For keg priming I use 80g of DME in 300ml of boiling water, cool and add to the keg to condition,chill after a week or two gas and pour.
Drinking one I primed 2 weeks ago and chilled yesterday as I type, just right [for my taste].

Bumped this up again

I now prime all [99.9% of the time] my kegs [depends on style now not like in the past and kept it the same, well most times] ,now I use 95g of DME in just enough boiled water to disolve it ,then leave them the kegs for at least two weeks for AAA and APAs and the like.
How are others priming their kegs for most beers? Some use dex, others sugar, not me I have used DME for awhile now.
I only force carb when I am in a hurry which is not often.