Radler Recipe...Sorry

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Newcastle, Australia
I did search but couldn't find any real results posted on a Radler recipe.

Its for SWMBO I swear! I have a kegging setup and would like to know if anyone has had any success just adding in Lemonade, Lemon or Lime Juice, Cordial etc to the keg and what kind of beer/additive ratio you run.

What would I make as a base?

It would make the purchase of 2 more corny kegs a lot easier if I could tell SWMBO one of them will be dedicated to Radler!
a 50/50 mix of pils and lime cordial/sodawater will do the trick
make sure to keep it cold though, the yeast may start to chew through the sugaz in the cordial
Tell her that you will brew a special Radler base beer (pils, or if you want, anything pale-ish), this beer occupies one keg. Tell her to mix this with lemonade when she pours, that way she can experiment with different lemonades, coke whatever and also different amounts of it, rather than being stuck with a whole keg of the same.

Bonus for you is that you can also enjoy the base beer.

Use the second keg for whatever else you want to put in, basically giving you two different beers on tap and Radler for the wife. (Don't tell her that you might also drink 'her' base beer)
Yeah, what Florian said. Mix it yourself in glass.

Perhaps you could make larger batches like 2L 5L or whatever is easier of a mixer to dial that in to your tastes.

You could even get a smaller corny for your mixer.

I like to have a 19L keg of home made soda water on at all times so you can drink that however you like. That is, if I had a working keggerator.
Thanks Gents, it will be in a fridge at 3 degrees C so no problem with fermenting the cordial. I'd like to have it good to go from the keg and not mix it in glass, will the cordial dilute or will it just sink to the bottom?
you could just make up the morgans cortez cerveza kit. pretty bland type of base with the lime flavour already added in the can.
haha Spiesy, I know I know... Trust me if it takes one keg of crap to get me another keg full of a brew of my choosing then it is better than 0 kegs.

Mrs got the taste for Radler at Oktoberfest and in all honesty it was pretty good but I also used to drink Extra Dry at that time as well...

I might try the kit first so I don't waste a keg full of a nice base.
I reckon that the Radler in Bavaria is just the same as a Shandy, Lemonade mixed with beer used by cyclists (hence Radler) Mix it in the glass. Any soda cordial could be used. IMHO I wouldn't make it in a keg, just my thoughts after travelling to Germany over 15 years.