Problems With Jwm Pilsner

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Wasn't sure whether to post in this part of the forum or under gear & equipment but I have been having problems trying to crush my latest batch of JWM Pilsner. I have done 2 brews out of this bag so far and for some reason it doesn't want to pull through the mill. I have a Marga which has done about 3 25kg bags without any problems. I have never had to change the settings.

I basically end up ramming a paint scraper down my hopper full of grain to encourage the grains into the rollers. I have tried messing with the gap setting and it doesn't seem to make any difference. It seems as though the rollers can't get a grip on this batch of grain. However, I ran 300gm of wheat through at the end and that went straight through with no problems, crushed beautifully. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this before and if there are any suggestions out there.


:icon_cheers: Soz

Planning a brew (and subsequent crush) this weekend, any thoughts? Anyone ??

:icon_cheers: Soz

Planning a brew (and subsequent crush) this weekend, any thoughts? Anyone ??

:icon_cheers: Soz

Hi Soz

I always had this problem with my converted Marga, until I widened the feed gap in the plastic hopper using a dremel. Also added a hopper. Now feeds all the way down to the last grain or two.

If you haven't already done something similar- search on this forum and you will find some advice on how to do this and some options for making a hopper.

I'm 3/4 of the way through a bag of it at the moment. My crankanstein pulls it through with no problem at all.

I always had this problem with my converted Marga, until I widened the feed gap in the plastic hopper using a dremel. Also added a hopper. Now feeds all the way down to the last grain or two.

I find the marga never has any problem feeding the grain - once the hole in the plastic hopper is widened, as jimmy said.
I'd lay odds that there is nothing wrong with the grain. I sometimes get this with my 3-roller Cranker & have solved the problem by putting a piece of old newspaper on the floor with the Cranker over it (Waste not want not :) ), pouring in just a little grain & then giving the mill a short burst with the drill until the rollers "grab" onto the grain, then adding the rest of the grain bill.
Problem solved.

TP :beer:

just saw your post Butters. Memo to self --- Must read posts correctly before responding.
I have had this happen when I had my marga, I used a drill to power the mill and if the grains were harder than usual ie. wheat, the rollers wouldn't grab the grain and pull them down, they were spinning too fast. I slowed my mill speed down considerably and the grains pulled through ok.

Try slowing the crush speed right down and see if that helps.

Try dampening the grain 5 minuites prior to putting it through the mill.

for 5kg use about 100mls

Put the grain in an airtight container and pour the water into it. Mix it up to dampen the grain evenly. It should be just damp enough to stick to your hands but not "wet" if you know what i mean.

leave if a few min for the husks to soften up and then mill it. The husks will stay more intact, helping with the sparge and being softer, should go into the minn a bit better.

I used to have a marga when they first started getting sold for grian use and i always had my hand in the hopper helping it through. I got rid of it for this reason........... and i was using JW malts as well.

The wetting helped a lot. I still do it and have almost completly whole husks with a fine crush and 80+% efficiency

Tonys method is tops, really works a treat. The difference it makes on a marga crush is amazing.

Even if his ratios of water to grain changes a bit every time he posts it :p ;)
Well i have a small baby food jar for 4 to 6 kg's of malt and a large baby food jar for 10 to 12 kg batches.

I just fill the jar and tip it in

But its around the 100 and 200 ml mark.............. or was it 75 and 150..........

Ahhhhhhhh its not that important, in there somewhere works well!

My mill with 2 inch dia 10 inch long knearled rillers doesnt have slipping issues so as long as its damp enough to soften the husk.... its all good.

Ok............. just measured it and in the batch im mashing now i used 130mls in 8.5 kg of grain. Worked perfect. you should be able to scale it from that to your amount....... or get yourself some baby food jars :)

Thanks for all the input guys. The feeding slot was opened up from the start so supply to the rollers is not a problem. I drive the mill with a DC motor with a reducer in between so speed is pretty slow. I will try the moistening next time as it does seem to be a grip issue just with the pilsner. I ran 300 gm of wheat and 200gm of carared through with no problem again so it really does seem to be related to this batch of pilsner.

Anyway grain is in the urn and mashing out as I type, just about ready for bag exit B)

:beer: Soz
Tony's method DOES work

Many years ago he told me about it...

It most definatly helps with crushing and getting a good husk ratio
Tony's method DOES work

Many years ago he told me about it...

It most definatly helps with crushing and getting a good husk ratio

Cool ! Don't need the husks as the bag takes care of that function but the extra traction through the mill will be welcome.

:icon_cheers: Soz
Ahhhhhhhh its not that important, in there somewhere works well!

:lol: I knew you'd bite, Tony.

Seriously, though, love your method. My efficiency has bumped significantly as a result of using it; fine crush that doesn't stick, and a beautifully clear run off.

And soz, you're absolutely right about the extra traction it will give for the marga.
Ok......... here are some pics of my mash after sparging.

I got 82% efficiency from this and had to throttle back the sparge. If it drains too fast i loose efficiency.





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