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Beer Soaked Philosopher
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It's late and I'm drunk.

Yesterday (or was it the day before) started a normal working day, I was trying to clear things before Xmas.

My wife took (one of) my daughter to the dentist as she was worried about her teeth.

Two hours later, I'm told my offspring needs braces on her teeth. We need a $1,000 deposit. Now. Where's the money .. in my "special account" - scrimp, save, stay at home .. this was to buy keg gear, upgrade to AG .. my special stash. Work hard, enjoy rewards. Now, no questions asked, money will be better spent on daughter, but somethings I think .. shit .. life isn't fair.

Feeling sorry for myself (yes I'm a heel, sometimes)

Phone call. 5.00pm (yesterday) Mr Fatgodzilla ......Art Union # 147 ....... you have won a Peugot 407 sedan, value $62,000. What the ...........

confirmation calls ... yes that's me ....................

That's why I'm drunk .......................................................... :lol: :lol: :lol:

For the record, would love to keep the car. But will sell back to dealer. Probably clear $40,000. Will pay off my Mastercard, her Visacard, Her car loan, my TAX Bill. balance will put, in this order, seals on the beer fridge and kitchen fridge, insulation in house, woodheater in loungeroom, new washing machine, a cheap ute of some kind .. and probably not much else.

Emotional rollercoaster, but aint life like that. I can't complain now can I - merry Xmas and while I can't share this money - I can share the joy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good one Ian.
Hope you account for the braces and kegs in that $40k?
Mixed blessings for sure, Fatgodzilla...

Congratulations on your good fortune. That is, having a family to share it with.

On the other hand, money invested in your brewery is money well spent... :p

love a story with a happy ending :)
thanks for sharing that one.
Life's like that mate - and it probably only happened because you did the right thing and let the hard saved money go without a fight. Karma's good like that. Life has just stood up and told you that you are living it right . Good onya. :D
Great news FG, just ensure that as much as there will be the tendency to spend it all on useful things, keep a little aside for lifes pleasures!

I will say however that Karma has a funny way of showing itself...
My two year old recently decided to 'help' get a shopping trolley as soon as she got out of the car, didn't quite get there and rolled it down the hilly carpark into someones new Commodore...
Now the carpark is big and my wife could have made a swift exit easily but we left a note, after a moments deliberation, knowing that we would want it if it happened to us... and it is going to set us back a little, not as much as first feared...
A week later, someone leaves a nice big ding in our rear while the car is parked.

No note...

Edit: Just remembered another related storey. My Dad's car got nastily rear ended in a carpark, he was all set to have to have a fair bit done to it and it is an old car. Later that day he receives a call from the regional fire service saying he has won a car in their art union...Not quite a peugot but enough that the work on the old car became unnecessary....
So, what goes around and all that...
Damn dentist bills.

So are you gonna take the car for a spin at least once?
Ian - I read the first part and related - we had our HW cylinder blow up last week to the tune of $2,500 - after a five figure bill month last month, it kind of put a damper on xmas. Thinking Some things you can't control - and then....

Bang! A new Peaugot! Awaysome, I love Karma - well done!

Cheers - Mike
And if you're feeling bad about selling the 407 don't.
We had a 306 I loathed because it constantly needed repairs and the smallest problem cost a *fortune*. It was like having a whole family of kids
with braces.
As soon as we sold it we started saving money because we instantly got a refund from the insurance company on the difference between
the 306 and our new car.
wow, thats awesome. Karma for you!
what was the comp u entered?

Thanks for the lovely thoughts, guys. Re reading my initial thread - boy I was pissed last night. Boy I'm sick now - Tooheys Old and Bundaburg rum will do that to you !

For the record, it is a mob called Access Industries which helps disabled people. I've a few mates in wheelchairs from bike and surfing accidents, so buy tickets in all their art unions.

Being an art union, not a lottery, I can't get a cash equivilant, so I must sell the car. The dealer will buy it back but then its a "second hand" car so they get a new car for a second hand price. Doesn't matter ! I'll be debt free (except for the house mortgage). The money is just about all spent now and I don't get it until after Xmas .. that's good.

Now, where's that kegging info I got off Ross earlier this week ....................
I've just booked my son into the dentist and he only has 6 teeth, hope he needs braces. :p

Thats fantastic news Fats, about time someone had a lucky break besides the rich and famous.

Thanks for the lovely thoughts, guys. Re reading my initial thread - boy I was pissed last night. Boy I'm sick now - Tooheys Old and Bundaburg rum will do that to you !

For the record, it is a mob called Access Industries which helps disabled people. I've a few mates in wheelchairs from bike and surfing accidents, so buy tickets in all their art unions.

Being an art union, not a lottery, I can't get a cash equivilant, so I must sell the car. The dealer will buy it back but then its a "second hand" car so they get a new car for a second hand price. Doesn't matter ! I'll be debt free (except for the house mortgage). The money is just about all spent now and I don't get it until after Xmas .. that's good.

Now, where's that kegging info I got off Ross earlier this week ....................

Good story :p the bit in red is <_< , But well done.
Nice one Fatgodzilla :) It's great to hear good luck stories, especially when they follow so shortly after bad...

Cheers Ross
Congrats mate! Looks like you can afford that SS bar now! ;)
Good story :p the bit in red is <_< , But well done.

Nah, the dealer will not be the benefactor in this story. They will have to pay at and sell for market value all the same. It will be the person that drives it away that got the lucky break!
That's top news FG! :super: With the effort you went to to help me in the case swap I figure you're the sort of person who deserves all the good karma life can offer.

I always wondered whether anybody actually wins those raffle things. Best I've ever won is $6 on a scratchie but life is good so I don't complain.
I won a toothbrush once... at the dentist... right after he asked me to pick a hand... I am pretty sure he had one in each hand though... ;)
Swings and Round Abouts...

You actually started the good luck for yourself by buying the ticket for what seems a good cause.

Fantastic news.

Hey maybe you would be better off selling the car yourself?

Katie :p

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