Here's my budget kettle stand and windshield set up - I couldn't find a better fit if i'd had them custom made - and both courtesy of the local hard garbage 'neighbourhood exchange program'
Jyo ... That is tops ... BTW ... I have leaves on my plants now .. (hops that is !!!)
Coming along nicely ..
and the EKG ale ... nice !!!
my driptray is a chux superwipe
Hmm, might have to go all high tech like and whack some staples in there too.
Actually Wolfy, it was some great looking hoppers very much like your own that inspired me, but buggered if I can find anywhere selling those big water bottles around here.
Chickenfeed had some cheapie stools for $7-8. The two piece ones that join in the middle. I reckon I could use one of them, except I think the plastic is too brittle to cut easily.
Wellington Springs out in moonah sometimes have old ones they dont want. Give em a bell.
I use one as a ghetto fermenter.
Early ghetto stuff here: (scroll down to burner and chiller)
Recycled like a bribie cheesecake.
Early ghetto stuff here: (scroll down to burner and chiller)
Recycled like a bribie cheesecake.
Never did get around to watching A Clockwork Orange thoughI remember the post with that burner, that was one of the posts that got me off kits and into AG. That bush mechanic style is gold.