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Crazy Clown
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Hey I just made a random beer with stuff I had laying around and thought I would ask how people think it will come out. I didnt bother using any brewing software so not sure whats going to come of it lol. Well my recipe is:

can of coopers european lager
400g LDME (left over from a brew)
300g dextrose (also left over)
300g white sugar
400g of yellow box honey (thought to give a little flavour and aroma
2g amarillo @ 10 min
4g centennial @ 10 min
2 packs s-23 yeast
Where is the beer flavour coming from? the 400g of LDME? I think you may have just wasted all those ingregients.

Itll be weak in flavour and alc %. you could salvage it by adding another 750g of LDME and a steeped grain crystal would be ok in that.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
well its got the kit in it I dont see this being a good brew by any means but it cost me just the honey as the kit was given to me and the rest was left over stuff well and like $1 of sugar. Seen some one wrote they got a (drinkable) beer from a kit and just 1kg of sugar

edit: well actually the honey has been in the cupboard for 2 years and looked like it was never opened so in theory that didnt cost money
What temp you brewing it at to use the 2 x yeast?

Maybe some dry hopping later on to add some flavour....
well its got the kit in it I dont see this being a good brew by any means but it cost me just the honey as the kit was given to me and the rest was left over stuff well and like $1 of sugar. Seen some one wrote they got a (drinkable) beer from a kit and just 1kg of sugar

edit: well actually the honey has been in the cupboard for 2 years and looked like it was never opened so in theory that didnt cost money

Holey dooley, no idea how i missed the kit in his recipe... Sorry man, I cant read straight. Yeah that'll be nice, i recon it'll be very alcoholic.
yeah thought you missed that jetF lol I did have it in there I was thinking a extra 750g LDME that me like 10% lol. mitcho it be brewed at 11deg Had the yeast in the fridge since jan and the kit since xmas it was used by the 8th of this month I found out today why I used what I had :p I got some Saaz C in the fridge wasnt sure if it would go with it. Might be alright to dry hop what you think?
Haha. I hope this turns out to be the best beer you've made :D

OT: I'm intruiged by your Red Passionfruit Ale. What sort of recipe are you going with??
I'd chuck the Saaz in, cause you'll get bugger all from the other hop additions. Go with maybe 25g and leave it in the fermenter for another week. Not a fan of honey in beer so can't comment on how the hops would go with honey in the mix as well.
yeah I might dry hop some saaz. I like honey beers, I pitched this today and the OG is 1042 so its not a high gravity at all but I did fill to a little above 24lt mark. The bit i drained for the test smells and tastes awsome lol so this could very well be the best I have brewed.

Each to there own I like neils centenarillo but I myself wouldnt say that its awesome :p also I think I need a hop sock as when I seem to use hops it all taste the same would this be from the hop residue??? well you do get slight after tastes but more of a straw like no matter what hop I use.

the red passionfruit ale is from the DB just seems like something I may like lol
My comments:

- a lot of sugar (all types)
- European Lager appears to need temperatures closer to 11C to taste okay rather than the temperatures we have had lately
- may have been enough with just the honey based on my experience with using honey

Hope it comes out okay.
yeah I am using s-23 yeast I know the kit yeast is lager yeast but 10g is not enough for 10-12deg temps well so i read so pitched 2 packs of s-23 and fermenting at 11deg. As I say I make 25lts batches so thats why I put more sugar isnt enough malt for my liking but I thought the honey would add something different.

If it taste half as good fermented then it did before adding the yeast I say this would have to be the best beer I made but time will tell :p