of foods in biochemistry be harmful, if not beneficial ?
Dengue said:
eh ? you boys are kidding me

who likes to bake ?

proof yer yeast with a simple food, glucose.

now I raise the point because logic follows that if wort is toxic because of its complexity and water is not because of its simplicity, then why would not the most basic of foods in biochemistry be harmful, if not beneficial ?
Because you are rehydrating at this stage not feeding/growing?
Looks like the crusade's all ova again, believe what I believe or I'll kill you. If we all did the same thing we would all be driving Ford's( second rate car if you ask me) or Holden's.
If someone pitches dry then let them do it, I have pitched dry on every brew I have done and I know I'll probably get criticized by the ag boys for doing this but it's what works best for me.
Not everyone has the time to rehydrate yeast, some of us run our own business and have to work 6 and a half days a week and have kids to look after when the significant other works night shift.
If they pitch dry then let them, they don't criticized you for the way you are brewing. It is a hobby after all.
Well that's my two cent's worth anyway. Alvederzain
I bet no-one has bothered to email Fermentis to ask what their rehydration advice is for all the various professions?

You guys are full of it!
They did that many pages ago. I'm not sure anyone cared.
Dear Fermentis

Is it possible that your yeast research could be wrong due to the fact on page 7 of a yeast thread on AHB someone does not agree.
Pretty sure you mean page 1, stu.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Dear Fermentis

Is it possible that your yeast research could be wrong due to the fact on page 1 ( according to bum ) of a yeast thread on AHB someone does not agree.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Dear Fermentis

Is it possible that your yeast research could be wrong due to the fact on page 7 of a yeast thread on AHB someone does not agree.

err, I do believe that ferments state and I quote

Fermentis yeast can be rehydrated with sterile water or sterile wort.
Whatever media is chosen it is compulsory to assure its sterility.
Somewhere in between sterile water and sterile wort is sterile glucose.

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