Racking Question

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Hi all im keen to try racking to a secondary is there a set time do do it ie number of days or s-g reading i tend to notice changes in the trub being more "definned" (its hard to put in words) would this be a sign? TIA
i rack when the krausen has settled... for me, usually on around the 9-10 day mark for ales
Im pretty sure you rack when fermentation stops pretty much, or after the yeast dies down. The reason people rack is to get the brew off the yeast cake. But its not really essential unless you cold conditioning or leaving it for some time.
Hi all im keen to try racking to a secondary is there a set time do do it

Depends entirely on why you want to rack. There are a few reasons for transferring between vessels and there are different time frames for at least one of those. Are you racking for secondary fermentation or for bulk priming or to add something or to leave behind sediment or some other reason?
sorry should have been clearer, for second fermentation to produce clearer beer. I have bulk primed a few times now and find it works well for me as i use different size bottles sometimes. I am just thinking that getting beer of the trub then give a second ferment may clear it up some.
some people like to rack to a secondary to bulk prime prior to bottling... some like to rack to dry hop (near end or at end of fermentation)... some people rack to get it off the trub... (half to two third fermentation)

there are quite a few reasons for racking, so if you know what you want from it, the when will come with that decision... Iv'e found... thus far

I personally like to rack to a secondary when fermentation is half to two thirds done and dry hop to the secondary, when I then go on to cold condition the resulting beer is quite clear without the use of finnings or geletine..


[edit] shouldnt walk away from computer mid post!! ;)
sorry should have been clearer, for second fermentation to produce clearer beer. I have bulk primed a few times now and find it works well for me as i use different size bottles sometimes. I am just thinking that getting beer of the trub then give a second ferment may clear it up some.

If it's clarity you want then you can wait till fermentation is finished, let it clean up a bit, then wack it in the fridge for at least 48 hours. After 24 use gelatin or isinglass.

I rack a bit earlier than that. Wolfy's link explains a lot but a bit earlier in that chapter you'll find this: http://www.howtobrew.com/section1/chapter8-2-3.html which explains why I do what I do. Most people will probably tell you it's unnecessary and they are probably right - however I have occasionally noticed a yeast bite in beers I've not racked and so will likely continue my process. Racking for me is generally around 3/4 the way through but I don't rack to bulk prime or fine.
Thanks wolfy that is a good start and a good read will try there before i post question next time.
I only knew it was there because I was reading that part of the hard-copy book last night. :) But the online reference is a very good one if you can be bothered sitting at your computer to read it all.