Possible contamination

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I brewed an IPA 3 weeks back and I had racked to secondary 10 days ago. I noticed that during primary there was fermentation activity after 7 days which is unusual for me with IPAs

I always make a starter, measure gravity of the starter wort and I have O2 tank so I can aerate it and I ensure optimal pitch temp so usually my yeast gets to work quickly and is done in about 4 days.

When I racked to secondary I noticed little white globules rising up almost like yeast in small droplets. I dry hopped and was ready to prime and bottle tonight when I noticed still the same activity and also there was a yeast cake on the bottom which again is unusual for me in secondary.

I racked the secondary into clean fermentor trying for bottling to try to not bring any of this into the bottling fermentor but I am not sure whether this is sign of contamination. I am getting no off smells and colour looks perfect. I tasted a drop and didnt taste anything off about it but for me its unusual.

It was California ale yeast which I have used before but I didnt experience this. I am also obsessive about sanitisation and will usually go through a small 300ml bottle for brew and another for bottling but you never know.

opinions welcome
Yob said:
CO2 dragging yeast bubbles up?
dont know, I would think after that length of time that there shouldnt be much residual CO2, my beers typically go mental for 4-5 days then they are pretty much done. I havent seen this before and I have brewed 20 batches now. Just worried that I have 19L of beer that will end up down the sink!!!
Yob said:
didnt take any sorry.. was too occupied trying to figure out what was going on plus last minute sanitising of another fermentor and all the other bits and pieces.

its in bottles now so in about 2-3 weeks I guess all will be revealed
Am I right in assuming that you didn't tap off, even 50 ml, for a taste?

Learn to rely on your nose and tongue to judge your beer's cleanliness.
They are tools that will serve you for life, so become familiar.
Les the Weizguy said:
Am I right in assuming that you didn't tap off, even 50 ml, for a taste?

Learn to rely on your nose and tongue to judge your beer's cleanliness.
They are tools that will serve you for life, so become familiar.
I did taste a sample and I couldnt detect any off flavours, but I am one of those people who cant really taste subtle flavours. Its in bottles now so I guess in about 3 weeks I will find out one way or another.
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