Pressure Cooker Sterilization

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Ringwood, Melbourne
How long do I need to boil my flasks in a pressure cooker? Ive got a 500ml flask that had some infected wort in it, so I want to nuke it and use it, Ive got it on the stove, a guess tells me about 20 mins of so under pressure should kill just about anything?


Note: I want to use the flask to see if my Frozen Yeast can be revived :beerbang:
15 minutes at 121degC according to Wikipedia. I would post the link but since I am on IE I can't do that or use quotes or post a pic. I googled 'steam sterilization and saw a QLD health document at the top of the list that looks handy. Again I would post a link but IE.......
Does this help?

Pasteurization Type

63ºC (145ºF)1) 30 minutes Vat Pasteurization
72ºC (161ºF)1) 15 seconds High temperature short time Pasteurization (HTST)
89ºC (191ºF) 1.0 second Higher-Heat Shorter Time (HHST)
90ºC (194ºF) 0.5 seconds Higher-Heat Shorter Time (HHST)
94ºC (201ºF) 0.1 seconds Higher-Heat Shorter Time (HHST)
96ºC (204ºF) 0.05 seconds Higher-Heat Shorter Time (HHST)
100ºC (212ºF) 0.01 seconds Higher-Heat Shorter Time (HHST)
138ºC (280ºF) 2.0 seconds Ultra Pasteurization (UP)

I guess 3 seconds should to it :ph34r:
To sterilise, rather than pasteurise or sanitise, 15 to 20 minutes in a pressure cooker, according to the Yeast book by Chris White & anor.

Agree with Gal and Tidal.
If the flask has been cleaned with PBW or the like then refilled with wort I reckon 15-20 mins would be more then adequate. But longer wouldn't hurt I spose. Are you sterilising fresh wort or just the flask itself? If just the flask make sure you have some water in it as well as around it.

Slow post: as above!
I gave it a boiling water + perc go first, rinsed it, 1/4 full of water and in the Pressure cooker for 20 mins or so..

it'll also get the wort boiled in it... and will get on the stir tmoz, at the end of the day it's an experimental spin and I dont really intend on using the yeast.. but best practice is best practice and if it fires,.. well I may split it and freeze some more :)
I reckon if anything can survive that Yob, you may have doomed mankind!
If you leave the pressure cooker cool off naturally then it will be at over 100degc for at least another 30 minutes after your 20. I normal sterilise flasks and Schott bottles for 10 minutes at pressure in the cooker and then turn off the gas and let it off over 8 hours or so. Does the trick.
everything was grand till I smashed the flask getting it out... <_<

thats why I always buy 2 of each size I guess...

<_< <_< :rolleyes:
Yeah, anything above 100C makes starsan look like nurtient solution. Get it there for a bit and let it cool and consider it nuked. How you manage the transfers with home equipment would be a far bigger concern.
They are cheap at Keg King. The 500ml Schott bottles are much stronger. I use these to store yeast slurry ready for next brew.
My KK schott bottle dropped its bottom out the first time I pressure cooked it!

I love my electric PC. Only 6L so won't fit anything higher than a standard pasta sauce jar but I can set it for 15 mins cooking time and walk away. An hour or two later it's on a warming setting and still holding some pressure but cooled enough to remove jars (with gloves) and seal the lids, then cool at ambient. I'm easily distracted and have flooded bathrooms and emptied 20,000l water tanks through my lack of attention. I've come to rely on failsafes.
Camo6 said:
My KK schott bottle dropped its bottom out the first time I pressure cooked it!

I love my electric PC. Only 6L so won't fit anything higher than a standard pasta sauce jar but I can set it for 15 mins cooking time and walk away. An hour or two later it's on a warming setting and still holding some pressure but cooled enough to remove jars (with gloves) and seal the lids, then cool at ambient. I'm easily distracted and have flooded bathrooms and emptied 20,000l water tanks through my lack of attention. I've come to rely on failsafes.
Which one have you got Camo6?
It's an Aldi jobbie if I recall correctly. They have them from time to time. If you're prepared to pay more than $50 then look for a bigger one that can handle small erlenmeyers. Electric is the way to go as it'll shut itself down incase you forget it's on.
Sort of still on topic, if I don't have a pressure cooker and want to sterilise a flask which has been in contact with infected wort, am I best soaking in PBW (already done) then boiling it half full of water for 20minutes for three days in a row, or is the PBW soak, one boil and then starsan enough protection to use it for building a starter again?
I think you could safely put it in the oven on 150*c for an hour or two. After a good pbw'ing of course. I reckon you'd be safe with just a good clean and boil though.

Beaten by Yob!
Hmm, oven seems slightly risky, time consuming and expensive (I got electric oven), although 'spose I could just put it in after we cook one night and it's dropped down to 150C... I'm guessing that would need to be done dry?

In the interests of not over complicating things, might try another PBW soak and a bottle brush scrub, then a good 30 min boil. Then the next day I'll make the starter and boil the wort so that gives it two boils on consecutive days.

Thanks for the advice guys :)

Will report back in the infection thread no doubt if it doesn't work :ph34r: