Printing Your Own Labels

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Hi all,
I've got a canon inkjet and was wondering what sticker paper people have tried and what works.
I've seen photo stickers that print good quality, but they are precut 16 stickers to a sheet.
I'm after large (4 to a sheet) or not cut sheets.
Personally when I do labels (usually just the Xmas Case swaps) I print on normal paper on the colour laserjet at work then cutout and glue to the bottle with one of the kids Bostik glue sticks. Works a treat and the labels aren't too much of a bitch to get off later.

If you guys are using publisher then select "labels" and then pick the size you want for the bottle,
I usually go about 9 labels to an "A4" sheet.
Once you have made this selection and designed your label, then go to the stationery supplier and buy the Avery brand sheets.
I have also bought an unknown brand of sticker labels at A4 size and then just adjusted publisher design to suit the label size, this one had six labels per A4.
I hope this helps

I just print mine on normal paper, then attach to the bottle using a slightly larger piece of clear contact. Works well, Water-proof and easy to remove later.

i use avery labels with an inkjet. if you have microsoft word it has inbuild templates for a lot of the avery sheets.
I cheat and use a Dymo 400 label printer. Probably not cost practical for bottling though, I only use it to label the tap and kegs, every bottle would be costly. Bloody easy though, thermal printing so it doesn't run if it gets wet, and you can print images in black and white. I'm no good with imaging software for some reason, so this is label printing for dummies. :huh:



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