Hi all,
I have a ginger beer in the feremnter at the moment, and was planning on adding lemon to half at bottling time.
My plan is:
Boil up apropriate amount of dextrose
Boil up (seperate) lemon zest
Rack into bottling bucket (fermenter #3) on top of dextrose sollution.
Bottle about half of the ginger beer
Add lemon sollution.
Finish bottling.
My question... will the lemon zest sollution be fermentable, and as such, over carbonate? if so, how much?
Am i better racking a measured amount, prime, bottle then racking rest adding lemon and decreased dextrose?
For introductions, im a new brewer from NSW.
This ginger beer is brew #4, before this:
Amber ale (extract kit, Malt/Dextrose mix), tasting prety blah...
Belgian Ale (extract kit, DME, added aroma hops), only been bottled <2 weeks, trying tonight but was promising at bottling
Heffeweizen (un hopped extract, munich grain, hallatau(?) bittering and aroma) tasted prety good at bottleing, less than a week in bottles.
I have a ginger beer in the feremnter at the moment, and was planning on adding lemon to half at bottling time.
My plan is:
Boil up apropriate amount of dextrose
Boil up (seperate) lemon zest
Rack into bottling bucket (fermenter #3) on top of dextrose sollution.
Bottle about half of the ginger beer
Add lemon sollution.
Finish bottling.
My question... will the lemon zest sollution be fermentable, and as such, over carbonate? if so, how much?
Am i better racking a measured amount, prime, bottle then racking rest adding lemon and decreased dextrose?
For introductions, im a new brewer from NSW.
This ginger beer is brew #4, before this:
Amber ale (extract kit, Malt/Dextrose mix), tasting prety blah...
Belgian Ale (extract kit, DME, added aroma hops), only been bottled <2 weeks, trying tonight but was promising at bottling
Heffeweizen (un hopped extract, munich grain, hallatau(?) bittering and aroma) tasted prety good at bottleing, less than a week in bottles.