Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2013

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Thanks again Ross for letting us getting in your way for a few weekends, particularly today when we had stuff everywhere while you were trying to work.

Thanks to Browndog, Kris and Dave for judging categories with me, it's been a great learning experience going through the process with such experienced judges. I can thoroughly recommend that people give it a go if they haven't before, start at mini-comps/club-comps then put your hand up for the state comp and get paired up with one of the old hands.

And thanks NickB for not wanting your 2nd bottles, I'll email you through the results from the 3rd umpire as I drink them. Had to grab them before Ross put up the announcement as I heard there was a RIS in there.

edschache said:
Thanks again Ross for letting us getting in your way for a few weekends, particularly today when we had stuff everywhere while you were trying to work.

Thanks to Browndog, Kris and Dave for judging categories with me, it's been a great learning experience going through the process with such experienced judges. I can thoroughly recommend that people give it a go if they haven't before, start at mini-comps/club-comps then put your hand up for the state comp and get paired up with one of the old hands.

And thanks NickB for not wanting your 2nd bottles, I'll email you through the results from the 3rd umpire as I drink them. Had to grab them before Ross put up the announcement as I heard there was a RIS in there.

Bastard, thats a good RIS :) . And echoing Eds' thanks for Ross and his team for going way out of thier way to support QABC for yet another year.
So when will the results be available?

Will the winners be announced at the awards night as has been done previously?
They'll be listed tonight KBB

cheers Ross
Ross said:

We have approx 20 crates of unopened beer entries (2nd bottles) from the Qld State Championships.
We also have approx 30 crates of opened beer bottles.

Crates + beers + bottles are FREE to anyone who wants to pick them up. No sorting, just take as many crates as you want, plastic + glass bottles. First come first served.

We will keep refrigerated until the end of the week, then whatever's left will be dumped!!!

Collection from CraftBrewer/Bacchus Brewing Co. Unit 1, 2 Christine Place, Capalaba.

Cheers Ross
It'd be nice to have some sort of case swap with all the left overs for entrants that don't make the national comp. Maybe next year, I'd be happy to help organise that part if anyone thinks it would work.
elronalds said:
It'd be nice to have some sort of case swap with all the left overs for entrants that don't make the national comp. Maybe next year, I'd be happy to help organise that part if anyone thinks it would work.
Maybe it could be a lucky door raffle type thing? Send a milk crate worth to 5-10 entrants depending on numbers?
Congratulations to all the winners.

Champion Brewer hails from Townsville - Well done Russell.
Champion Beer Martin Rudge - Dortmunder 43pts and won on count back as per QABC & AABC rules
BABBs took out Champion Club with IBUs hot on our heels and an honorable mention must got to the RBTs with a strong showing this year.

I hope we perform as well as we did last year at the Nationals :p

I'll sort out the mail out of the scoresheets, vouchers and certificates soon.
I need a rest now.

Champion Brewer prizes to be announced soon too. Stay tuned.

All 18 categories prizes were as follows (in voucher form).

1st - Sack of Barrett Burston Pils Malt from Cryer Malt + Wyeast Activator Pack
2nd - $20 Shop Voucher from Brewers Choice + Wyeast Activator Pack
3rd - Wyeast Activator Pack

All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place-getters have qualified for the AABC and your second bottles have been packaged to send to Canberra for the National comp in 2 weeks.

Good luck to all,

Dave Clarke
Chief Steward
Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2013

View attachment QABC 2013 - Results.zip
Many thanks to all the organisers, judges, stewards and helpers on the day. Here's hoping Qld does well at the AABC.
Thanks for the number crunching Dave
And you can still score at few big ones Andrew :) .
Holy crap! I actually got Champion Brewer! Still can't believe it. A big thanks to Ross for hosting! Hopefully you enjoyed my Straight Lambic and Gueuze if you got to try them! :)

Bring on the Nationals!
OregonBrewer that straight lambic was pretty close to the mark. Aroma was right on the money but a little harshness in the flavour. Feel free to rebrew a few times and send me samples :) :) :)

Great effort mate, anyone that gives Kris a run for his money must be doing something right.
Wow, stoked to win the Archive American Pale Ale and the Green Beacon IPA categories. A big thanks to Ross, Dave and the stewards for hosting and judging. Also a big thanks to my mentor David Colville, who took out the Sunshine Coast Brewery Wheat & Rye Beer category, very glad now we put that bet of a keg on the outcome...

Good luck to everyone who made the Nationals and look forward to competing again next year.


Congrats to all winners and contestants North of the Time Line - now for the Nats.

Just a post for those who have met the gentleman it appears that Lyall Cottam of Pine Rivers, the Lager King, has sadly dropped out of club and competition brewing, which is a great loss to the craft in general. Taught me most of what I know about making a clean lager, and always stepped up to the plate for stewarding and judging. Come back Black Cat if you ever get to read this post :party:
Sorry to hear that. Lyall and I always had a good chat or two together at past Nationals. I hope he is keeping well.
edschache said:
OregonBrewer that straight lambic was pretty close to the mark. Aroma was right on the money but a little harshness in the flavour. Feel free to rebrew a few times and send me samples

Great effort mate, anyone that gives Kris a run for his money must be doing something right.
Thanks for that! That Lambic is almost 2 years old after sitting on oak chips for 6 months with the addition of bottle dregs from a couple of sours. I don't think I can re-brew it a few times in the near future.... :) I do have another one going that is conditioning on raspberries. Should be ready to keg soon.

I am pretty pleased, and pleasantly surprised, with how it turned out. :) Hopefully it will do just as well at Nationals.

Barry said:
Sorry to hear that. Lyall and I always had a good chat or two together at past Nationals. I hope he is keeping well.
Off topic for brewing, but just before I migrated South he'd bought himself something like this, only in red:

yank tank.JPG

For driving him and his Mrs to their main hobby, Rock n Roll club dancing. Probably decided to devote more time to his brew widow, and good on 'im.

Hope I'm not being impatient, but when do you expect the scoresheets will be emailed? I just want to be sure I don't miss out.

Many appreciative thanks to organisers and all involved. It's a great opportunity for a newbie like me to get their feet wet.
Very soon,

Should have them by the end of this coming week if not early the next week.

We had to wait for certificates, vouchers, sorting and checking - among other things.


carpedaym said:
Hope I'm not being impatient, but when do you expect the scoresheets will be emailed? I just want to be sure I don't miss out.

Many appreciative thanks to organisers and all involved. It's a great opportunity for a newbie like me to get their feet wet.
We've had the scoresheets ready to email since last Tuesday but, the same as last year the pencil is hard to scan to be readable. Maybe next year we will try darker pencils for the judges.

That said all set to post on Wednesday.


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