Question About Lme

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Beer Magician

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Hi all,

The other day in the excitement of creating my latest IPA I made a horrible mistake. I had the tin of goo and LME sitting in the sink in fairly hot, but not boiling, water for about 10 minutes to soften them up. However, when I took them out I discovered to my horror that it was the wrong jar of LME! D'oh!!!

So my question is, have I done any damage to the LME by warming it up? Will it still be useable or is it likely to produce off flavours? It's unopened in the standard LHBS plastic jar and is now back sitting in the cupboard safely out of my reaches.

Thanks in advance,
What do you mean wrong LME?

Please explain.

Heating will darken it up but I shouldn't think it would hurt too much. You might want to use it sooner rather than later. I wouldn't be leaving it for months.
Should be ok...

What sort of brew were you doing?
i assume he means a tin of liquid malt extract.

thats fine. you just heated it thats all.

although re-reading the OP. its in a LHBS jar? do you mean you bought a jar of LME that the LHBS have bought in bulk then repacked themselves? fark thsts a rip off. dont do that again (unless its dirt cheap).

I assume you didnt buy a tin of copper LME or similar.
Yeah it's in a plastic jar with the LHBS sticker plastered all over it....I think it was about $8 for a litre from memory. I'm new to this game, the cost still worked out cheap (well to me anyway). I'm learning every day - sanitisation - fermentation temps - ingredients - recipes - costs....getting there slowly. You have to forgive me, I have 3 rampant boys under the age of 7 to contend with!
ah ok. $8 per litre isnt bad i guess but they will be making a huge profit from it as they will buy it in 25L or 50L drums for about $4 per kilo or less.

yeah its fine. its just like warming and cooling honey. so long as you didnt boil it.
Nope. Can make a nasty mess of your stove top if it boils over...Glass of cold water or a spray bottle handy helps this.

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