Danscraftbeer said:
Its an art. Brewing to your own preference. A much bigger stress brewing for popularity I wouldn't want to consider.
In the past I take notes of the actual outcome. According to your own preferences. That is home brew.
Have to agree with this, some of my "accidents" have been awesome beers that I purposely rebrew .True to style - nope
My Sparky mate always suggest I put the beer he's drinking into a competition " 'cause it's great!"
I make a fairly weak pale ale for him and a few other megaswill drinking mates - I don't drink it, so comp winner - no chance.
Brew something you like, and tweak it till you like it more. If others don't like it - they can bring their own,
or you could make something safe and bland for them to drink instead.
Follow your own path but make sure to keep an eye on what others are doing.
I keep the kegs full with ESB which I grew up with and APA but try as many styles as I can over time as you never know,
if that Chilli chocolate porter experiment that everyone hates might just be your all time favorite.